Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 812: Boxing mountains and rivers!

When Ling Xiao beheaded the Heavenly Bat Demon Venerable in the City of Demon before, when the Heavenly Bat Demon Venerable was the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm, Ling Xiao felt that the Heavenly Bat Demon Venue's combat power was a little weak, but she didn't think much about it.

Until today, when Lingzhi was seen, Ling Xiao suddenly discovered that the supreme power in the years cave was actually weaker than the supreme realm on the mainland of God of War.

Ling Xiao speculates that perhaps it is because of the law of the small world of Suiyuedong.

After all, if the laws of the small world are incomplete, it is difficult to give birth to powerful gods.

In particular, the strongest of the Ninth Supreme Realm, who wants to prove the title of the sermon and break through to the Tenth Great Consummation of the Supreme Realm, needs the recognition of the laws of heaven and earth even more.

Therefore, there should be something wrong with the time hole.


The demon holy scepter is an indispensable artifact, exuding a radiant light, and a Taoist rune is filled, which poses a great threat to Ganoderma.

The old goat even exhibited the mysterious technique of swallowing the sky, and sacrificed directly to the king of swallowing the sky. A terrifying fighting power broke out.

The power of the old goat surprised the Ganoderma lucidum a little, but she still displayed a powerful killing method, and was in a fierce battle with the old goat.

"You two, kill them all!"

Lingzhi glanced at the two white robe elders of the Lingzhi tribe, and said coldly.


The elders of the two white robees flashed with a sharp edge, and they rushed towards Ling Xiao and others.

"Cousin, we are one by one, see who will solve the opponent first!"

Long Aotian's eyes were full of eager expressions. Before Ling Xiao agreed, he rushed out first.


The natural earthquake trembles, Long Aotian blasts out, the natural earthquake trembles, two tremendous true dragons condense behind him, and rush towards the old man in a white robe.

"Little beast, you are dead!"

The old man in white robe looked cold, but he didn't expect an 8- or 9-year-old baby to dare to shoot him, but his heart was very shocked. This little boy's power was too strong, just like a **** beast cub. The terrifying qi and blood power made his heart shake a little.

The old man in white robe did not dare to neglect, punched out with a punch, the supreme supernatural power broke out!


It was like a mountain coming out of the sky, exuding a magnificent momentum, wanting to suppress those two immense dragons.


Long Yin shook the sky, the earthquake shook, two vast real dragons flashed in the sky, golden lightning flashed in the sky, thick and thick like a mountain, and instantly smashed the mountain to the old man in white robe.

Long Aotian bullied himself straight up, and the speed was so fast that he punched out with no punches, and immediately reached the old man in the white robe, exerting his powerful physical strength and killing the old man in the white robe.

Although Long Aotian was arrogant and arrogant, he was very eccentric. He knew that he was not the opponent of the old white robe at all.

But Long Aotian's flesh is very powerful, and there is the power of the dragon's bloodline in his body. As long as he attacks meleely, even this old man in white robe is not his opponent.

The old man in white robe really carelessly, did not take Long Aotian in his eyes, and as a result, Long Aotian punched, and he quickly took a shot to resist.


After the shock in the void, the old man in white robe changed his face and contacted Long Aotian's fist seal before he felt the horror of Long Aotian's body.

The power contained in that fist seal is almost endless like a sea wave. His palm burst in an instant and his blood flew across.

The old man in the white robe secretly did not do well, and quickly stepped back, wanting to distance himself from Long Aotian.

But after Long Aotian succeeded, how could he miss this opportunity?


Long Aotian's body jumped like a monkey, turned into a golden light, and quickly approached the old man in white robe. With a punch, Wanlong Tu magic exploded.


Long Yinxiao moved the heavenly dome, two dragons in the sky, broke the void, and instantly wrapped the old man in white robe.

Long Aotian's fist is unmatched, and he falls down on the head of the old man in white robe.

"Old miscellaneous hair, look at the young master I will break your head!"

Long Aotian shouted very arrogantly.

And the lungs of the old man in white robe are about to explode. This little doll is too treacherous. Who can think of his terrible physical strength?

As a result, the old man in the white robe suddenly suffered a big loss and fell into a disadvantage.

"Little beast, you are dead!"

Another old man in white robe saw the battle between them, and he immediately became furious and wanted to lay siege to Long Aotian.


Ling Xiao's figure flickered in front of the old man in white robe.

"Your opponent is me!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a sharp edge in his eyes.

"Boy, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

The old man in the white robe glanced at him, and he saw that Ling Xiao was only a half-step supreme who had survived the three elephants. He dared to stop him, and suddenly pointed out, blazing like lightning, and came towards Ling Xiao's eyebrows. .


Ling Xiao's eyes were dazzlingly bright, and a palm knife fell across the sky, reaching the extreme, containing a power to destroy all.


I saw a flash of blood, Ling Xiao's palm knife, even directly cut the fingers of the old man in white robe.

" could you..."

The old man in the white robe was shocked, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, but Ling Xiao killed him again before he finished his sentence.


The four-elephant striking the sky exploded, and the four-elephant gods rose into the sky, turning into a terrifying fist print. The golden light was shining and gorgeous to the extreme. They came to suppress the old white robe.

The old man in the white robe looked cold, and it was also a punch. The power of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm broke out completely. His fist print seemed to turn into a blazing divine light, and he wanted to crush Ling Xiao's punch.


The two fists collided, the chaos was old man in the white robe suddenly numb, and the whole flew upside down, and an unparalleled divine power was introduced into his body, so that all his internal organs began Rolled up.


Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with murderous opportunities, and there were five elements of God's light rising up into the sky, turning into a vast enchantment, sealing the Quartet void, and punching out at the same time, six reincarnations rose to the world.

The seven great magical powers that devour the heavens and the earth are tricky and dangerous, and all are extreme killings. As Ling Xiao's cultivation becomes stronger and stronger, the terror power of this magical power also begins to explode.

As soon as the five elements were sealed, the power of the Quartet’s laws was sealed, and the energy of the sky was evacuated by Ling Xiao.

The six-channel samsara contains the power to crush everything, directly blasting the arms of the old man in white robe, and fell on his chest fiercely.


The old man in the white robe suddenly sagged in the chest, and he suddenly ejected a **** forehead in his mouth, his eyes full of unbelievable expression.

(End of this chapter)

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