Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 813: Slash 2 Great Supreme!

"How is it possible... this is impossible! Boy, I'm going to kill you!"

The old man in the white robe was going crazy. His super-strong seven-layer superpower, who was so powerful, was so injured by Ling Xiao.


An ancient silver war rifle appeared in the hands of the old man in white robe, just like a dragon out of the sea, spurting towards Ling Xiao instantly.

This is a powerful supreme device, and under the urging of the old man in white robe, it is almost indestructible.


Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, but a palm knife fell, chopped on the silver war gun, and a bright light erupted. The unmatched force shocked the arm of the old man in white robe.


In Ling Xiao's whole body, bright rays of light rose up from the sky, as if seven bright stars appeared on the sky, falling down towards the old man in white robe.

"Break me!"

The old man in white robe shouted, his eyes full of anger, and the silver war gun instantly penetrated a star.

But the second star also fell, with double the power of terror.


The old man in white robe came out from the sky again. Although he broke the second star, his arm was numb as well.

In this way, the stars fell from the nine days, as if the ancient gods were suppressing towards the old man in white robe. They did not give him any breathing opportunities, and contained seven unparalleled divine powers.

The old man in white robe erupted with terrifying power, and was holding a gun across the sky, breaking three stars.

But when the sixth star hit, it contained six times the magic power, directly hit the silver war gun in the hands of the old man in white robe.

The old man in white robe spurted a sip of blood and his arms were shaking.

The seventh star fell!

This time, the old man in white robe had no resistance at all, and was instantly hit by the seventh star on his body.


His body exploded directly.

Flesh flew across, a drop of supreme blood fell, the earth was penetrated, the power of the law of terror seemed to destroy everything, and the valley below began to tremble.


In the void, a terrifying law of heaven and earth came, and the majestic energy gathered, as if to condense a new body.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, a terrifying fist seal came through the sky quickly, southeast and northwest, the world was infinite, and there were eight blazing divine lights condensing on this fist seal, instantly bringing the void into the sky The force of that rule bombed.

This is a return to the ruins of the Eight Wildernesses, breaking everything and destroying everything!

All the flesh and the law were broken, only the primordial spirit of the old white robe left, screamed, full of terrified look, trying to escape, but was swallowed by the king of the heavens, and suppressed. Got up.


In the distance, another old man in white robe fighting with Long Aotian, after seeing this scene, his eyes were filled with terrified look.

Ling Xiao turned out to be so fast that he solved a powerful person with seven heavy layers of supreme realm. This terrifying combat power is simply evil against the sky!

"That's a powerhouse with seven tiers of Supreme Realm, just died like this?"

Long Zhantian's eyes were full of incredible looks, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

After entering the Suiyue Cave, he and Ling Xiao separated, and he never thought that Ling Xiao's strength had grown to such a level in such a short period of time.

"It took such a short period of time to kill a strong seven-level supreme realm, I am afraid he has at least eight-level power of the supreme realm? He is the half-step supreme of the three elephants. Is there a Jiu Jue genius?"

Li Jingming sighed softly, and looked at Lin Hui with a wry smile.

The eyes of Luna and Fengnv are different, although they are also amazed by Ling Xiao's current combat power, but they have long believed Ling Xiao blindly for no reason.

Not to mention that Ling Xiao beheaded a seven-level powerhouse in Supreme Realm. I am afraid that even if Ling Xiao betrayed a title of Supreme, they would not be too surprised.


Ling Xiao's eyes fell on another old man in white robe, and suddenly came to the sky, exuding a murderous intention.

"Cousin, you are stealing my thunder again!" Long Aotian was crying, but he also knew that with his current combat power, he was not an opponent of the old man in white robe. Yourself.

"Don't talk so much nonsense!"

Ling Xiao glared at Long Aotian, and immediately shot off with impunity.


The fist print is terrifying, the light of the magnificent is unmatched, Ling Xiao exerts the magic technique of Wanlong Tu, and forty-nine real dragons come out from the sky, exuding the power of violent violentness.

The old man in the white robe was scared by Ling Xiao, and there was no intention to fight. Where is Ling Xiao's opponent at this moment?

Wanlong Tu Shenshu, the thunder strike of forty-nine real dragons, instantly smashed the supreme body of the old man in white robe.


Swallowing the heavenly king Ding flashed, and suppressed the primordial spirit of the old white robe.


The battle between Ganoderma lucidum and the old goat is extremely fierce.

The emptiness of the Quartet is broken, the sky dome oscillates, and the thick and thick clouds are like the lightning of the mountains, as if to turn everything into nothingness.

The old goat was bloody, and there was a terrifying wave of horror all over his body. The demon holy scepter seemed to be completely activated by the old goat, and he was killed towards the Ganoderma lucidum.


Ganoderma lucidum was shot with a palm, and the Taoist Supreme Divine Prestige permeated, directly photographed on the Demon Saint Scepter. Suddenly, the Demon Saint Scepter tremored violently, and a rune exploded.


Lingzhi also discovered that the two elders of the seven-level white robe in the Supreme Realm all died in Ling Xiao's hands, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

How long did it take for the two elders of the Supreme Realm to die?

How could these outsiders have such a terrifying talent?

Both the First Son and Nantianfang were frightened.

They used to clamor for revenge on Ling Xiao, but now they regret to die, looking for revenge on Ling Xiao? That is just to death!

The half-step supremacy of the three elephants' robbers successively slashed two powerful players in the seven extremes. This kind of combat power is terrifying to the extreme.

"Fuck you all!"

Ganoderma lucidum's eyes are full of monstrous killings, a terrifying supreme supernatural power erupts, the sky trembles, and the void is broken. This field seems to be filled with a terrifying murderous intention.


Behind Ganoderma lucidum, it seemed as if a peerless goddess came across the sky, and the light palm fell down, and the world was suddenly turned upside down, and the world and the earth fell into permanent darkness!

"Old woman, when the Emperor is afraid you will not succeed?"

The old goat sneered, his body suddenly shuddered, and there was an ancient and mysterious roar in his mouth.


The sky shook and the light was dazzling, and the black light around the old goat was filled, and it turned into a horrible ancient beast!

(End of this chapter)

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