Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 828: Jump into the Law Lake!

According to the previous general election conference, the half-step supreme wants to catch the fish of the law of perfection within twelve hours. The Yuanshen radiation must reach more than 1,000 feet.

Yuanshen radiates a great deal, so that in just twelve hours, he can learn enough power of the law to catch the fish of the perfect law.

In other words, among these thousands of people, perhaps nine of Chengdu will be eliminated.

The Lake of Laws of the second hurdle indeed looks difficult.

A lot of people feel a sense of frustration. This is the second hurdle. You have to know that there are nine hurdles in the general election. The second hurdle is so difficult. Who can come to the end?

Ling Xiao's eyes were slightly closed, sitting next to the Lake of Laws, and the faint golden awns filled the whole body. The ground behind him was all golden vortex.

The vision on Ling Xiao is naturally incomparable with the successors of the Temple of War, the Buddha Kaye, the Qing Emperor, Zhao Ritian and others, but Ling Xiao did not care about other people at all, but fell deeply into a kind of enlightenment In the environment.

What everyone didn't realize was that Wu Zi Tian Shu exuded a mysterious wave, which allowed Ling Xiao's Yuanshen to be completely circulated and enveloped the entire Lake of Law.

In Ling Xiao's eyes, the Law Lake became clearer and clearer.

The power of the mysterious laws, like the lines of the laws, intertwined densely, began to slowly integrate into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

Wu Zi Tian Shu seems to have no attributes. Regardless of the attributes in the Lake of Laws, all the laws of the Wu Zi Tian Shu are under the traction of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

"This Law Lake may be regarded as a small sea of ​​origin!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, that day he saw the sea of ​​origin of the God of War continent in the Burial Cave, and the power of the vast and mysterious law of heaven and earth was much larger than this lake of law.

"If you want to enter the sea of ​​origin to find Jinse, this Law Lake is a good opportunity, it seems that I need to give it a try!"

Ling Xiao thought to himself, before Long Aotian said that jumping into the Lake of Law was stopped by Ling Xiao, but now Ling Xiao has to make such a crazy decision.

Ling Xiao can feel that although the Lake of Laws is very dangerous, he has no words in his hand, and he can swallow the power of endless laws, and should be able to give it a go.

If he didn't dare to go down even the law, how could he enter the sea of ​​origin?

Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of fine color.

"Wu Liang, Aotian, I'm going to take a look at the Lake of Law, you don't have to worry!" After Ling Xiao finished speaking, it instantly turned into a streamer and invested in the Lake of Law.

"Entering the Lake of Laws, you..."

The Wuliang Taoist was also taken aback by Ling Xiao's decision, but he hadn't had time to stop it. Ling Xiao had jumped in, and there was no breath in an instant.

"Cousin didn't let me enter the Lake of Laws, how did he jump in? Could he really want to jump into the Lake of Laws to catch fish?" Long Aotian was also dumbfounded, his face full of incredible looks.

"Don't worry, since he dares to go on, it will be fine!" Wuliang Daoist smiled bitterly and quickly comforted Longao Tiandao.

Ling Xiao jumped into the Lake of Laws, making many people stunned.

"Jump into the Lake of this Ling Xiao looking for death? It is said that the Supreme Powers dare not enter the Lake of Laws, Ling Xiao doesn't have to do this if he wants to die?"

"Is it because he was hit? Yuanshen radiates a lot, such potential and qualifications are simply waste, wouldn't it be that he couldn't kill himself in the lake?"

"Finished, Ling Xiao must be dead now, and there is no dead body!"

Everyone had different looks, and whispered, and some even showed the look of gloating.

"Jump into the Lake of Laws? This guy...really looking for death?"

Duan Wuji and Murong Xuantian were also shocked, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

"I think this kid shouldn't be so stupid? Could it be that there is a secret in the Lake of Laws? Or what can Ling Xiao rely on to save his life in the Lake of Laws?"

Murong Xuantian's eyes showed a suspicious look.

"I want to save my life in the Lake of Laws, unless Ling Xiao has a flawless artifact! But even if he has a flawless artifact, what use is it to enter the Lake of Laws? I think this kid knows that he is a waste, he can’t open the lake Self-death!"

Duan Wuji sneered, his eyes full of misfortune.

"No matter what, if he doesn't come out, I'm afraid he must be eliminated! It won't be necessary for us to shoot, you won this game!" Murong Xuantian sighed softly.

No matter what everyone thinks, Ling Xiao has now entered the Lake of Law.

Without entering the Tianshen Stone, without urging the Wordless Heavenly Book, Ling Xiao is relying on his own power to resist the power of the chaotic law in the Lake of Law.


The powers of vast laws surging towards the sky, containing the power of chaos, as if to turn everything into nothingness.

The power of chaotic laws, even the true supreme, is unavoidable. After all, the supreme strongman is only proficient in the laws of a certain system, and cannot enlighten all the laws of heaven and earth.

Ling Xiao at the moment is like Ling Chi, who is accepting thousands of swords. Although his true dragon is powerful and unmatched, a flesh of flesh is peeled off by the lines of law, and it instantly becomes nothing.

"Swallow mystery, swallow me!"

The kind of extreme pain spread, but Ling Xiao didn't frown, but instead directly swallowed the mystery of the sky, and began to swallow the power of the chaotic laws around him.

At the moment, Ling Xiao looked extremely terrible. His whole flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only a golden skeleton. UU reading and a heart with a colorful light were slowly beating.

Every time the heart beats, there will be a magnificent vitality spread to swim towards Ling Xiao.

The golden light of his bones is like a golden crystal, with the power of mysterious runes imprinted on it, protecting his bones from the erosion and damage of the power of law.


The power of the law of horror and chaos was swallowed by Ling Xiao, which turned into a majestic vitality, which allowed the **** flesh to quickly grow on Ling Xiao's bones, but in the blink of an eye, it was destroyed by the power of the law of chaos.

In this way, in the constant rebirth, then destruction, and repeatedly, Ling Xiao's flesh and blood became stronger and stronger. Every time the flesh and blood derived was like glass crystal, and even powerful laws and lines were imprinted on it. On the top, let Ling Xiao's flesh almost turn into a complete body of law.

And Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, under the protection of Tian Tian Wang Ding, was also swallowing the power of the chaotic laws around him, so that his understanding of the laws of heaven and earth began to advance rapidly!

(End of this chapter)

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