Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 829: The body of the law!

As the so-called break and stand, Ling Xiao's blood and flesh are constantly destroyed by the power of the law, but at the same time he can swallow the power of the law of chaos through the mystery of the sky, and transform it into a majestic essence of life, and regenerate a new body.

The devastating King Ding was brilliant and surrounded by the gleaming Jinxia, ​​which turned into a majestic engulfing vortex, engulfing the power of the majestic chaotic law in the Lake of Law.


A fish engulfed in flames looked very smart, and it was as long as a foot. It turned out to be a fish with a perfect rule. It was directly swallowed by the king of heaven and then refined.

Ling Xiao instantly felt that the blazing, burning, life and destruction power of the flame made his understanding of the law of flame more and more complete.

A few fishes radiating a bright thunder were struggling to escape, and they were instantly absorbed by the swallowing King Dinghua.

Ling Xiao released the shackles of Wu Zi Tian Shu and Tian Tian Wang Ding, and suddenly the entire Law Lake suffered.


The originally calm Lake of Law even started to tremble violently, and waves of waves swept away, making the Lake of Law, which had been extremely chaotic, become more and more chaotic.

Ling Xiao sits at the bottom of the Lake of Laws, regardless of anything, just the power of the laws that devour and refine the chaos.

"what happened?!"

Outside the Lake of Laws, everyone was alarmed, all with incredible looks in their eyes.

The originally calm Lake of Laws seemed like a runaway at the moment. Many people have sensed the fluctuations of the Law Fish. They were originally trying to pull the Law Fish out, but this can be considered a disaster.

The rules of the fish, whether it is small, large or perfect, are all scattered and fleeing, as if they were frightened.

"Don't the turbulence of the Law Lake come from Ling Xiao's kid?" Duan Wuji's eyes revealed a shocked look.

"It should be impossible! The Lake of Laws is very terrifying. When the Supreme Powerful enters, the flesh will be assimilated into nothingness. Even if Ling Xiao is not dead, I am probably hiding in the treasure space. There is no ability to cause such great fluctuations!" Murong Xuan Tian's eyes flashed, and said slowly.

"Then what's going on with this Law Lake? I feel that even if it wasn't caused by Ling Xiao, it certainly has something to do with him!" Duan Wou-ki said a little bit depressed.

"Don't worry about it so much, the twelve hours are coming, and the law of traction is the most important thing, otherwise we may be eliminated!"

Murong Xuantian said quickly, trying his best to calm himself down, and began to use the power of Yuanshen to sense the rules of the lake.


The successor of the Temple of War also opened his eyes with some doubt, and there was a sharp color in his eyes, as if he could penetrate the entire Law Lake.

However, in the depths of the Lake of Law, there was a chaotic glow of light, as if wrapped in a figure, which made him unable to see clearly.

"Ling Xiao could be safe in the Lake of Laws?"

There was a trace of astonishment in the eyes of the descendants of the Temple of War. After all, only Ling Xiao jumped into the Lake of Law, and that silhouette could only be Ling Xiao.

"I want to see, what the **** do you want to do!"

The successor of the Temple of War sneered, and the whole body exuded a vast and majestic momentum.


The earthquake shook, and behind the successor of the Temple of War, the chaotic world of three thousand began to tremble, and a plume of chaos filled the chaos, and instantly approached the Lake of Law, and began to madly plunder the power of the law of chaos in the Lake of Law.

"Huh? Since you don't care about the rules, then you have to rely on your means!"

The Qing Emperor glanced at the successor of the Temple of War. His eyes also showed a sharp edge. The thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus behind him found a ray of blue light beam, which was also the power of the law in the lake of predatory law.

Buddha Ziye, Zhao Ritian, Zhu Biao, Qingyun, Wuliang Taoist, Long Aotian... Many geniuses and strong men did not care about everything and began to **** the power in the Lake of Law.

They all know that the power of the law in the Lake of Law is a great opportunity, but Ling Xiao did not know what method was used, and jumped directly into the Lake of Law, and caused such a big movement that they could not care about it. It began to devour the power of the law with the primal spirit.

"Want to grab with me? Hey, then see who is better!"

At the bottom of the Lake of Laws, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a tinge of coldness. He could feel that the descendants of the Temple of War were the most powerful. Three thousand chaotic worlds exploded, plus that the descendants of the Temple of War possessed the Chaos Eucharist. Started towards the entire Law Lake.

Ling Xiao immediately urged Wu Zi Tian Shu and Tian Tian Wang Ding.

The two great treasures floated above Ling Xiao's head, exuding an extremely bright light, just like two extremely terrifying devouring vortices, and began to grab the power of the law from the hands of the temple of war.

The entire Law Lake became more and more violent, just like the sea that encountered the storm. The waves were raging, and the endless power of the law swept the sky, showing various mysterious visions.

There are flames burning the sky dome, chaotic thunder breaking the endless starry sky, blue sea and blue sky rising a chaotic green lotus, and the sun in the endless darkness illuminating the three thousand worlds...

Everyone began to use different methods and began to **** the power of the law.

At this moment, in the Temple of Time, the God of Time sitting in the Palace of the Second Heaven will slowly open his eyes and reveal a bright light in his eyes.

"The wordless book, it really is the wordless book. It seems that I did not misread it! But this burden is too heavy, I am afraid you can't bear it..."

Years God will sigh softly, a faint voice echoed throughout the palace.

"In this case, let me help you!"

Years of God will say to himself, I saw a flash of glory in his eyes, and his hands were sealed, and there was a mysterious light around the void, and he was heading towards the Lake of Law.


The Lake of Law seems to Endless chaos of haze rises, the power of the extremely violent law comes to Lingxiao.

Under the tempering of the power of the law, countless mysterious lines were imprinted on Ling Xiao's flesh and blood. After fusing a large amount of life essence, it instantly condensed into a brand new body.

Ling Xiaotong's body is crystal-clear, and his body is bloody, but it is also filled with a layer of chaotic light. It seems that countless laws of heaven and earth are interwoven on his body, making him more mysterious and unpredictable.


A glimmer of glance in Ling Xiao's eyes, he could feel, just had an external force to help him, and suddenly swallowed and refined a large amount of power of the law.

Otherwise, with the power of Ling Xiao, within twelve hours, it is absolutely impossible for the flesh to have such a powerful transformation.

Ling Xiao at this moment can already be called the body of the law, but in his blood vein, there is a vast real dragon blood vein, condensing the body of the real dragon, the two are perfectly combined, as if there is a kind of New power began to be born on Ling Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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