Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 934: Fortune Landlord!

"Little prince, this kid's name is Ling Xiao, is your aunt Chu Qianqian's noble guest, but relying on Chu Qianqian, acting too arrogant!"

Zhou Zheng glanced at Chu Yuan and smiled slightly.

"My aunt's distinguished guest?! Hahaha... kid, even my aunt dare not say so to me, what are you? If I kill you, my aunt will not say half a word! Very good, I Remember you!"

Chu Yuan smiled angrily, glancing at Ling Xiao gloomyly, but did not choose to attack immediately, but sat down directly.

Obviously, the background of the building and chemical building is very deep, and even Chu Yuan dared not fight at the auction and could only bear this breath temporarily.

However, Chu Yuan did not continue to choose the bid. Anyway, in his view, Ling Xiao was already a dead man. When the time came, he slaughtered Ling Xiao and took away Panguyang and Ghost King Grass.

In the end, Ghost King Grass fell into Ling Xiao's hands at the price of 20 million Life and Death Pill.

Su Wan is also somewhat helpless. This ghost king grass can be auctioned to at least 30 million life and death pill, but because Chu Yuan and Ling Xiao are so mixed, no one dares to bid.

"Boy, I'll give the building floor, but I want to see if you can go out alive!"

Chu Yuan glanced at Ling Xiao with cold eyes, and turned away with a few guards.

Zhou Zheng's eyes were full of gloating, and he followed Chu Yuan with a folding fan.

Everyone looked at Ling Xiao with some sympathy. This kid dared to offend Chu Yuan with Chu Qianqian, but how could Chu Qianqian compare with Chu Jian and General Tian Gong? Ling Xiao must be dead.

"What to do, what to do...Mr. Ling, this is miserable. Chu Yuan must be waiting for us outside the building!"

Xiaoyue was extremely anxious.

"What are you afraid of? They can't beat me again! Let's go, let's hand over the treasure first!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly, not paying attention to it at all.

Came to the background of the auction house, Ling Xiao paid the corresponding life and death pill, and got the ghost king grass and Pan Guyang from Su Wan.


Pan Guyang grinned at Ling Xiao's teeth, his eyes full of fierce glare.

But he had a huge chain on his body, and his strength was sealed up, and he couldn't escape the cage.

"Mr. Ling, Pan Guyang has a strong prohibition. This is the jade symbol that controls the prohibition. You still have to be careful." Su Wan reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me. I want to ask, did Panguyang catch you back from the building?" Ling Xiao asked lightly, with a hint of fineness in his eyes.

"No! Panguyang is hosted here by a VIP guest, but I can't provide you with the information of that VIP guest!" Su Wan shook her head and smiled apologetically.

He thought that Ling Xiao was interested in slaves of the Pangu family and wanted to get more Pangu slaves, but he didn't even know that Ling Xiao was interested in the guy who caught Pan Guyang.


Ling Xiao said lightly that he directly put Pan Guyang and the prison cage into the Changsheng Ring.

"Ling Gongzi, the other elixir you need is here, you tap it!" Tong Yuan also came in, handed Ling Xiao a storage ring, and said with a smile.

"Meet Master Tong!"

As soon as Su Wan saw Tong Yuan, he suddenly showed a respectful look on his face. At the same time, he was also a little curious. Tong Yuan's identity is very high. Why should he be so polite to Ling Xiao?

"Yes! There are working children who are old, how many life-and-death are these?"

Ling Xiao took a closer look at the elixir in the storage ring, and nodded in satisfaction. The medicinal properties of these elixir were well preserved, which can be said to be the best. It can be seen that Tong Yuan was indeed in love.

"Let's not talk about this for a moment, Master Ling, our landlord wants to see the son, and hopes the son will answer!" Tong Yuan smiled slightly, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"The landlord? Do you know your landlord? Why did he want to see me?" Ling Xiao was also puzzled.

"Mr. Ling, our landlord has something to ask for, and you will know when you see it!" Tong Yuan said.


Ling Xiao thought a little, and he agreed. He also wanted to take a look at who was behind the building, which made Chu Yuan so dreaded.

Ling Xiao let Xiaoyue wait below and came to the ninth floor with Tong Yuan.

"The landlord wants to see him? How is this possible?"

Su Wan shuddered, a look of trembling in his eyes.

She also knows a little about the identity of the mysterious landlord, and the entire Chujiang King City is qualified to meet her, and there are only a handful of them.

Who is Ling Xiao? Even let the landlord deign to see?

Su Wan's heart was full of doubts and confusion.

On the ninth floor of the building, Ling Xiao saw the girl in white in the antique room.

The white girl in front of her, although she looks pale and haggard, but has a beautiful face and a tall figure, especially the ethereal temperament, with a certain grace and luxury, even more than Chu Qianqian's temperament. Win the game.

Somehow, when she saw the white girl in front of her, Ling Xiao suddenly thought of Xue Wei.

I don't know what happened to the girl.

Ling Xiao sighed softly and pressed down her mind.

"Son Ling, please sit down!"

The white girl said lightly, her voice very clear and beautiful.

While Ling Xiao was watching her, she was also watching Ling Xiao.

She can see Ling Xiao's extraordinary, especially Ling Xiao's full white hair, a little more sense of vicissitudes and elegant, so that she can see at a glance, this is a phenomenon that is only excessive consumption of life's origin.

However, Ling Xiao did not seem to have any cultivation practices, and surprised the girl in white.

Ling Xiao was generously seated in front of the girl in white, with a strange color in her eyes: "I think the landlord's Yuanshen seems to have suffered an irreversible injury. If it is not treated in time, I am afraid there will be In two or three years!"

Ling Xiao did not cover up, but said directly.

He had already guessed the purpose of the white girl looking for him. I am afraid that Tong Yuan recognized wanted to use Jiuhuanhuandan to cure the white girl.

But it is a pity that if Ling Xiao guesses well, Jiuhuan Huandan will not be able to save the wounded girl in white.

"Ling Gongzi can actually see the injury on my Yuanshen? Really extraordinary! Don't know that Ling Gongzi thinks that my injury is still saved?"

The girl in white smiled faintly, as if she hadn't taken Ling Xiao's words to heart.

Tong Yuan aside, there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao could see the injury in the white girl's Yuanshen at one glance, and he could accurately tell the remaining time. Sure enough, it was extremely extraordinary. Excited.

"Yuanshen is easy to cure, Dao injuries are hard to get rid of!"

Ling Xiao looked at the girl in white deeply and spit out eight words in her mouth. Her eyes were extremely deep, as if she could see through the girl in white to see the sea god.

But when these eight words came out, even if the mood of the girl in white and Tong Yuan was calm, her face could not help but change.

(End of this chapter)

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