Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 935: The Yuanshen is easy to cure, the road injury is difficult to remove!

"How did you see it?"

The white girl's eyes were cold, and she stared at Ling Xiao. There was a strange light flashing in her eyes.

Many Dan Dao Supremes can see that the white girl's Yuanshen is injured, but it can be seen that there are very few Dao wounds. She didn't expect Ling Xiao to break the road in a single bite.

"You have the body of Taiyin, Yuanshen is also Taiyin Yuanshen, but the energy of Yuanshen is losing every moment, and Yuanshen is injured by the avenue, it will almost become an irreversible trend! If I am not wrong You should have left the Dao wound when you went to the Supreme Tribulation?" Ling Xiao said lightly.

Ling Xiao can see that the girl in white had already preached the Supreme, condensing the Supreme Yuanshen, but because of the injury of the Dao, the cultivation practice has declined to the realm of the emperor, and it continues to decline.

According to Ling Xiao's judgment, it should be the girl in white who was traveling in the Supreme Tribulation and did not know what the reason was.

"Mr. Ling is really good eyesight!"

The girl in white sighed softly and said slowly: "Three years ago, when I was in the Supreme Tribulation, I tried to melt the essence of the sun with the appearance of the Taiyin Yuan, and reached the realm of water and milk, and the common of yin and yang, but it was a pity. Intolerance, being injured by the avenue, the energy of Yuanshen continues to be lost, and despite taking all kinds of precious treasures, there is no way to make up!"

"Is Taiyin Yuanshen smelting the spirit of the sun? You are really bold!"

Ling Xiao could not help blinking his eyes, and slowly said: "Taiyin Yuanshen generally only absorbs the solar energy with Taiyin Yuanshen after proving the Supreme Supreme, and finally the Yin and Yang are blended together. Ten Great Consummation of Supreme Realm! If you want to go to the sky in one step, it will naturally provoke the attack of the power of the law of heaven and earth, which is simply going against the sky!"

Although Ling Xiao felt that the girl in white was very brave, she admired her very much. She used Taiyin Yuanshen to smelt the spirit of the sun. If Yuanshen was strong enough and accumulated enough, she might really be able to reach the sky in one step, but that chance is too Small.

After preaching the Supreme Supreme, it is almost impossible to directly push the cultivation base to the Supreme Realization of the Supreme Realm.

"Ling Gongzi is right! Tong Lao is Dan Dao Supreme. He sees that Ling Lingzi wants to refine the spirit pill. It is very likely that the legendary Jiu Zhuan is the soul pill, so I want to see the son!"

The girl in white didn't hide her purpose and said slowly.

She said that while watching Ling Xiao's reaction, she discovered that when Ling Xiao heard that Tong Yuan was the Dan Dao Supreme, there was still no response. Her expression was calm, and she could not help but appraise Ling Xiao a little higher.

"Does the landlord want to use the nine-turn rejuvenation pill to heal? But it is a pity that if the landlord is just an ordinary Yuanshen's wound, the nine-turn rejuvenation pill can indeed be cured, but the landlord's primordial deity is a road wound, and the nine-turn rejuvenation pill At most it is to maintain it, but it cannot be cured at all!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"Is there no way to cure Jiuhuan Huandan? Lingzi, dare to ask if you can cure my landlord? As long as you can cure the landlord's Yuanshen Dao wound, we can promise you no matter what the request!"

Tong Yuan said seriously.

Jiuhuan Huanhun Dannai is an ancient antidote, and Tong Yuan has never seen it, nor does he know much about its medicinal properties, so he heard Ling Xiao saying that Jiuhuan Huanhun Dan can’t cure the white girl’s trauma. Disappointed.

"There is indeed a way!"

Ling Xiao groaned a little, and said slowly.


There was a hint of surprise in Tong Yuan's eyes, and even the white girl's eyes became brighter.

"Yes! The reason why Yuanshen Dao's wounds can't be healed is because the law of the Dao goes deep into the Yuanshen and is entangled with the Yuanshen. We weaken the Yuanshen's power all the time. The law, supplemented by the nine-turn rejuvenation pill, will naturally be cured!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

Hearing Ling Xiao's approach, Tong Yuan suddenly showed a trace of disappointment, and smiled bitterly: "Ling Gongzi, you have also thought of the way you said, but if you want to get rid of the law of the Dao among Yuanshen, even Even half-step gods can't do it. I'm afraid this method is useless!"

Ling Xiao said lightly: "Other people can't, but it doesn't mean I can't!"


Tong Yuan was shocked, a look of surprise and unbelievable expression appeared in his eyes.

"I can get rid of the law of Dao among the landlord Yuanshen!" Ling Xiao said slowly.

"I don't know what conditions Lingzi has?"

The girl in white also took a deep breath, a look of anticipation in her eyes.

Somehow, she suddenly believed Ling Xiao.

She didn't know where this belief came from, even a half-step **** could not do, but Ling Xiao said he could do it.

If you are an ordinary person, you must think Ling Xiao is crazy.

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

He has speculated about the identity of the white girl in front of him.

The Zaohua Building is said to have opened all the giant cities of the entire reincarnation of the world, just like the treasure pavilion of the world of warlords, containing extremely huge resources.

However, none of the ten kings of the palace actually made a chemical building, and Chu Yuan was so arrogant and arrogant that he was very afraid of making a chemical building.

Ling Xiao has already guessed that the master behind the building is probably the Nine Serene Empire!

And the girl in white in front of her, with a kind of graceful and magnificent, extraordinary temperament, should be the royal person of the Nine Nine Empires.

"I only have two conditions! First, I hope to get a chance to enter the main vein of Huangquan Holy River to practice!"

Ling Xiao looked at the girl in white and said calmly.

"Do you enter the main vein of Huangquan Shenghe? Okay, I can promise you this! But the main vein of Huangquan Shenghe will be opened after more than two years. Then I can find a way to give you a place! The second condition? ?"

The girl in white gave Ling Xiao a deep look. She felt that Ling Xiao might have guessed her But her identity is not a secret, and Ling Xiao could guess her without doubt.

"The second condition, help me find someone's whereabouts!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, and then the light flashed in his hand, and a piece of white jade appeared, Ling Xiao Ling painting, elegant and chic, a girl in white, looking bright and beautiful, beautiful, and exuding The weak temperament makes it hard to forget at a glance.

"Her name is Xue Wei, and I am a very important person. I hope the landlord can help me find her whereabouts!" Ling Xiao said seriously.

"Xue Wei? It really looks like a well-behaved girl! Well, this condition is not a problem!" The girl in white smiled faintly.

With the power of the Nine Nine Empires, trying to find someone in the entire world of reincarnation is a bit troublesome, but it is not impossible.

PS: First, there are four more changes in the rain is writing, strive to finish before eleven, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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