Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1151: Destroy Kendo!


The demon king of Bozen devil's body was rising in spirit, a vast majesty shrouded between the heavens and the earth, he fell towards the solitary and seeking defeat, and the violent tremors of the four sides of the void seemed to be under the palm of the endless world. Collapsed.

"Miscellaneous Heavenly Demon Gong, Heavenly Demon Extinguished the World!"

The demon king of Bochun looked calm, and the ancient well was not waved. It seemed that there was a ray of earth-shattering light flashing in his eyes. The huge imprint of the palm came out in the air, just like a vast continent, and everything should be turned into powder.

"Hahaha... The mixed-world demon skill, this is the supreme master that Master Demon passed on to the father-king. It contains three great tricks. At that time, the red dragon **** of war was seriously injured by the father-in-law with the mixed-world demon skill. Certainly die!"

Xia Shao laughed loudly, his eyes full of extremely gloomy expression.

However, there was still some shock in his heart. The mixed-world magic power can be said to be one of the most powerful magic powers of the Demon King of Poseidon. He didn't expect that a single solitary loneliness seeks defeat, and can even force out the mixed-world power of the red dragon.

The power of this palm is so terrifying that it is not much worse than the five types of Heaven and Earth, and there is even an immeasurable immortality of the magic road.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a cold edge.

And Solitude stands alone in the mountains of the sky dome, looking very calm, and his eyes are as deep as the sea, as if it contains a vast world.


In his palm, the ancient sword quivered slightly, and the wisps of black sword gas diffused.

Jianguang looked very gorgeous, spurting towards Palmer Demon King with a light stab, but exuding a heart-ruffled breath.

The black sword spirit seems to contain endless power of destruction, giving this sword a certain immortal meaning.


The earth-shattering momentum exploded, the endless divine light blew, the vastness was unmatched!

But everyone can see that in that vast and endless magic light, a dazzling sword awn cuts through everything, and stabs fiercely towards the King of Devil.

"This is... Destruction of Kendo?! Every human race in the realm can realize such a supreme Kendo? How is this possible?"

For the first time, the eyes of the Demon King of Bozen were shocked, and his voice was a little shaken.


A piece of black blood flashed, and this sword of solitary defeat directly penetrated the palm of the Devil God of Bozen and chopped off one of his arms!


The demon king of Bozen suddenly flew back, his eyes showing a very dignified look.

Even if he had just fought against Ling Xiao, he was very casual, as if everything was under his control, but now facing the solitary and seeking defeat, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

And Dugu seeks defeat in a black robe, standing in the void, the whole body of the sword rises, although his face is slightly pale, but a pair of eyes even become brighter and brighter.

"Destroy Sword Dao? Every divine spirit realm has already realized the foundation of the Holy Dao. This person is really a genius!"

Pig Gang Lie also shook his body, his eyes full of incredible look.

"Destroy Kendo? Is there anything terrible?" Long Aotian came up and asked with some curiosity.

"You don't understand! Divine Realm understands the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and constantly improves the small world in the body, but after all, it is still the application of the laws of heaven and earth! When you have realized the ultimate of a certain law, touched the Tao, and understood the source, then Can walk out of his own way of holy way! Destruction of sword way, this is the foundation of holy way, as long as this person enters Divine Realm, I am sure that within a hundred years, he will be able to prove the way to sanctification!"

Pig Gang shook his head and shook his head, his eyes showing a very shocking look.

Such a character, even in God Realm, is a martial arts genius who has never been seen in the world for a million years. He never thought that there would be such a character in this world.

Although Dugu's seeking defeat is just the introduction to the destruction of Kendo, which can only be regarded as an entry, but that kind of power has surpassed the ordinary gods, so it is easy to defeat the Boshen Demon King's mixed world demon power!

"Duo Gu's defeat is so powerful? Doesn't it mean that the King of Poseidon is dead?"

Long Aotian's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprises.

"Not so easy! In this mortal world, there is simply no way to support the power of the Holy Word. Like the sword just now, I am afraid that the solitary quest for defeat will not be able to cast a few swords. If he can’t kill the King of Devil, then the dead It must be him!"

The pig shook his head vigorously.

Although Dugu seeks defeat, although he looks very chic and elegant, but his face is very pale, just that sword has consumed a lot of Yuanshen essence and blood in his body, even Shouyuan.

After all, although he learned the destruction of Kendo, Xiu Wei was still too weak.

"Very good! Divine Realm is able to enlighten the destruction of sword swordsmanship. Your talent is something I have seen in my life! Solitude alone, you deserve this name! But like the swordsmanship just now, how many swords can you use? "

The demon king of Bochun smiled coldly, but his eyes were full of monstrous murderous intent.

Such a character must not be left. I am afraid that in time, it will be another Red Dragon God of War, even surpassing the Red Dragon God of War!

After all, the Red Dragon God of War can only understand the foundation of the holy way and understand his own way in the realm of God King, how can he compare with the loneliness in front of him and seek defeat?

If you grow up alone and seek defeat, it is definitely the enemy of the devil. Such a character, even if it proves to be an emperor in the future, is not impossible!

When he thought of the power of the great emperor who suppressed the heavens and swept the invincible, even the demon king of Bozen could not help shaking.

"You are right! I only have three swords. If the three swords can't kill you, then I'm defeated!"

Dugu asked for a faint smile, very calm.

Ling Xiao's eyes are also full of shock. The sword that has just failed vaguely made him seem to see the figure of the sword emperor in the **** robbery, destroying everything, The vastness is unmatched, like the power of the earth.

In Ling Xiao's view, the strength of Du Gu's seeking defeat is better than him, but the realm of Du Gu's seeking defeat is much stronger than him.

Is this the power of the first person in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago?

It was horrible!

"Three swords? Sure enough, it's arrogant enough! Then you take me another trick to join the world's demon skills, the world's demon!"

The demon king of Bozen sneered, and a cold killing intention appeared in his eyes.

Although the loneliness in front of him is not as good as him, but the sword has just won his respect, and he also has his own arrogance. It is so simple that the devil's skill in the world is passed on by the deity.


The demon king of Bochum punched at Dugu for defeat!

(End of this chapter)

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