Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1170: True God!


Ling Xiao slammed suddenly, the murderous fierce in his eyes, a vast and mysterious bloodline around him began to burn.

That was the power of the Dragon Bloodline. With the burning of the Dragon Bloodline, Ling Xiao's breath started to skyrocket wildly.

This is the power of Dragonstorm Supernatural Power. In the past, Ling Xiao's bloodline was too weak to support Dragonstorm Supernatural Power, so he rarely showed it. Now the Dragon Dragon Body can already support Dragonstorm Superpower.

The current limit of Dragon Storm Supernatural Power is that it can explode 64 times as much power, but it can explode 64 times as much power. I'm afraid Ling Xiao hasn't had time to kill the enemy before he is exploded.

Therefore, he exerted ten times the power with Dragon Storm Supernatural Power, which made his flesh become extremely scary!


Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, and the void shattered in an instant. This punch came towards Chikong Jue, so that Chi Kongjue's eyes all showed a terrified look.


But Chi Kong Jue seemed to be inspired by Ling Xiao's ferocity in his heart. The Wu clan was originally a race that placed great emphasis on physical refinement. The physical flesh is not weaker than the demon clan and the demon clan, so he also urged the blood of the whole body. Power, the whole person seems to have swelled, punching towards Xiao Xiao with a punch!

"Not good! Chi empty, fast retreat!"

Bai Wuliang's face changed drastically, and he shouted anxiously toward Chikong.

Ling Xiao's punch was too terrifying, and he felt a deadly threat. Chi Kong Jue's stunned young man rushed up. This is simply death!


But his words are still too late!

I saw that Ling Xiao's punch came out, and Chi Kongjue's punch was like paper, and it broke in an instant.

And starting with Chi Kong's fist as a starting point, he seemed to be crushed by some kind of terrifying force, and instantly exploded into a blood mist in the void.

Before dying, Chi Kongjue's eyes were still unbelievable and unwilling!


Ling Xiao swallowed the gods and the sea behind him, and instantly swallowed the **** essence and Yuanshen of Chichi, and in the real **** realm, a body of flesh and blood can be said to be a magical medicine for living dead human bones and bones. For Ling Xiao at this moment It is the big patch.

What's more, Ling Xiao has refined the original demon bone, and urgently needs a large amount of flesh and blood to condense the avatar of the original devil bone.

So, poor Chi Kongjue was just killed by Ling Xiao with a punch!

"Hahaha...good job!"

"Master is mighty!"

The old goat and pig ganglie were all very pleasantly surprised and laughed.

Ling Xiao's strength is terrible, and the nine true gods are so vulnerable in front of Ling Xiao!

"Damn! If it weren't for the suppression of the law of this world, Ling Xiao would surely die!"

Hong Tianzhao shouted, his eyes full of unwillingness and shock.

Their six real gods were sent down by the supernatural existence of the **** realm, and their own strength is also extremely strong. Almost all of them are strong players in the real **** realm, but under the suppression of the rules of the war **** realm, there is only left. The strength in the early and middle stages of True God Realm.

Ling Xiao's strength is too strong, so that they all gave birth to retreat!


In Ling Xiao's eyes, a murderous flash flew towards Bai Wuliang and Buxu, and a fiery sword awn was shot from Ling Xiao's fingertips, containing invincible power and unmatched edge.

Both Bai Wuliang and Fuxu changed their complexions, and their hearts were full of fear for Ling Xiao, and they stepped back.

But that swordmang was too fierce and indestructible, and even contained a mysterious sense of morality, so that the distance and the loneliness were a little surprised.

This sword actually has a rudiment of holy path.

Because, this is the terrorist attack that Ling Xiao fused with the sword intent of the great emperor in the Divine Tribulation. Bai Wuliang and Buxu found that there was no way to hide.


A flash of blood flashed, Bai Wuliang's eyebrows were directly penetrated, and the horrible sword gas directly destroyed his Yuanshen!

The king of the generation of the daggers of the heavenly family died in the hands of Ling Xiao!

Burying the soul of the dead, dare to continue to stay here, thinking about tearing the void and escaping without thinking!


But Ling Xiao just blasted out with a simple punch. The terrifying fist prints enveloped the four sides. Despite the burial of virtual roars, he was finally bombed by Ling Xiao with a punch and exploded into a blood mist!

Bai Wuliang and the burial of the flesh and soul are also swallowed by Ling Xiao's devouring the sea of ​​gods.

In Ling Xiao's eyebrows, the original demon bone has become exactly the same as Ling Xiao. With the influx of endless flesh and blood, the dark Ling Xiao's breath is also more powerful, and the whole body's magic energy rises, just like A supreme true demon, exudes the breath of the original Dao.

The faces of the six great gods such as Hong Tianzhao became extremely ugly, and there was even a trace of uncontrollable panic.

The three true gods, Bai Wuliang, Buxu and Chi Kongju, died in Ling Xiao's hands. It can be said that they have no resistance at all.

Ling Xiao's physical power is terrifying!

The flesh becomes a god, plus the ten times the fighting power erupted by the Dragon Storm Supernatural Power, Ling Xiao has the power to slaughter the true god!

"Ling Xiao, you..."

Hong Tianzhao's eyes were gloomy, and he opened his mouth to say something, but what made him angry was that Ling Xiao didn't take care of him at all, and went straight to the six real gods.


Ling Xiao's body was filled with divine light, and Jin Xia was extremely fierce. The golden blood formed a dragon shape around him, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble violently.

His white clothes win the snow, his black hair is flying, and his eyes are full of fierce murderous intent.

Since the Six True Gods came from the coveted Godless Book, they are already dead enemies in his mind, not to mention that Jinse is still dying because of their severe injuries, and even Ling Xiao's murderous intentions are boiling.

In this world, only Jin Se’s safety can make Ling Xiao so irrational, and want to kill everyone in desperation!


The power of God of War surging around Ling A fist blasted out, the arm of the young man of the Golden Tribe burst into blood mist instantly, and the golden armor of his body was also trembling violently, and was instantly Ling Xiao flew out.

The demon clan who swallowed Tianjiao took Ling Xiao's blow with a scalp, and a big hole was blown directly by Ling Xiao above his chest, and he was immediately hit hard!


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with murder, and he felt an extremely obscure killing intent, and there was a shadow in the void, as if it could be integrated into the void, Ling Xiao suddenly felt that it was The true **** of the heavenly ghost family.


Ling Xiao directly grabbed his hands from the void, and broke through the void. The strong man of the Heavenly Ghost Clan was directly caught from the void by Ling Xiao, and then his hands suddenly pulled!

The endless blood diffused, illuminating the fearful eyes of the real **** of the Tiangui Clan. With a scream, it stopped abruptly. He was torn into two halves by Ling Xiao, even the Yuanshen was Ling Xiao It broke in the palm!

PS: Four shifts are over, brothers take a break early, see you tomorrow!

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