Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1171: Invincible!

"You actually killed the ghost sinker of the Heavenly Ghost Race?! The Heavenly Ghost Race will not let you go!"

Hong Tianzhao's eyes showed a shocking look, pointing at Ling Xiao with some anxiety.

Ling Xiao's strength is too terrifying. The true **** of the Heavenly Ghost Race has no resistance at all in Ling Xiao's hands, and is directly torn into pieces by Ling Xiao.

Although he is stronger than Gui Shen, he is also limited. It can be said that if Ling Xiao is against him, he will definitely die.

The original nine great gods were torn apart by Ling Xiaosheng's four great gods: Bai Wuliang, burial of emptiness, Chi Kong Jue and Gui Shen, leaving only five people.

"What about the Heavenly Ghost Race? What about the Temple of War? Those who block my way will all die!"

In Ling Xiao's eyes, the killer was striking. Among the six true gods, he hated Hong Tianzhao the most. If it weren’t for Hong Tianzhao, Jinse would not be forced to shoot. Hong Tianzhao followed quickly!


Ling Xiao's whole body was dazzling with radiance, and Jinxia's wisps traversed the void like a chain of order gods, and he punched out, unmatched.

In addition, the flowers of the three avenues above Ling Xiao's head contain immense power, so that Ling Xiao's body is filled with an immortal meaning, and the law cannot be violated.

After becoming the Realm of the Three Gods, Ling Xiao felt that the power within him was endless, endless, and almost integrated with the origin of heaven and earth, so that his flesh could explode even more terrifying power!


Hong Tianzhao's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of anxious and corrupted expressions. The Fang Tian painting halberd in his hands was cold and cold, and contained a vast amount of evil spirits, just like a black Tianhe, and suddenly fell towards Lingxiao.

At the same time, his body moved extremely towards the rear, trying to distance himself from Ling Xiao.

At this moment, Ling Xiao is invincible, and even the strong power of the Golden Clan and the Devourer of Heaven have been defeated in Ling Xiao's hands. The ghost Shen of the Tiangui Clan has been torn by Ling Xiaosheng, and he dare not be close to Ling Xiao naturally Fight alone.


Ling Xiao punched in Fang Tian's painted halberd, and suddenly broke the sky of the halberd, the endless divine light rose, and Fang Tian's halberd violently trembled, and was suddenly slammed down by Ling Xiao. Cut Hong Tianzhao's head!

Hong Tianzhao's face changed greatly, but Fang Tianhua halberd rebounded too fast, he could not dodge at all, he could only launch with both palms, infused with endless divine power, and wanted to block Fang Tianhua halberd.


Hong Tianzhao's arms were instantly shattered by Fang Tianhua's halberd, and the blood mist was flying. Finally, Fang Tianhua's halberd suddenly snapped on the body armor on him, making him tremendously, coughing up blood, staggering Retreat!


Ling Xiao stepped on the void like a golden lightning, his eyes were so cold, he rushed towards Hong Tianzhao and wanted to kill him completely.

"Well, no!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, and he felt a sense of crisis coming.

The void distortion in front of me turned out to be a few mysterious spar twinkles, which contained extremely violent power, and there were terrifying divine laws flowing.

Ling Xiao recognized that the few crystals were probably high-level **** stones, extremely precious, but did not expect them to be arranged to kill the array, and wanted to deal with Ling Xiao.


A horrible divine light erupted, the entire sky was blurred, the void turbulent, and Ling Xiao was wiped out in an instant!

"Even if he doesn't die, he should have been hit hard?"

The general who rode on the Decepticons flashed his gaze, and said slowly.

Those high-level **** stones were extremely precious, and they were infused with the power of powerful laws. At this moment, they detonated, just like a one-time attack on the treasure, powerful and unmatched, even the true **** can be killed.

But Ling Xiao's strength is too strong, he feels that he may not be able to kill Ling Xiao, but it is also good if he can seriously hurt Ling Xiao.


But at this moment, a bright golden light rushed out of the divine light storm and rushed towards the general in the domineering kingdom!

It was a dazzling fist print, unparalleled in length and breadth, encircling the mighty dragon, which made the general of the Overlord Divine Realm change his face.

He didn't think about it, a huge long knife appeared in his hand, and fell down towards Ling Xiao!

At the same time, the sound of a tiger roaring from heaven and earth was emitted from the mouth of his mount Ba Tian Hu, and the powerful sound wave suddenly seemed to be a transparent group of vitality, coming towards Lingxiao!


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, his fist prints were immense, and he shattered that energetic light mass directly, and then collided with that huge knife!

The general of the Overlord Divine Kingdom changed greatly, he felt an unmatched force struck, a clear voice rang out, and the long sword in his hand was suddenly broken by Ling Xiao.

The artifact long knife shattered into countless pieces, like a storm, and instantly shot at the general's body, shooting him into a hedgehog.

Ling Xiao's terrifying fist print also fell down, as if to kill him completely!


At this moment, the deceptive Tianhu roared loudly, rushing towards Ling Xiao frantically, and his whole body of blood seemed to be burning up, directly blocking the general.


Although the Eight Decepticons were extremely strong, they couldn't even take Ling Xiao's punch, and they were directly blown into a blood mist.


The general of the Overlord Divine Kingdom roared, and his eyes instantly turned extremely red.

Huwei followed him for countless years, but he was his most loyal friend and mount, and he experienced countless fights with him. He did not expect to die in the end to save him!

"What a faithful mount! But it's a pity that you offended me, or you must die!"

Ling Xiao was a little surprised, but he glanced at the despotic general, and his eyes were still full of cold killing intent!

The eyes of the five great gods are full of anger and fright, and their faces are very for the old lady of the Taishang Dao Palace, the other four great gods were all hit by Ling Xiao!

Before they came to the God of War Realm, they never thought that the ants of this world could threaten their existence, and Ling Xiao made them completely awake!

"Ling Xiao, you stop! Could you care about Jinse's life and death? If you dare to shoot again, I will kill Jinse!"

The sharp eyes flashed in the eyes of the old lady of Taishang Road Palace, and said indifferently.

The most important task of her trip is to get the Wordless Book. Although Jinse’s talent is excellent, it is the most suitable for practicing the martial arts of the Taishang Dao Palace. It's nothing.

What's more, she would die in Ling Xiao's hands again.

"Dare you threaten me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a murderous glance. The old lady of Taishang Daogong gave Jinse too much love for love. Although he was in a complicated mood, he still had a trace of gratitude in it, but now she even took Jinse's Life threatened Ling Xiao, suddenly Ling Xiao could not stand it.

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