Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1172: Threats and exchanges!

"Yes! It's just threatening you, Ling Xiao, now hand over the wordless book, otherwise you will never want to see your little lover again!"

Hong Tianzhao sneered, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

He is one of the most hated Ling Xiao, and the one who wants to get the inheritance of Wushu Tianshu and Chilong God of War.

Among the God of War temples in God Realm, there are nine main hall masters, which are the nine giants of the War Hall of Gods, and Chilong God of War is one of the nine main hall masters, so Hong Tianzhao wants to inherit the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War, so that he can become a nine in one fell swoop. One of the main hall lords, relying on the resources of the Temple of War at that time, is not impossible even if it is justifying the sanctification.

Ling Xiao snatched the inheritance of his wordless book and Red Dragon God of War, so Ling Xiao must die!

"Ling Xiao, the old body promises that as long as you hand over the wordless book, I will not only hurt Jinse, but will also try my best to save her! You know, her poison of the seven souls and soul light is already deep into Yuanshen, except me The elders of Taishang Road Palace, no one can cure her!"

The old lady in Taishang Dao Gong didn't want to force Ling Xiao too hard, so her voice softened.

"Despicable and shameless! What kind of **** God Realm? Boshen Demon King and many demon gods wreak havoc on the world, why are you not there when slaughtering billions of souls? Just choose to pick peaches at this time!"

"Yes! The wordless book can only belong to my elder brother, my elder brother is destined to return, you scum, also with fingerless wordless book?"

"I urge you to surrender Jinse quickly, otherwise my cousin will be annoyed, what **** war temple, Taishang Dao Palace, all for you!"

The three non-disciplined guys, Lao Goat, Bailong Horse and Long Aotian, were filled with indignation and anger, pointing at Hong Tianzhao and the old lady of Taishang Dao Palace and others and jumped and scolded.

Ling Xiao clenched his fists, the killing in his eyes was like substance, but the old lady in Taishang Dao Palace threatened him with Jinse's life, but he did not dare to gamble, he did not dare to gamble with Jinse's life.

"Ling Xiao, do you pay or not? Jinse doesn't even want to kill you for your life. Is it true that there is no word in the book, is it more important than Jinse's life in your heart?

Hong Tianzhao sneered, thinking that he grabbed Ling Xiao's life door.

And Jin Se is indeed the lifeblood of Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao's nails fell into the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood overflowed. He stared at Hong Tianzhao and Taishang Daogong's old woman, almost squeezing out from the teeth: "Okay! I can't give a wordless book. You, but you must give me Jinse!"

The old lady in Taishang Dao Palace frowned slightly, and said, "Ling Xiao, the poison of the seven souls of Jinse's scattered soul light has penetrated into Yuanshen, you can't save her at all! You can rest assured, I promise that as long as you hand over no words God, I will definitely cure her!"

"Old dog, your guarantee is a fart! My patience is also limited. You listen, either exchange the wordless book to Jinse! Or, you killed Jinse, and I will kill you all!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely red, full of fierce killing, and there was a trace of madness in his voice.

The old lady of Taishang Dao Palace suddenly turned pale, and there was a hint of resentment in her eyes, but she also knew that this was already pushing Ling Xiao to the limit. If she did not agree, I am afraid Ling Xiao would really want to Runaway!

The faces of Hong Tianzhao and others were also extremely ugly, but they also saw that Ling Xiao was in a wrong state and dared not continue to speak to stimulate Ling Xiao, and chose to shut up.

"Okay! I can hand Jinse to you. You first hand over the wordless book, and then release the connection between you and the wordless book. Remember, don't play tricks!"

The old lady of Taishang Dao Palace finally could only helplessly agree.

After all, Jin Se's weight is still not as good as a wordless book.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed!


Wu Zi Tian Shu was shining brightly, and instantly flew out of Ling Xiao’s eyebrows, exuding an ancient and mysterious light, so that the Quartet's void was trembling violently. That kind of breath fluctuated, so that everyone could not help but tremble. Got up.

"It really is a wordless book!"

The eyes of the old lady and Hong Tianzhao of the Taishang Dao Palace suddenly lighted up, and the whole body shivered.

Although they haven't seen the Wordless Book, they feel the vast and mysterious atmosphere of the Wordless Book now, and they immediately know that this is the Wordless Book!

"Hurry up and untie the connection between you and Wu Zi Tian Shu!"

Hong Tianzhao shouted impatiently.

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and there was a trace of ridicule in his eyes that flashed away. He instantly grabbed the void, his imprint of the Yuanshen on the wordless book shattered, and then all the traces left by Ling Xiao were wiped went!


Wu Zi Tian Shu turned into a volume of ancient jade books, slowly falling in the palm of Ling Xiao.

"Now, hand over Jinse, the Wordless Book is yours!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a cold voice.


The old lady in Taishang Dao Palace was very helpless. Although she didn't want to hand over the jinse, but she couldn't help it at the moment.

Her sleeves waved, her light flashed suddenly, her red skirt fluttered, and Jin Se, who had fallen into a coma, floated in the void.

Ling Xiao shuddered in his heart, seeing Jin Se's pale face, and a very weak breath, his heart was painful.

"Good! We trade at the same time!"

The old lady of Taishang Road Palace nodded helplessly.

Her divine power lifted Jin Se to fly towards Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao also held up the wordless book to fly towards them.

Everyone's heart was raised, watching this transaction very nervously.

And Hong Tianzhao and other people's eyes flashed murderously, and they all wanted to take back the wordless book, UU reading www. then snatched Jinse back, but they were also afraid that they would anger Ling Xiao completely. If Ling Xiao was determined to kill them, it would also be an extremely troublesome thing.

In the end, no one acted rashly.

Jinse flew a few thousand feet away, and in front of Ling Xiao, was hugged by Ling Xiao quickly. His eyes were filled with extremely worried expressions, and he began to detect the injury inside Jinse.

And Wu Zi Tian Shu was instantly caught by the old lady in Taishang Dao Palace!

But when Ling Xiao saw the situation in Jinse's body, his eyes suddenly showed anger!

Tai Shang Wang Qing Shui did resolve most of the poison of the Seven Souls Soul Light, but it also formed a power of seal, which completely sealed the Jinshen's Yuanshen.

This is naturally the handwriting of the old woman in Taishang Dao Palace, which means that she can still control the life and death of Jinse!

"you wanna die!"

Ling Xiao was irritated in an instant, his whole body was uplifted, and his eyes were full of cold killing intent!

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