Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1178: Goodbye emperor

Ling Xiao did not take anyone, took the horses out of the Ares world.

The White Dragon Horse has a speed and can move the heavens. After leaving the God of War Realm, it took less than two days to reach the ancient ruins.

"Where did Kunwu Shenshan go?"

Entering the ancient ruins, Ling Xiao suddenly felt something was wrong, and his eyes were shocked.

Originally entrenched in the center of the ruins, the mountain of Kunwu, which is as high as a million feet, disappeared!

"Kunwu Shenshan is the home of the emperor, and it seems to be a magic weapon in the hands of the emperor. I don't know the specifics. It's just that the emperor basically doesn't take away Kunwu Shenshan every time he leaves. Why did he take Kunwu Shenshan this time, I am not sure as well!"

Bai Longma said honestly.

"Kunwu Shenshan is not here, it seems that the emperor is not here!"

Ling Xiao's face was full of disappointment.

His last hope was shattered.


But at this moment, there was a flash of light in the void, and a middle-aged man dressed in white and rich in spirit appeared to look like an earthly scholar scribe, with a clear face and a deep and gentle look, as if hiding a piece of The vast starry sky world.

"Ling Xiao, you are here!"

The calm voice sounded, this person is the emperor!

"See Emperor!"

Ling Xiao and Lao Goat were slightly stunned, and there was a trace of surprise in their eyes, and they saluted towards the emperor.

"You don't need to be too cautious! See you come here safely, and Bozen should have been removed by you? Very good!"

The emperor looked at Ling Xiao and said faintly, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

"Senior Emperor, Bo Xun is dead, but God Realm covets the wordless book, and has sent six great gods to come, but they have all been killed by me! I came here to ask my senior to help me wake up Jinse !"

Ling Xiao gave a brief account of what happened in the ancient land of Devil, and then brought Jinse out of the small world, looking at the emperor in front of her with hope.

"Seven Souls Soul Light penetrates into Yuanshen? Even taking Taishang Forgetting Love? It's really confused! Ling Xiao, if the poison of Seven Souls Soul Light penetrates into Yuanshen, it really is not a problem for me! But Now, Qi Soul's Soul Light and Tai Shang Wang Qing Shui have merged with her Yuanshen and become a part of her Yuanshen.

The emperor looked at Jinse's Yuanshen and sighed softly.

"Senior Emperor, is there really no way out?" Ling Xiao's face also paled.

"There is a way! Now Jinse just falls into a deep sleep. After her primordial spirit has completely merged the Seven Souls and the Soul of Love, she will naturally wake up! But even if she wakes up, I am afraid it will The personality has changed a lot, and you will never forget you!"

The emperor looked at Ling Xiao and said slowly.


Hearing what the emperor said, Ling Xiao couldn't help but tremble, and his heart was full of pain and regret.

If he could bring Jin Se to the emperor earlier, how could such a thing happen?

"But it's not impossible at all!"

The emperor thought for a moment, and slowly said: "Her Yuanshen was washed and merged by the Qi Soul Light and Taishang Forgetting Love Water, and has reached the legendary Taishang Forgetting Situation. If she can enter the Taishang Dao Palace, If you practice the unspoken secret of Taishang Dao, Taishang Daojing, if you can see through the sentiment, you may think of the past!"

"Is the Taishang Daojing? But the Taishang Dao is not for the purpose of forgetting the sentiments of the Taishang. Keeping the heavens, destroying the desire of the people, taking the heavenly heart to the people's hearts, and extinguishing the sentiments, can we become enlightened? Doesn't the purpose match?"

Ling Xiao asked with some doubt.

He got the experience memory of the Red Dragon God of War. Naturally, he also has a certain understanding of the Taishang Dao Palace of God Realm. The lunatics of the Taishang Dao are all aiming at the pursuit of the Taishang Daoqing, or even killing everything. Desperate.

The Taishang Road Palace is mostly dominated by women. Many disciples chased the Taishang forgetfulness in pursuit of the Taishang forgetfulness.

"Sentimental sentient beings, ruthless heaven and earth, sentiment and ruthlessness as a whole, how can you be so clear? Today's Taishang Dao Gong is in the same vein, the way is wrong! Just because Taishang is sentimental, more than Taishang ruthless It’s harder than ten times!

So I suggest that you send her to the Taishang Dao Palace. The Taishang Dao Palace naturally cares about such a born wizard. If she can pass on the Taishang Taoist scripture, she still has hope of recovery. This is also what I can Think of the only way! "

Emperor said softly.

After all, Jinse can now say that Yuanshen has undergone alienation, combining the seven souls and the soul of love, which is like experiencing samsara and rebirth. This process is almost irreversible.

"Do you practice the Taoist Taoism? Thank you emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance and took a deep breath, it seems that this is the only way.

The old lady in Taishang Dao Palace was named Liu Ruyan. Fortunately, Ling Xiao did not kill her. She could control her completely, and then find a way to let Jinse join Taishang Dao Palace.

It's just that there are many places where Ling Xiao wants to consider, and you can't act rashly.

"No thanks! At the speed of her metamorphosis, it can be awake as fast as half a year or as slow as a year or two! But when she wakes up, she will be desperate and desperate, and she will be hostile to everything. Be careful. To hurt yourself!"

Emperor reminded aloud.

"I don't know where the emperor's body went? The seniors are more helpful to the juniors, and the juniors are grateful!"

Ling Xiao said seriously.

He can see that the emperor in front of him is just a ray of I am afraid that he is here to wait for him, but the body is not here.

"Some things need me to do it! You will go to God Realm in a few days? The door of God Realm cannot be opened within a hundred years. I will use some means to make God Realm unable to send people down! But I suggest that if you enter God Realm, You can choose to join the Temple of War!"

The emperor said slowly.

"Do you want to join the Temple of War?" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed finely.

Originally, he killed Hong Tianzhao and offended the Thunder King. Even if he entered God Realm, he did not intend to join the War God Temple, but the Emperor's suggestion did make him think about it.

"Yes! Since you inherited the mantle of the Red Dragon God of War and got the Wordless Book, some missions have to be undertaken! Moreover, the War God Temple is not simple and extremely powerful. The Red Dragon God of War is also the master of the War Hall. Be considered the master of the entire Temple of War!

You should inherit the mission of the Red Dragon God of War and become the Lord of the War Hall. If you can control the War Hall in the future, it will be of great benefit to you! The most important thing is, there are Twelve Heavenly Skills in the Temple of War! "

The emperor said slowly.

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