Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1179: Ji Feixuan!

"Is war secrets?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he also knew that the so-called twelve days of merit, that is, Tiangang's first to Tiangang's twelfth mysteries, and the war-day mysteries of the war temple, ranked twelfth.

Twelve days of merit is famous in God Realm. In addition to the legendary godlessness, twelve days of merit is the most. Even the legendary godlessness is born out of twelve days of merit.

The Twelve Celestial Forces have the supreme power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, the disciples of the Temple of War are all turned into fighting lunatics. The genius disciples can even be said to be invincible with the same rank, and their strength is unmatched.

Joining the Temple of War, and even becoming the Lord of the Temple of War, is really good for Ling Xiao!

However, Ling Xiao also knows that there are many enemies of the Red Dragon God of War inside the War God Temple. At that time, the cultivation of the Red Dragon God of War King Realm was forced to have to go to the lower bound, which shows the strength of those enemies in the War God Temple.

Even if Ling Xiao joined the Temple of War, it must start with ordinary disciples. Unless there is enough power, he may not dare to expose the identity of the disciples of the Red Dragon.

"You got the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War, so you are already a disciple of the God of War Temple, and you are branded with the God of War Temple, and joining the God of War Temple is only good for you, there is no harm! When you get the Mystery of War Heaven, to Based on the Mystery of Battle Heaven, you can gradually collect the 12 days of merit!"

Emperor Jun's eyes revealed a fine awn, and said slowly.

"Okay! Thank you seniors, the juniors will consider!"

Ling Xiao nodded solemnly.

"Um! Work hard, the situation of God Realm is more complicated and the challenge is greater. If you are not sanctified in God Realm, you will end up as a ant! If you are destined, we will have another day!"

The emperor smiled slightly, and then his whole body shone and disappeared in front of Ling Xiao and Bailongma!

"Let's go!"

Ling Xiao said to the white dragon horse, a hint of fineness appeared in her eyes.

Although he was a little disappointed this time, he still saw some hope, and Taishang Daojing is the hope for Jinse to recover. If there is really only one way, Ling Xiao can only choose to let Jinse join Taishang Dao Palace. !

Ling Xiao became more and more curious about the emperor's identity.

But one thing Ling Xiao can be sure, that is, the emperor is not hostile to him.

Ling Xiao got Tiangang's second destiny secret. Although it was a bit crippled, and he only cultivated a fur, Ling Xiao was able to pass the destiny secret and felt that a person was kind or malicious to him.

This feeling from the level of fate is most true.

Since the emperor was not hostile to him, he couldn't understand the origin and purpose of the emperor any more. After all, the so-called wordless inheritors of the wordless book are not necessarily worth the emperor's doing so.

"When I have enough strength, I naturally know all this!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

It is a pity that there is no information such as the origin of the emperor in the memory and experience left by the Red Dragon God of War.

Ling Xiao and Bai Longma returned to the God of War together.

Today's God of War Realm, after the battle of Heaven and Demon Ancient Earth, especially when the gate of God Realm was opened, all the warriors were more and more excited, as if to open a frenzy and feast of cultivation.

Although this Mozu invasion was not as tragic as ten thousand years ago, several major martial holy places were still destroyed, and hundreds of millions of spirits were painted.

And Ling Xiao wiped out the Devil God King of Boxun, and his reputation in the God of War mainland reached a peak!

Changshengmen has also become the first holy place of God of War.

Countless genius strongmen launched the fanatical worship of Ling Xiao, and rushed to the Eight Wastelands, wanting to worship in the door of longevity and become a disciple of the door of longevity.

Within the Changshengmen, many disciples of the Changshengmen even worshipped Ling Xiao to the extreme, and tried hard to practice like playing chicken blood.

The cultivation environment in the longevity world is more than ten times and hundred times stronger than the outer world? In such a holy realm of cultivation, even if the disciples have very ordinary qualifications, the speed of cultivation will also increase rapidly.

Not to mention that many of the disciples in the Changsheng Temple are extremely talented. They used to be trapped in cultivation resources, but now they are flying into the sky without those constraints!

Ling Xiao had just returned to the Changsheng Gate, and there was an old friend of Ling Xiao in the Changsheng Gate.

"It turned out to be you... Ji Feixuan?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, revealing a very strange look.

The woman in white in front of her looks fluttering in white, her skin is like jade, her face is beautiful and refined, and her whole body exudes a unique and elegant temperament.

Her figure is very tall, graceful, and her appearance is no different than that of Feng Nu and Luna, especially her body has a kind of majestic emperor's spirit, which makes people even feel a sense of worship.

This woman in white is Ji Feixuan, Empress of Daxuan Ancient Kingdom, whom Ling Xiao once met!

What surprised Ling Xiao was that at the moment, Ji Feixuan, with her unparalleled strength, exudes powerful dignity, and sees that her cultivation base is actually a peerless powerhouse of the true Divine Realm!

How can this be?

Ling Xiao is unbelievable. Could it be that Ji Feixuan is also an ancient strongman?

"Why? Don't you know your old friend?"

Ji Feixuan smiled slightly towards Ling Xiao, her beauty was gorgeous and her smile was like a flower.

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for a long time! I just didn't expect that Her Majesty has such a terrifying practice, it is really unbelievable!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly, a look of amazement in her eyes.

How can he not see it at this moment? Ji Feixuan in front of him is probably the same as Bai Wuliang and the burial of those who are vain.

In other words, Ji Feixuan should be a person of God Realm!

"Ling Xiao, I also heard about the first battle of Heaven and Devil! But I also just got out of the barrier, and I realized the past, uncovered the seal, and restored the cultivation practice of the previous life! So I can't help you!"

Ji Feixuan smiled gently, but there was a trace of apology in her eyes.

"You're welcome! Anyway, the Devil King of Bochum has already laid down But you are just like the three guys of Bai Wuliang, Burial, and Chikong, do you want my wordless book?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

But a hint of vigilance and killing intentions had been born in his heart. Although Ji Feixuan was his old man, if Ji Feixuan and Bai Wuliang and others were the same, then he could not blame him for the secret killer!

"If I really wanted a wordless book? Could you really want to kill me?"

Ji Feixuan's eyes twitched and she smiled softly.

"How could it be? We are old friends too! I won't kill you, but I won't let you go from now on!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"Bash! Why do you look so nervous? I lied to you! Although Wushu Tianshu is a legendary treasure, I am not interested in it. This time it is something else to find you!"

Ji Feixuan chuckled.

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