Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1219: Hunt rune beasts! has no pop-up ads to read online novels online. Website:: Register to get free bookshelves. The place where Ling Xiao fell is a dense virgin forest.

Here, the old trees are towering, the old vines are twined, and the crown is like a dome, covering the sky and the sun, and only a faint glimmer of light makes everything around it appear dim.

"There are so many treasure medicines and holy medicines in the Taixu secret realm that has been opened once in a thousand years? Is this Taixu secret realm really a big world?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he saw the surrounding forests, growing many precious treasures and even holy medicines, and even he could smell a fascinating fragrance, containing the fluctuations of divinity, that is the breath of divine medicine .

I have to say, too virtual secret is too big.

The area isolated by the five colleges is also vast, and there are hundreds of millions of miles in it. After so many years, there is no way to fully investigate.

In this vast area, there are countless powerful rune beasts, as well as those rune tribes that haunt the gods.

In the ancient city of Taixu, Ling Xiao's perception was not very clear, but when he really came to this vast earth, Ling Xiao felt the vastness of this world.

Here, I am afraid that the Supreme Realm is also difficult to fly, and only gods can fly in the sky.

There is no solidity in the space here, and there is some mysterious power of law. Ling Xiao carefully urged the destiny of destiny. It can be seen faintly in the void, as if there is a mysterious law line intertwined, if you can master it The power of those law lines can control this world.

"Are those powers of match?"

Ling Xiao's eyes shook, and he felt that the power and the lines of Jade Fuzhi were very similar.

But for only a moment, Ling Xiao felt dry and painful eyes, and there was a feeling of tearing, which became blurred, and the rules and lines in front of him disappeared instantly.

The so-called mystery of destiny that Ling Xiao now urges, in fact, the missing part of the second fate secret of Tiangang, can give Ling Xiao a glimpse of heaven.

But if you want to get a thorough insight into the world, Ling Xiao must get a complete secret fate to do it.

At the thought of the task of collecting twelve days of merit, Ling Xiao felt that time was pressing.

Behind the twelve days of merit, represents the twelve holy places!

These twelve holy places are not necessarily the most powerful holy places in God Realm, but they are already the oldest, most mysterious and most holy places.

Like the Temple of War, many people know that the Temple of War is powerful, but there are few people who can know the true details of the Temple of War. I am afraid that the disciples of the Temple of War are hard to know.

The Battle of the Heavens is only the bottom of the Twelve days of merit.

The terror of the Twelve Holy Lands can be imagined.

Especially the secret technique of destiny, Ling Xiao guesses that the secret technique of destiny is in the temple of destiny according to the memory of the Red Dragon God of War!

The Temple of Destiny of God Realm, like the Nine Heavens Dragon, cannot see the whole picture, but it has the power to shake the whole God Realm.

There are even legends that the Temple of Destiny already existed at the beginning of the era.

Ling Xiao got the wordless book, destined to stand on the opposite side of the Twelve Holy Lands, so before his identity was revealed, he had to work hard and use the strength of the Temple of War to give himself enough strength.

Ling Xiao depressed her thoughts and began to move forward.

This time, the position of the leader of the too vain trial is still to be contested. Those ten drops of saint also have a lot of temptations for Ling Xiao.

And being the leader of the Taixu Trial is also extremely important for him to quickly gain a foothold in the Ares Academy and enter the Temple of War.


At this time, a strong beast roar came from the forest in front, ancient and powerful, shaking the forest.


The branches in front shook, the earthquake shook, and a fierce monstrous breath rushed across the face, accompanied by a different power fluctuation.

From the forest, a huge leopard with a height of 100 feet was carved, with many mysterious lines carved on it, intertwined like lines, and it continued to rise and fall as it walked slowly.

It looked vigorous and majestic, full of vitality and blood, and a pair of eyes full of **** killing intention, staring at Ling Xiao with death.

"Rune Beast?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, but he didn't expect that he was so lucky that he met a rune beast directly.

The rune beast that looks like a leopard in front of him, the breath has reached the peak level of the spirit realm, and Ling Xiao saw a humanized playfulness and cruel color from his eyes, it is clear that this rune beast has Certain wit.

Moreover, Ling Xiao finally understood why it was called Rune Beast.

Because the different lines of their bodies are like a medium for communicating the power of the world, bringing them a powerful force.


The leopard suddenly opened his blood basin with a big mouth and made a thunderous The windy wind was coming, his muscles were tight, and the powerful force fluctuated, and he put on an offensive Look.

"Let me see, what is the difference between the so-called runes!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he sneered a bit, no matter whether the leopard understood or not, he punched at the leopard.


This is the God of War king fist. The golden fist print is fierce and unmatched. Ling Xiao's body rises and falls like a dragon, and the strength of the whole body rises up, suddenly slamming towards the leopard.

Ling Xiao did not use the power of three types of Sanshou such as Lantian Hammer, he was also afraid that the leopard would be killed by a punch.

Although this so-called rune beast looks like the monster beast of God Realm is still more powerful.

The killing intention of the leopard's eyes rose as if the ants in front of him dared to anger it, so it pounced on it with impunity, and its sharp claws fell towards Lingxiao!

As soon as the leopard shot, Ling Xiao felt different.

These runes not only have their own fierce strength, the key is to be able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth. One of the claws of the leopard lights up, and the light is dazzling, guiding the power of heaven and earth to come. It seems that it is some kind of fire law, which makes the leopard instantly. The claws of his paws burned up.

This claw contains the power of pure flame, which makes Ling Xiao look quite amazing.

These runes are really extraordinary!

But this is also the case.

Their power did not exceed Ling Xiao's expectations, and it was still only the power of Divine Realm.

In the spirit realm, Ling Xiao's combat power is invincible!


The golden fist print exploded and suddenly collided with the leopard.

A muffled noise from the void came, and Ling Xiao's horrible divine power exploded, setting off a dazzling divine light storm, and even leaping the leopard with a punch!

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