Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1220: Rune and invitation! has no pop-up ads to read online novels online. Website:: Register to get free bookshelves. Click!

The flame exploded, and the leopard's body was a hundred feet tall, suddenly smashing several towering ancient trees in the distance, and under the influence of those flames, it began to burn up.

The leopard seemed to be stunned, hummed and stood up, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes with a more fierce look.


It roared again, this time the line on its head lit up, like a wave of water rippling, turned into a huge sonic power like a torrent, and enveloped towards Lingxiao.

At the same time, its huge body rose up in the sky, opened a big mouth of blood basin to bite towards Ling Xiao, actually wanted to swallow Ling Xiao directly.

"Very sonic power!"

Ling Xiao also slightly lamented that the leopard's sonic power really has some ways. If the general powerful person with a perfect spiritual realm is here, I am afraid that he will also be recruited if he is caught off guard, and then he will be swallowed by the leopard.

Knowing that these runes can mobilize the power of the mysterious laws, Ling Xiao does not think that he can still live after being swallowed by the leopard.

But unfortunately, those sonic powers have no effect on Ling Xiao.

Not only is the role of Wushu Tianshu, but more important is that Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen Wu is powerful, clear and flawless, Vajra is not bad, with an immortal meaning, ordinary Yuanshen attack means nothing to him at all effect.

"Star picker!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he probed into Fu Beast.

The second type of Sanshou, pick the stars!

Ling Xiao's star picking hand seems to have a mysterious mood. In a trance, his hand seemed to traverse hundreds of millions of miles, and became the hand of the heavenly emperor. , Even the world can pull out a hole.

The leopard opened his eyes unbelievably. It found that Ling Xiao’s star picking hands looked very slow, but it was almost to the extreme. It didn’t even respond. Ling Xiao had left a blood on his body. Hole, and suddenly extracted the bones of its heart position!

A violent pain struck, and the leopard's mouth made a miserable sound, and it almost passed out.

And the strength of his whole body seemed to be drained, and suddenly fell from the void, smashed **** the ground, and turned into a mud.

Its eyes finally showed a look of no panic!

That's its rune bones. For rune beasts, rune bones are the lifeblood of them, carrying their 90% strength, and they are also the treasure to communicate the power of rune. Without rune bones, I am afraid that its repair is Immediately it has to fall several levels, and it can never be recovered.

Like the deity of the deity, for the rune beast, the rune bones were taken away by humans, it is simply better than death.

"Is this a Rune? Very powerful, no wonder that so many people are willing to participate in the trial of the Taixu. This Rune is a natural artifact embryo. It contains the law of divinity. With a little sacrifice, it is a powerful one. Artifact!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly.

The life gates of Fushou and Furen are Fushou. After so many trials of too fictitious, many people are very clear.

But Fu Run is the life gate of Fu Run, and most people cannot find Fu Run.

Ling Xiao has also just been blessed to the soul, running the fate of Destiny, seeing where the Rune Bone is in a flash, and then grabbing the Rune Bone with a star picker.

Fu Run was taken, the leopard's life was pinched in Ling Xiao's hand.

The bones of Ling Xiao's hand look as fist-sized, crystal clear, flowing Cabernet Sauvignon, as if there is a flame in it, which contains a force of flame law without vastness, and looks exquisite.

Ling Xiao looked at the leopard full of horror, and was too lazy to play with it again, directly smashing his head with a punch.

Taixu made the light flash, the leopard's soul was directly swallowed up by Taixuling, and Ling Xiao's points also became 10 points.

"Too Xuling can devour the souls of rune beasts or runes, certainly not just for statistical points! Or, are the souls of rune beasts or runes also important things that the five colleges need to collect?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, but unfortunately the Red Dragon God of War didn't have much memory about the Taixu Secret Realm, and he didn't know what the five colleges wanted these souls to do.

"This is too fictitious not only to count points, but it must also be a monitoring thing? Can the people of the five colleges see the holder's situation!"

Ling Xiao looked at Tai Xu Ling and thought secretly.

Swish swish!

At this time, two sounds of breaking through the sky shot quickly towards here.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he saw two young men in black robes pass through the dense jungle, and instantly appeared in the void in front of Ling Xiao.

The two young men in black robe looked very proud, and Xiu Wei both reached the later stage of the **** realm, each carrying a differently shaped sword, and looked down at Ling Xiao from the top.

"Boy, he was able to kill a rune beast alone. It seems that he has a good combat power? Now I have two options for you. One is to surrender your points and let us help you to leave the virtual realm. The second is to follow us!"

A young man in black robe glanced at the leopard rune beheaded by Ling Xiao. He was surprised, but said indifferently.

Although he was able to kill a rune beast alone, in their view, Ling Xiao's cultivation behavior was only the stage of the spirit realm, and he was not strong enough.

"I naturally don't want to leave the virtual realm, but let me go with you, I want to ask where to go with you?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly and said very calmly.

Although he can slap these two guys with a but obviously the origin of these two guys is not simple, Ling Xiao also wants to know about it first.

"Where is that so much nonsense? Let you follow us and hurry up, otherwise you will be slaughtered now!" the young black robe said impatiently.

"Second brother, be more polite!"

The young man in black robe next to him reminded him, then smiled slightly at Ling Xiao: "This brother, my son found a rune tribe in front, there are about a thousand people, this is not a small point , So my host sent us to invite heroes to attack the rune tribe together!"

"Who is your son? Thousands of humanoid tribes? How many powerful people in the Divine Realm? What is the strongest?"

Ling Xiao did not directly refuse, but asked with a deep thought.

"Brother Dao rests assured that my son is Lu Yan, the flaming son of Liuyang City, cultivated as a superb, unparalleled talent! That rune tribe is just a small tribe, and there are only more than fifty strong people in the spirit realm, and the strongest one is just The cultivation of the true **** realm is all right! But the brothers are assured that the strong man of the real **** realm is given to my son to deal with, and we are only responsible for dealing with the ordinary runes of those tribes!"

The young man in black robe was not impatient, but explained to Ling Xiao with a smile.

"Okay! I'll take a look with you!"

Ling Xiao nodded and agreed.

As for the flame hero, Lu Yan, he has never heard of it, but Liuyang City is a big city that is not weaker than the dazzling gold city, but it is only in the heavy world.

Presumably, the flaming son Lu Yan, who is also the same as Tao Qing, Liu Qing, did not put Ling Xiao in his heart.

Ling Xiao also wanted to see what the so-called rune looks like.

"Brother Dao!"

The two young men in black robes looked at each other and suddenly smiled slightly.

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