Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1221: Blaze Master Lu Yan! has no pop-up ads to read online novels online. Website:: Register to get free bookshelves. The two young men in black robe are brothers, the boss is Yao Wei and the second is Yao Xing.

They took Ling Xiao to the sky and flew towards the distance.

"Brother, why are you so polite to this kid? To me, just grab it away, why do you explain so much to him?"

Yao Xing sent a message to Yao Wei, asking some puzzled questions.

"Second child, you should change your bad temper! Otherwise, I won't be able to save you if you kick the iron plate!"

Yao Wei preached, the voice had a trace of helplessness, and looked at Ling Xiao with some awe and explained: "Second, if I am not wrong, the cultivation of the Leopard Rune Beast should have reached the spiritual realm, but it was this The kid named Long Aotian was killed!"


Yao Xing's voice rose suddenly. Although it was a voice, his face was still full of horror.

Rune beasts and runes are as powerful as they are. It is difficult for the strong men in the same realm to kill rune beasts and runes. It seems that they are home to rune beasts and runes. They can mobilize powerful rune rules at will. .

If the cultivation of the leopard rune beast achieves the completeness of the spirit realm, it is not easy for the powerful person with the complete spirit realm to want to kill it. After all, the rune beast can escape.

But the leopard rune beast died in Ling Xiao's hands, showing that Ling Xiao has at least the perfect combat power of the spirit realm!

The cultivation of the spiritual realm period, but has the perfect combat strength of the spiritual realm, such a person is definitely a genius strong, hope to enter the five colleges.

If Ling Xiao had trouble just now, I am afraid their two brothers were already dead.

Thinking of this, Yao Xing couldn't help but get a cold sweat.

"Brother, since this kid has such a strong combat power, why should he go to the Furen tribe with us? He wouldn't have any conspiracy?" Yao Xing looked at Ling Xiao's back with a hint of awe in his eyes.

"Don't control him! As long as you come to the Furen tribe, there is a son sitting in the town, and the cultivation of the gods in the area can't be turned!"

Yao Wei said slowly.

"Yes! As soon as the young man entered the secret realm of Taixu, he broke through to the real **** realm, and his strength is unmatched. He even hopes to compete for the leader of this too false trial! If this kid dares to play any conspiracy, the son will definitely not let him go. !"

Yao Xing said confidently that when he talked about Young Master Flame, his eyes were full of reverence.

Although Ling Xiao didn't know what Yao Wei and Yao Xing were talking about, they could also feel the small movements behind them.

But Ling Xiao ignored it, because at this moment he was attracted by the rune.

"If I am not wrong, this jade rune is probably made of some powerful rune bones, at least the rune bones of the God King Realm Rune Beast!"

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered. When he got the rune bone, he already noticed that the material of the rune bone was very similar to the jade rune he got.

It's just that the rune of the jade rune is more mysterious and complex, and this rune bone is complicated countless times.

Ling Xiao immediately guessed the material of the jade fu.

Just using such powerful runes to cast jade runes, it can be seen that the origin of this jade rune is very unusual.

Ling Xiao and Yao Wei and Yao Xing brothers walked through this virgin forest and came to a valley.

There are already dozens of powerful gods in the valley, gathering and talking with each other. After they saw Ling Xiao, they all showed different looks, but most of them were full of sympathy and even gloating.

"Dragon Daoyou, please wait here, I will report the son!"

After the brothers Yao Wei and Yao Xing said aloud, they came to a young man in black robe and respectfully performed a salute.

The young man in black robe looks in his twenties, tall and magnificent, his black robe embroidered with several flames with gold thread, he exudes a strong fluctuation of breath.

His look looked very gentle, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, it was easy to make people feel good, and his eyes seemed to have flames flashing.

He is the son of flames, Lu Yan!

Yao Wei and Yao Xing paid a tribute, then whispered something and pointed to Ling Xiao.

Lu Yan nodded, his eyes showing a strange color, and then walked towards Ling Xiao.

"This is Brother Long Aotian Dao? In Xia Lu Yan, be polite!"

Lu Yan smiled slightly towards Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao nodded lightly.

Although Lu Yan looks very gentle and smiling, Ling Xiao can feel the arrogance and disdain hidden under that smile, very false.

"Brother Long, deep in the valley ahead, is the Furen Tribe. Those Furen are insidious and cunning, and have found our traces, but most of them have been hiding! Brother Long may wish to be a pioneer of mine and go to the Furen Tribe to investigate one. Fan?"

Lu Yan said to Ling Xiao.

And everyone's eyes also fell on Ling Xiao's body, with different looks.

Among this group of more than sixty people, is all the spiritual realm, and Lu Yanzhen's early spiritual realm is indeed the strongest person in the world.

It's just that there are only a dozen of them under Lu Yan's subordinates, and the others should be gathered in a short time.

Ling Xiao speculated that I was afraid that Lu Yan used some treasures, so he could gather everyone in such a short time.

The eyes of the dozen or so Lu Yan's men looking at Ling Xiao were full of jokes, while the others showed concern and sympathy.

Everyone knows that the Furen tribe is very dangerous. Those Furen barbarians are not afraid of death. Anyone who dares to attack their tribe is cut off by their heads and hangs on them.

This young man named Long Aotian was just a cultivation practice in the realm of the gods. He was actually sent by Lu Yan to be a vanguard. In fact, it was a cannon fodder. Could it be that he offended the son of flames?

Everyone's heart is guessing.

Ling Xiao's brows also frowned slightly, and he did not expect that when he met Lu Yan, he wanted him to go to the Furen Tribe to die. He could even feel the hostility hidden under Lu Yan's gentle appearance.

"Let me be your vanguard? Do you want me to die?"

Ling Xiao said blankly, but his voice was a bit cold.

"Brother Long is worried! I will send someone to work with you to protect your safety. If you can find out the truth and fate of the Furen tribe, Brother Long will do a great job, and I will give you more points at that time!"

Lu Yan still smiled.

"What if I don't want to?"

Ling Xiao asked with a smile.

"Everyone who disobeys the order of the son must die!" Yao Xing, as Lu Yan's most faithful dog leg, suddenly jumped out and said coldly to Ling Xiao.

"Dragon Daoyou, don't let our son be embarrassed, if you don't go, the son is difficult to convince the crowd!" Yao Wei also persuaded.

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