Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1678: Emperor Pangu Tiangang!

"Congratulations to Long Xiaoyou on becoming the master of Fantianyin!"

"Long Xiaoyou Tianzong Wizards, let me wait for admiration!"

"The Lord of Fantianyin is deserved!"

Li Chengyun, Pan Gufeng and Tomb Yuansheng are all very serious ways, and their eyes are full of extremely excited expressions.

Ling Xiao became the master of Fan Tianyin and completely controlled Fan Tianyin. Even the nine kings died in the hands of Ling Xiao. The three of Li Chengyun knew that they left Fan Tianyin world and returned to their homeland. Not far away.

"Thank you three elders! The days of Pangu, Fengshui family and tomb king city returning to God Realm are not far away! However, the enemy of the three clan in the God Realm is unfathomable. If you return to God Realm now, I am afraid the consequences will be difficult. Measurement!"

Ling Xiao looked at the three people seriously.

"Long Xiaoyou's right! We are not afraid of death, but we must find the young master, the life of our Feng Shui family, the life of the tomb king city, and even the life of the Pangu family can be sacrificed, but as long as the young master is still there, We still have hope!"

Li Chengyun said seriously, his eyes full of determination to die.

"Young Master? Who is your young Master?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

He had never heard the three talk about the so-called young master, which made Ling Xiao very curious.

After all, the Pangu family is an emperor and a descendant of the Pangu emperor, and the Fengshui family and the tomb king city are the tomb-keepers of the Pangu emperor. They must be called the young masters, and they must be extremely simple.

"The young master, in fact, is the bloodline of the Pangu emperor's blood, but the son of the Pangu emperor! It is also the young master of all of us!"

Li Chengyun said seriously.


This made Ling Xiao a little shocked.

The real son of Pangu's son-in-law, is the real emperor still alive?

"Long Xiaoyou doesn't know! My Feng Shui family and tomb king city are the tomb guards of the Pangu emperor, but the most important thing is that we are the tomb guards of the young master! In the era of the nine emperors, the human race was weak, and the pangu emperor was **** Fighting, sweeping the four sides, and finally even **** sky, won the most precious time for my people. The young master was sealed by the Pangu emperor for hundreds of millions of years, and was not born until one million years ago!

The catastrophe a million years ago, although the Chinese and the Tianzong Zong coveted the imperial warrior Pangu Axe, but in fact it was more important because the news leaked that they knew the young master was born and wanted to be before the young master grew up , Completely kill the young master! These millions of years have passed. We do not know where the young master is, but we believe that the young master must not have died, so we must find the young master! "

Li Chengyun said seriously.

"Yes! The son of Pangu Emperor is the pride of my Pangu family. The young master is also the patriarch of the Pangu family. As long as he is alive, our Pangu family has hope for revival!"

Pangu style is also a red-eyed way.

"So, please ask Long Xiaoyou to let us go, no matter what the consequences are, we will do our best and will not hurt Long Xiaoyou!"

Tomb Yuansheng made a courtesy toward Ling Xiao deeply.

"The three elders invite you, and the juniors are not ashamed to be guilty! I don't know what your young master's name is? Why don't I come and ask you a little bit? You don't always want to be the young master because of your presence. ?"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly.

His original intention was to let the three tribes hide in Fantianyin for another period of time, and wait for him to find a safe place before letting them leave. He did not expect them to be so eager to wait for the young master to stay out of life and death. .

Ling Xiao feels and admires them, and pays tribute to the Pangu Emperor who is fighting for the human race, so he is willing to do something for the Pangu family.

Li Chengyun, Pan Gufeng and Tomb Yuansheng all hesitated. Ling Xiao did indeed reach their hearts. They died without regret, but if they caused the young master to suffer, then they would have died in vain.

"Young Master's name is... Pangu Tiangang!"

Finally, the three Pan Gufeng looked at each other and slowly came up with a name

"What?! Brother Tiangang?"

This time Ling Xiao was shocked.

He did not expect that the young masters of the three populations were actually Brother Tian Gang!

No wonder he felt a vast and terrifying seal from the body of Brother Tiangang, hiding a powerful blood power. It turns out that Brother Tiangang turned out to be the son-in-law of Pangu the Great, the real blood of the Great Emperor!

"Little Dragon, do you know Young Master?!"

Li Chengyun, Pan Gufeng and Tomb Yuan Sheng were suddenly excited, and their eyes were full of expectant looks.

Ling Xiao nodded and said, "Three old husbands are right! If I guess well, the young master in your mouth is my brother, Tian Gang! He is now in the Temple of War!"

Ling Xiao learned how he met Tian Gang and how to discover the ancient blood of Tian Gang.

"It's such a pity for the Pangu family! The young master is not dead, he is not dead! He is still alive!"

Pan Gufeng's eyes were wet, an old face was filled with tears of excitement, and his whole body was trembling violently. Such an adult person instantly cried like a child.

Both Li Chengyun and Tomb Yuansheng were trembling all over, so excited that they couldn't help They were actually extremely worried, after all, they spent millions of years in this world of death. It is life or death, I hope that it is already very slim, they can only comfort themselves, the young master has not yet died.

Now hearing the news of Tian Gang from Ling Xiao's mouth, making them ecstatic, as if all these years of hard work have finally been in vain.

After waiting for the emotions of the three people to calm down a bit, Ling Xiao said slowly: "The three elders, now knowing the news of Brother Tiangang, you should be at ease? For the safety of Brother Tiangang, I suggest you still first Stay here! After I leave, I will look for opportunities to bring Brother Tiangang to see you!"

"Thank you, Long Long, thank you very much, everything is up to Long Xiaoyou!"

Li Chengyun, Pan Gufeng and Tomb Yuansheng all said seriously, and then bowed down directly towards Ling Xiao and saluted deeply.

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly and quickly stepped forward to help them, but these three old men were extremely stubborn. They had to give Ling Xiao this big gift before standing up.

"Three elders, you go back and wait for a while, I will soon bring my brother to see you!"

Ling Xiao said seriously, and once again made a commitment.

Li Chengyun, Pan Gufeng and Tomb Yuansheng all left with great excitement.

"Master, I didn't expect Tiangang to be the son of Pangu Emperor. This... is too incredible!"

King Lei Ling is also very amazed, that is the emperor, with the prestige of the human emperor nine emperors in the human race, as long as the emperor appears in the world, that prestige will definitely far exceed the ordinary saints.

"This matter must be kept secret! Wait until I see the brother first! Now, it's time for us to leave!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he said slowly.

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