Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1679: Unpredictable!

Zhanshan Mountain.

Fan Tianyin is like an ancient ancient mountain, floating in the mysterious chaotic void, thick and ancient, containing a wave of power that makes all the worlds tremble.

Above Fan Tianyin, suddenly the light flashed, and eight figures emerged out of thin air. It was the eight heirs of Zhan Tianxing, Geng Long and Geng Hu!

"Long Aotian, you take my Fantian Yin, take my chance, I don't share it with you!"

Zhan Tianxing's eyes were red, and his whole body exuded a monstrous murderous intention, and he roared, making the Quartet's sky dome tremble violently.

"What happened? Are we... failed?"

Seven people, such as Geng Long and Geng Hu, were all dazed. Looking at the huge Fan Tianyin in front of them, they could not remember what had happened.

After leaving Fan Tianyin, their memories in the world of Fan Tianyin were all erased.

However, Zhan Tianxing has the blood of the Zhan clan, so he remembers everything that happened, especially when Ling Xiao snatched the core of Fan Tianyin's formation from his hands, making him hate crazy.

"Listening to the meaning of Brother Zhan's words, Fan Tianyin fell into Long Aotian's hands? How could this be...?"

Geng Long and Geng Hu both shivered, their eyes full of incredible expressions.

They have even forgotten that in the world of death, it was the battle of the heavens that sacrificed seven of them to open the palace of destiny.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, the emptiness of the light in the distance, the people of the nine veins of the Temple of War, such as Liu Wenzheng, Lei Qianjue, Xing Jun, etc., all appeared in the belly of Zhanshan, staring at Zhantianxing and others with different looks. .

"Tianxing, did you allow Fan Tianyin to recognize the Lord?"

Lei Qianjue stared at Zhan Tianxing and couldn't wait to ask.

Zhan Tianxing was stiff, his face suddenly became very ugly, and he shook his head without saying a word.

"Is it still a failure? But it doesn't matter! No one in Fantianyin has been able to recognize the Lord for millions of years. This can't blame you, only the chance hasn't arrived yet! Where is Long Aotian? He dared to kill the Nineth Emperor Que. Huang Wuji, a great sin, and no one can save him this time!"

Lei Qian was a bit disappointed, but he still comforted Zhan Tian Xingdao. When he mentioned Ling Xiao, there was a cold killing intention in his eyes.

"Yes! No one can save him this time! The elder Tai of the Nineth Emperor Que has arrived at the Temple of War, and he came to Xingshi to ask the crime. Zongmen has decided that as long as it is true that Long Aotian actually killed Huang Wuji, he will He handed it over to the nineth emperor Que!"

Xing Jun also sneered.

"Humph! Lei Qianjue, Xing Jun, can't it be so early, it is not necessarily that Huang Wuji was killed by Long Aotian. You are so slandering disciples of Zongmen, aren't you afraid of the chills of other disciples?"

Liu Wenzheng's face was very ugly, coldly.

"Huh, that's wrong! Zhan Tianxing, why are you the only eight, where has Long Aotian gone, could it be..."

At this moment, in a white dress fluttering, the elegant Yang Fan suddenly flashed a glance in his eyes, looking at Zhan Tianxing and asked.

"Can it be... Long Aotian has already made Fan Tianyin recognize the Lord?"

Liu Wenzheng was also shocked and suddenly excited.

"Uncle Liu, you are really delusional! Zhan Tianxing is pregnant with the blood of the Zhan clan. It is impossible for Fan Tianyin to recognize the Lord, what is Long Aotian? He also deserves Fan Tianyin to recognize the Lord?"

Xing Jun sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

However, the sneer on his face quickly solidified.

I saw Zhan Tianxing nodded, and his eyes were full of unwilling looks: "Yes! Long Aotian has indeed made Fan Tianyin recognize the Lord!"

Zhan Tianxing's words immediately shocked everyone and revealed an unbelievable look.

That's Fan Tianyin. No one can recognize the Lord for millions of years. Today, I suddenly heard that Long Aotian has become the Lord of Fan Tianyin. Everyone almost thought that there was something wrong with their ears.

"Tianxing, are you sure?"

Lei Qianjue's face was also extremely ugly, staring at Zhan Tianxing and asked again.

"Yes! Originally, I already got the core of Fan Tianyin's formation. It was Long Aotian who used extremely despicable means to steal Fan Tianyin's control from me!"

Zhan Tianxing's handsome face became very distorted, and his teeth were about to bite.

"This turned out to be true?!"

In everyone's heart, a huge wave was set off, and Long Aotian actually became the master of Fantianyin!

Fan Tianyin is recognized as the Lord, which means that the Hall of War is about to rise, and Long Aotian is in charge of Fan Tianyin, and he will become the true Lord of the War Hall!

The Lord of the First Temple and the true disciples are simply not comparable.

Now, will Zongmen still give Long Aotian to the Nineth Emperor Que?

At the thought of this, everyone was a little excited.

Many people originally wanted to see the excitement. Look at this Long Aotian, which has disturbed the temple of war, and how will it end in front of the elder Taishang of the nineth emperor Que?

But the reality is that they have drawn a big mouth and made them all completely utterly ignorant.

"Ha ha ha ha... I knew that Long Aotian would be able to control Fan Tianyin and become the master of the battle hall! God bless me the battle hall, **** bless me the battle hall!"

Liu Wenzheng laughed, his eyes were full of excitement, dancing like a The eyes were a little wet.

He has waited too long for this day.

For millions of years, the Hall of War has declined, and he has worked hard to support it, never giving up.

Today, Fan Tianyin finally recognizes the Lord, and Liu Wenzheng seems to have seen the battle hall like a rising sun, spraying out the immortal gods, unstoppable!


Lei Qianjue and Xing Jun's faces were extremely ugly, and clenched their fists unconsciously.

The battle that they value most is failed, and Long Aotian, which they hate and hate the most, has succeeded, as if God had made a huge joke with them.

Zhan Tianxing suddenly raised his head and said to Lei Qianjue and Xing Jun with his teeth cut: "I can testify that Huang Wuji was killed by Long Ao Tian!"

Zhan Tianxing's words caused Lei Qianju and Xing Jun to be shocked, and their eyes lit up.

Long Aotian got up, and is still only a true disciple. He has not really become the master of the battle hall. Even if he controls Fan Tianyin, Zongmen can still let him hand it over.

As long as it can be confirmed that Long Aotian killed Huang Wuji, they can push the matter and give Long Aotian to the Nineth Emperor Que for disposal. Who is the most suitable inheritor of Fan Tianyin at that time?

It can only be Zhan Tianxing!

Lei Qianjue suddenly said awe-inspiringly: "Tianxing, can you have evidence? If Long Aotian really killed Huang Wuji, destroying the alliance between My Temple of War and the Ninefold Emperor Que, then he was just thinking and not worthy of being my Temple of War. Disciple, it’s not even better to control Fan Tianyin!"

"Yes! If it can be confirmed that Long Aotian killed Huang Wuji, then he violated the commandments of my temple of war. As an elder of law enforcement, I naturally have to stand by and kill this daring man!"

Xing Jun also sneered.

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