Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1687: Elder Huangtai, dare to fight 1?

"Enlightened Shengdan is indeed a good thing!"

Ling Xiao nodded his head, he also heard of the Taoist Holy Pill, this is a powerful person who can help the King Realm complete, understand the origin of the Holy Path, and understand the true meaning of the Avenue of the Supreme Spiritual Pill. It is precious only by some powerful alchemists.

And Huangtai is the emperor of the nineth emperor Que, he has a single side of enlightening the emperor, and the reason he is respected among the nineth emperor Que is not because of his cultivation, but because of his identity as emperor.

"Long Aotian, you answer the question for Huangtai, all the enlightened Saint Pills are yours! But there is no need to answer any embarrassing things, you are right, this is the Temple of War, don't be afraid of him!"

The voice of the **** of war in white suddenly sounded in Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed slightly and nodded.

"Long Aotian, my first question, there is the power of Thunder Tribulation in the Valley of the Gods. The most feared thing of the Devil Clan is Thunder Trigger Flame and other things that are as strong as the sun. Why are there ghost Devil Clan? In the Valley of Gods?"

Huangtai looked at Ling Xiao and asked.

"Shen Xiaogu does contain the power of Thunder Tribulation, but not every ghost demons are afraid of the power of Thunder Tribulation. You have also seen it in my memory, and I was once chased by the strong man of the ghost demons. Kill, in my opinion, he is very likely the remnant of the demon clan Mo Sheng! So I feel that Huang Wuji may have died in his hand!"

Ling Xiao replied calmly that although he was talking about it, he had secretly run the Taixu Scripture of Mercy, and his state of mind was old, without any movement.

Because Ling Xiao felt that when Huang Tai asked him questions, he was also observing his every move. Ling Xiao was very relaxed on the surface, but his heart was waiting for him.

"Okay! The second question is, where did the solitary and unsuccessful person with you come from?"

Huangtai didn't find anything wrong with Ling Xiao, slightly disappointed, and then asked the second question.

"Duo Gu seeks defeat? That was a friend I met in God and Devil Space! His identity is believed to have been investigated by you. He is a member of the League of Legends. Although the reputation of the League of Legends in God Realm is not good, but me and Who should be friends, shouldn't this Ninefold Emperor Que manage?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

Huangtai couldn't find any problems from him, and he began to lead Dugu to seek defeat. How could Ling Xiao not see Huangtai's intention?

"Lonely seeking defeat is the lesser leader of the League of Legends! The League of Legends is a group of betrayals who have betrayed God Realm, and even colluded with the Devil Race. Everyone can be blamed. If you associate with such a person, I am afraid that it will damage the Temple of War. Prestige, and the solitary quest for defeat in the demon space killed many of my disciples of the Ninefold Emperor Que. He has been included in my list of must-kill for the Ninefold Emperor Que. I hope you can do it yourself!"

Huangtai said indifferently.

"This can't be bothered by Elder Huangtai!"

Ling Xiao replied nonchalantly.

"The third question! You pretended to be the name of Huang Wuji, and attacked the Red Lotus Valley, but it caused the demon clan to target me at the Nineth Emperor Que and killed countless Nineth Emperor Que's disciples. What should you explain? ?"

Huang Tai's eyes were cold, and he stared closely at Ling Xiao, and there was a hint of questioning in his voice.

Ling Xiao heart said, this is also the place where Jiuzhong Emperor Que is most prone to trouble.

However, Ling Xiao's expression was still very calm, and he sneered: "Elder Huangtai, you have already seen that Huang Wuji has robbed me of my treasures and heritage to chase me down. Long Aotian is not a person who complains by virtue! To be honest, I attacked the Red Lotus Valley by pretending to be his name, just to retaliate him. Isn't it allowed me to retaliate only if he is allowed to kill me? It's a joke!"

"The consequences of your impersonation of Huang Wuji are that hundreds of disciples of my ninth emperor Que died in the hands of ghosts and demons, can you be guilty?"

Huang Yu also drank coldly, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Don't question the prisoner's posture, what kind of thing are you? Elder Huangtai, I have answered all three questions. Hurry and leave the Dao Shengdan to go, I will not welcome you in the battle hall!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

Both Huangtai and Huangyu were irritated in their hearts, but they couldn't let out any more. Although Ling Xiao pretended to be Huang Wuji, Ling Xiao did not kill Huang Wuji, which led to their namelessness.

"Yes! Huangtai, I do not welcome you in the battle hall, hurry up!"

Liu Wenzheng also sneered, he could not help it long ago.

The aggressive looks of Huangtai and Huangyu, etc., made him extremely incompetent, and could not but rushed to fight against Huangtai directly. Million years ago, he had already beaten Huangtai to his mother's death. He was.

"Three enlightened Saint Pills, Lord God of War, please take it away!"

Huang Tai's gaze returned to calm, his hands raised, and immediately a milky white jade bottle flew to the white **** of war.

After receiving the jade bottle, the **** of war in white opened it, and suddenly a fragrance of fragrance spread out, which made the people's spirits revitalized. He nodded, and then threw three enlightened Shengdan to Lingxiao Road: "It is enlightened Shengdan , Don’t thank Elder Huangtai yet?"

Ling Xiao took it over and smiled indifferently at the white-god Ares: "Thank you, or thank the Lord This is the reward I deserve, no need to thank anyone!"

Huangtai took a deep look at Ling Xiao, then waved his sleeves and said: "Let's go!"

When he came to the Temple of War this time, Huang Tai felt that he had lost his face, but he had nowhere to vent, and he suffocated his stomach, but the Temple of War could not stay any longer and could only leave here first.

But he has already remembered Ling Xiao, and in the future there will naturally be means to clean up this kid!


At this moment, Ling Xiao's voice rang.

"What else do you have?"

Huangtai turned back, staring at Ling Xiao with a blank expression.

"Elder Huangtai, is my Temple of War the place where you want to come and go?" Ling Xiao said looking directly at Huangtai with a clear voice.

Everyone was stunned.

Shouldn’t things be understood? What does Long Aotian want to do? He even stopped the elder Huangtai, this is the rhythm of doing things!

Somehow, everyone in the Temple of War was a little excited, and even the white-eyed God of War showed a strange look in his eyes.

"Oh? Do you still want to keep the old man?"

Huang Tai's eyes flashed coldly, staring at Ling Xiao, and the horrible Shengwei was hidden from his body, and thundered like a thunder. He was completely angry.

"The Temple of War can not be humiliated! As a disciple of the Temple of War, the honor and disgrace of one person is no problem, but if you ask the teacher to sin, you are insulting the Temple of War and humiliating the Temple of War. Elder Thai, dare you fight?"

Ling Xiao's gaze was striking, staring at Huangtai, and a terrifying divine power radiated from his body. The sound was so intense that he penetrated the sky like a thunder, and spread throughout the temple of war.

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