Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1688: Shocked all over the world!

Elder Huangtai, dare to fight?

Ling Xiao's voice roared above the Battle Mountain, making everyone silent, and his eyes were full of incredible shock.

Who is Elder Huangtai? The ancestor of the sage of the Ninth Emperor Que had already been sanctified hundreds of thousands of years ago, and today's cultivation is becoming more and more unfathomable, and no one knows what level he has reached.

And Ling Xiao is just the perfect cultivation of God King Realm, and he is a dozen small realms away from Elder Huangtai. Does he want to challenge Elder Huangtai?

Everyone felt as if they had heard it wrong, which was as ridiculous as a ant trying to challenge the dragon, making everyone feel as if they were in a dream.

"Long Aotian, he... is crazy!"

Zhan Tianxing was in shock, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

"I don't know life and death! I really think that if you control Fan Tianyin, can you be so arrogant and arrogant? Although Fan Tianyin is strong, it is just a holy treasure!"

Lei Qianjue sneered a sneer, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes like a fool.

He instantly understood that Ling Xiao dared to challenge Huangtai because Ling Xiao controlled Fan Tianyin, but Ling Xiao’s cultivation base was only God Realm, after all, even if Fan Tianyin was strong, I am afraid that he would never One part of the power cannot be exerted.

Million years ago, the Red Dragon God of War did not prove the sanctification, and was able to take control of the Fantianyin to kill the saints. At that time, the Red Dragon God of War was only a step away from the Daoist Sanctification, and it was integrated with the Fantianyin, such as arm command.

Lei Qian never believed that Ling Xiao could exert the power of Fan Tianyin!

Besides, Huang Tai, as a saint, isn't there an indispensable holy treasure in his hand?

"Since he is looking for death, he will succeed him! The saint cannot be humiliated, and Elder Huangtai will not let him go!"

Xing Jun also sneered, feeling that Ling Xiao was really looking for death.

"Young Master, don't be impulsive! Huangtai is extremely powerful, you are not his opponent at all, even if there is a Fantian seal! The gentleman revenge, it is not too late for ten thousand years, waiting for you to preach the sanctification and kill him like a slaughter dog!"

Liu Wenzheng was also anxious, and quickly transmitted a voice to Ling Xiaodao.

This little teacher was so uneasy, originally thought that this was the end of the matter, did not expect Ling Xiao to challenge Huang Tai, and almost scared Liu Wenzheng's heart.

"Brother Dragon...too fierce!"

Tian Gang and others all had their eyes widened, and they didn't know what to say at all, so they finally laughed bitterly.

Huang Tai's eyes are deep and indifferent, as if it is an endless dark starry sky, which can devour everything. He looked at Ling Xiao quietly, although his face was expressionless, everyone felt that Huang Tai was like a volcano about to erupt at this moment. , May break out at any time.

"You... challenge me?"

Huangtai's voice is very light, but it contains a chilling wave.

"Good! Insult me ​​the Warrior Temple, kill! My Long Aotian is not talented, but he is willing to use this body to defend the dignity of my War Temple! Elder Huangtai, even if I am not your opponent, but today it is blood splashing On the spot, I will not hesitate!"

Ling Xiao's voice was clanging and powerful, just like a golden stone cracking the cloud.

The reason why he dared to challenge Huangtai is indeed Fan Tianyin, and now King Thunder has become Fan Tianyin’s spirit. Ling Xiao has thoroughly refined Fan Tianyin and can exert the strongest power of this treasure. .

It’s not enough to just Fan Tianyin now. The most important thing is that there is now the mark of the Holy Path on the battle mountain, and Ling Xiao completely refined the Fan Tianyin, which can cause the resonance of the Holy Path. With the power of all saints, even in the face of true saints, there is also the power to fight!

The Temple of War needs a big victory to inspire the war intent in the hearts of everyone in the Temple of War, and to inspire the invincible heart of war and battlefields and wars of heaven and earth.

If Huangtai and others were left in this way, there was no loss, but this was not what Ling Xiao wanted.

Ling Xiao wanted to tell everyone through this battle that those who violated the temple of war, although far away, would be punished!

Huang Tai hadn't spoken yet, and the cold and proud young man suddenly couldn't help jumping out.

"Long Aotian, what kind of thing are you? If you want to challenge my ancestors, you don't have this qualification! There is a battle with me, I really want to see where you come from!"

In the eyes of Leng Ao youth, the murderous fierceness was extremely fierce, staring at Ling Xiaodao.

"Good! Long Aotian, Huang Wudao is my peerless genius of the Ninefold Emperor Que. As long as you don't use Fan Tianyin, you can't even win the Huang Wudao, and you want to challenge my ancestor? It's really not self-control! "

Huang Yu also sneered, but he was also deeply scheming, blocking the possibility of Ling Xiao using Fan Tianyin in advance.

After all, the horror of Fan Tianyin is well known. Even if Ling Xiao can’t use all of Fan Tianyin’s power, it is still very easy to defeat Huang Wudao.

"Just by him? Without Fan Tianyin, I can kill him with three strokes!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, his eyes unmatched.

"Three strokes?"

Huang Wudao froze for a moment, and immediately became angry. This was a huge humiliation. Attacking and killing him simply did not put him in the eye.

"Hahaha...Okay! Very good! Long Aotian, you have successfully angered me, rest assured, I will not kill you, but I will abandon your cultivation, let you know what is called life is better than death!"

The Emperor Wudao smiled angrily, and the killing in his eyes was like substance.

"Three tricks? Long Aotian is too careless? Even if he has good talent, but without Fan Tianyin, how could he defeat the emperor with three strokes?"

"I heard that this emperor's innocence is extremely remarkable. The strength of the three-turn half-sage is once the opportunity to kill the strong four-turn half-sage. Brother Long is too careless!"

"Yeah, so impulsive!"

Everyone in the Temple of War shook their heads and sighed, and some showed disappointment.

They originally thought that Long Aotian had arrogant bones, monstrous blood and bravery, but now it seems to be just a reckless man. Such a person may very likely drag the Temple of War into the abyss of loosing.

"Let's talk nonsense! Fight to fight, after defeating you, I am qualified to challenge Elder Huangtai?"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a hint of blood in his eyes, and his whole body of war broke out in an instant, causing the Sifang Sky Dome to shake violently.

"Wait until you beat me first!"

Emperor Wudao's whole body was full of grief, and a burst of gleaming thunder broke out in a flash, and a fist burst into Ling Xiao!

He had suffocated his stomach for a long time. At this moment, the horrible Shengwei burst out, and the whole person seemed to become a Thunder Saint, directly displaying the power of Lei Dijue, and his power was unmatched!

ps: Today's four shifts are over, everyone rest early.

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