Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1720: Liu Yun and Wang Dao!

In the Virtual Saint Realm, Wang Yan wanted to take away Ling Xiao's Ten Saints Stele. Instead of getting the Ten Saints Stele, he was beheaded by Ling Xiao, making Wang Yan feel ashamed.

He thought about it almost every day, if he met Ling Xiao in God Realm, he must wash away the shame on him with the flesh and blood of Ling Xiao!

Wang Yan did not expect that he would meet Long Aotian here!

The anger and murderous intention in his heart were suddenly excited, and the horror of his whole body was filled, as if the flame was burning, locking Ling Xiao to death.

"Long Aotian?"

The name seemed to have some magic power. Liu Yun and Wang Dao's original looks were very calm, but at the moment, their faces could not help changing, their eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, and there was a chill all around him.

In the Valley of the Holy Spirit, Ling Xiao killed them by riding the white jade dragon elephant of the sacred bone, and also robbed all the holy orders. This is also a shame!

Who are Liu Yun and Wang Dao?

The sons of the Heavenly Mantra Sect and the Five Elements Shengzong have an incomparable status. Except for a few sons in the Sect, who are equal to their status, among hundreds of thousands of disciples, they all say that they have the same existence, and they have the power to kill and kill. , But it was in the sacred world, and suffered a big loss in the hands of a boy with only God Realm.

"It really is you! It's really nowhere to be found through the iron shoes. It's no effort to come! Long Aotian, now you don't have a psychic holy bone as a relying on, how do you want to die?"

Wang Dao stared deadly at Ling Xiao, his eyes were like magic lamps, and his chances were fierce and fierce.

"Uncle Dragon Master, how did you offend these two guys? Looking at their eyes, you hated you so much. Did you sleep with their wife or kill their parents?"

Gao Yang's eyes widened, his eyes full of doubts.

Nishang and Wuxiong are also very puzzled. I feel that this style of painting has become a little bit faster. Why did all of them suddenly point to Ling Xiao?

Ling Xiao rolled her eyes helplessly, Gao Yang's mouth was a little owed, and she was about to fight with some black donkeys.

"It turns out to be you? Am I just slashing you once in the virtual holy realm? Is it necessary to pay such a glance? Could it be that I want you to slash you again? Here is the **** realm, if you die, that's true Is dead!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, his expression extremely calm.

But his words seemed to be a thunder, which suddenly caused everyone to blow up.

"What?! Liu Yun Shengzi and Wang Dao Shengzi were killed by this Long Aotian once? Is this...impossible?"

"What's impossible? Didn't you see that Liu Yun Shengzi and Wang Dao Shengzi have been regarded as the default? Where is this Dragon Aotian sacred?"

"This is simply explosive news! It's incredible. This Long Aotian looks like he has only a half-turn in the way of cultivation. How did he do it?"

Everyone was shocked, and looked at Ling Xiao with an inexplicable face, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It's up to you? Hand over the Ten Sacred Monument, and I will allow you to kneel and punish yourself!"

Wang Dao's eyes were indifferent, and he looked at Ling Xiao Road from the top, as if Ling Xiao self-discipline is a gift.

"Want the Ten Saints Stele, but unfortunately you don't have this qualification yet! It's better to kneel and slap, I can spare you not to die!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his eyes very calm.

"Dragon...Master Shizu, it turns out that the Ten Sacred Monuments are in your hands? Hahaha... I must learn from you when I look back. It turns out that the person who was so noisy in the Holy Sacred Realm was you!"

Gao Yang's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprises.

Everyone also had their eyes shaken. They had heard about the movements before the Virtual Saint Realm. Someone actually took the Ten Saints Stele in the Forest of the Holy Saint Stele. Many people were looking for that guy’s whereabouts. I didn't expect it to be the Long Aotian in front of me.

Everyone became more and more curious, grabbed the Ten Saints Monument in the Virtual Saint Realm, and also cut off the three peerless geniuses Wang Yan, Wang Dao and Liu Yun. Who is this Long Aotian?

"Forgive me for not dying? Hahaha... kid, you dare to be so arrogant when you die, can you really think there is a neon dress, can I kill you?"

Wang Dao laughed angrily.

He only dared to be so arrogant when Ling Xiao relied on the three of Niosang, Gao Yang and Wu Xiong, and his heart suddenly showed a very fierce killing intention.

"Brother Wang, this son is too rampant! I stop the three young people for you. If you catch this son, you must get the Ten Saints Stele from him!"

Suddenly Liu Yun's eyes flashed, and the sound was transmitted to the king.

"it is good!"

The kingly road immediately agreed.


Both Liu Yun and Wang Dao exuded a strong and invincible breath, and the true disciples who followed them were also indifferent in their eyes, vaguely surrounding Ling Xiao and others.

Niang's eyes were cold, staring at Liu Yun and Wang Dao, said: "Liu Yun, Wang Dao, do you want to fight in this imperial garden? If you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

The sound of the neon clothes is like the sound of a clank and a sword, and it is also lingering and mysterious. The whole body seems to have a mysterious power of the years.

"Sister Niang, I have long watched the two **** go afraid of him as a bird, get them!"

Gao Yang sneered like a little bastard, and his whole body was filled with breath. He locked the king and wanted to be ashamed.

"Nisang, you should know what I think of you, how can I hurt you? But your brother does not know that the sky is thick and thick, so let the kingly discipline it!"

Liu Yun smiled slightly, and there were mysterious rune flashes all over his body, as if he had unconsciously separated Nishang from Ling Xiao, and he was always ready to start.

The atmosphere of the entire Royal Garden instantly became extremely tense.

Everyone didn't expect that the Temple of War, the Heavenly Mantra, and the Five Elements Saint Sect would stand up against each other here. If the three sons of the Sons would fight, then the fun would be great.

"Sister Niang, Brother Liu Dao, Brother Wang Dao, today the palace is setting up a celestial feast here, just to let many geniuses know, if the three fight here, then it will be a bit of a great scene!"

At this moment, a hearty laugh came.

In the distance, the crowd separated, and a golden chariot slowly drove into the Royal Garden. Nine full-body golden dragons pulled the car. More than a dozen maids were separated from each other. A different kind of beauty.

The fragrant wind blows in the face, the smallpox falls, the golden lotus appears in the void, the breath of the majestic sacred path diffuses, and there is a kind of king's weather, which is very mysterious.

The golden chariot came to Ling Xiao and others before stopping, and a young man wearing a golden robe walked out of it.

He looked like he was in his twenties. He was vigorous and vigorous, and his body was extraordinary. His body exuded crystal light, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a long black hair bundled up casually, holding an ancient sword in his arms. Chic and unrestrained.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked in front of the three of Niang, Liu Yun and Wang Dao.

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