Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1721: Murderous!

"Participate Your Highness Prince!"

All the people around showed a look of awe in their eyes, and they bowed their hands to salute the young man.

Prince Ji Tian, ​​arrived!

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed. This Prince Ji Tian looked gentle and casual. In fact, he was extremely arrogant in his bones. His eyes only looked at the three young people, Liu Yun and Wang Dao. Even Gao Yang and Wu Xiong failed to catch him At a glance.

But Ji Tian gave Ling Xiao a glance, and his eyes were extremely deep.

"Brother Ji's celebratory feast, we naturally don't want to destroy it! It's a pity that there are people here who have a bad view, and they are like ants, but they can't be ashamed! When I cut him off, how can I help Brother Ji's celestial feast?

Wang Dao smiled faintly.

"you dare?"

Niang's brow raised, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Brother Wang has a grudge with this senior Long?"

Ji Tian's eyes showed a strange color, and suddenly said slowly.

"Senior Dragon? What does Brother Ji mean?"

When Liu Yun heard Ji Tian's title, she couldn't help but smile on her face.

"Brother Liu and Brother Wang don't know yet? This senior, Long Ao Tianlong, is now the Lord of the War Hall of the Temple of War. He is in charge of Fan Tianyin, and the Lord God of War personally admits that he is a re-discipline of Red Dragon. Lord Ares calls him Master Uncle, even Senior Sister Nixuan will also call Master Uncle!"

Ji Tian smiled slightly and nodded towards Ling Xiao.

"Master of the Hall of War? In charge of Fantian Yin?"

Both Liu Yun and Wang Dao were trembling, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

What happened in the Temple of War was only a few days ago, and it has not been completely spread. The elders of the Emperor Tai of the Ninth Emperor Que were injured by Ling Xiao, and they naturally would not mention the matter of Ling Xiao, so neither Liu Yun nor Wang Dao clear.

But at the moment, from Ji Tian's mouth, they couldn't believe it at all, and their face was a little ugly.

"This... how is it possible? Isn't it the most promising to get Fan Tianyin, is it Zhan Tianxing? How could it be him?"

Wang Dao said ugly.

"Brother Wang doesn't know this! Although Zhan Tianxing claims to have the blood of the Zhan clan, but Dragon's predecessors have extraordinary talents, far exceeding Zhan Tianxing, so they can win the control of Fan Tianyin from Zhan Tianxing's hands! Dragon Seniors have some days in their hands. Brother Wang is probably not the opponent of Senior Long!"

Ji Tian said with a smile.

Ling Xiao and Nisang couldn't help but frown, and sneered in their hearts.

Ji Tian seems to be speaking for Ling Xiao, but every sentence can not be separated from Ling Xiao becoming the master of the battle hall and in charge of Fan Tianyin. After all, Ling Xiao is still too low to cultivate his behavior. Sin, with Ling Xiao's cultivation as the ruler, will naturally cause coveted people.

Therefore, the Temple of War did not publicize this matter, and even Nixian and others did not call Ling Xiao Shishu Zuzu in front of outsiders.

Ji Tian's move was simply sinister.


Ling Xiao suddenly thought of a word, and his eyes became even colder. This Ji Tian is really a deep scheming!

"Huh! What is the skill of relying on the benefits of the holy treasure? Without Fan Tianyin, it would be easy for me to kill him!"

Wang Dao snorted coldly, no longer mentioning the matter of killing Ling Xiao. He knew the horror of Fan Tianyin. Even if Ling Xiao now has only a half-sacred cultivation, there is no way to urge Fan Tian completely. India, but he was not sure that he could take a blow from Fan Tianyin.

This is still he doesn't know Ling Xiao's record on Zhanshan, otherwise if he knew that even Huangtai was injured by Ling Xiao holding Fan Tianyin, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to say anything.

"Kingdom, you also have a face to say that relying on the benefits of the holy treasure? If you did not rely on the holy treasure to grab my flaming heart lotus, you have already lost to my hands! Shameless!"

Gao Yang smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Gao Yang, don't have to be angry with these villains! After all, he also relied on the cultivation base to be higher than me. If it is a battle with the realm, I will kill him like a dog!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, the voice was very calm, as if to elaborate a fact.

"You... jerk!"

Wang Dao was anxious and shivered a little.

Even Liu Yun's gaze to Ling Xiao was a little colder.

And Ji Tian is like a boring person. At this moment, seeing that he has successfully caused the confrontation between Ling Xiao, Liu Yun, and Wang Dao, he can't help but walk up and smile slightly: "Everyone is dead, this is a heavenly feast, if it is here Don’t you want to make a joke for others? When Musashiyama opens, you have the opportunity to learn from each other!"

Wang Dao naturally borrowed his donkey and said coldly: "Today, give Brother Ji a face, otherwise I will not spare him!"

After Wang Dao finished, afraid that Ling Xiao would say anything, he and Liu Yun immediately left with two disciples.

"Boldless rat!"

Gao Yang took a sip and said Yao Yaoyangwei, I heard that Ling Xiao was in charge of Fan Tianyin, and I never mentioned anything more!

The Tianjiao Banquet soon began.

All kinds of syrup, jade dew, and precious delicacies are naturally brought up like flowing water, with a faint haze, which seems to be serene and peaceful, and everyone is intertwined, as if it is a happy scene.

Ling Xiao also saw Ji Chen and Yunyang during the Tianjiao banquet, but they followed behind an old man wearing a blood robe and looked very respectful.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with glance. Last night's God of War Dan Fu Pavilion, Ling Xiao felt that someone was spying. Although the breath was very obscure, Ling Xiao still noticed that this blood robe old man.

The pinnacle of Nine Turns and Half Saints, the strength is unfathomable!

As soon as the Blood Son appeared in the Heavenly Pride Banquet, it immediately aroused people's enthusiasm, because this Blood Son was not only a powerful nine-turn half-holy sage, but also a sacred sage, who had refined the perfect sacred sacred!

Ji Chen and Yunyang also found Ling Xiao, and their eyes showed extremely cold hatred, but they did not dare to be arrogant during the Tianjiao feast, especially after knowing the identity of Ling Xiao and Nisang, etc. Naturally, they dare not come to trouble.

After half a tour of the wine, Ji Tian smiled slightly at everyone: "Welcome you to come to participate in today's Tianjiao feast! To help everyone, I have some chaotic stone scraps in my garden, although not as precious as the real chaotic stone, But there may be a lot of treasures in it. You can choose stones for gambling. If you can cut out the real treasures, it is everyone's creation!"


As Ji Tian's words just fell, the clouds in the distant mountains suddenly lingered, the runes flickered, and a brilliant formation opened, and stones of different shapes appeared one after another, exuding the chaotic atmosphere of 氤氲, It looks old and mysterious!

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