Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1799: Spoiler!

Ling Xiao could see that Xiao Yun was deliberately targeting him, but Shan He Yin was very important to him, and he had to get his hands at all costs.

"Six hundred thousand drops of saint!"

Xiao Yun's voice rang again, even with a hint of joking.

"Sixty-five thousand saints!"

"Seven hundred thousand drops of saint liquid!"


In the entire auction hall, it seemed that only the voices of Ling Xiao and Xiao Yun were left, and everyone's expressions also became a little weird. It seems that the Lu and Xiao families are really on the bar. Embryo, the price is approaching a million drops of saline, and it seems that both sides are fighting for the real fire.

"The world of the rich is really incomprehensible! A million drops of saint is enough to buy a good and innocent saint!"

"Yeah, I really don't understand what they think! Is it worth the so much saint for a breath?"

Everyone was talking, and their eyes were full of incomprehensible expressions.

"This Xiao Yun is too bully!"

Lu Qingluan was about to explode, clenching his fists, and his fingers were gurgling.

"1.5 million drops of saint liquid!"

When Xiao Yun shouted to one million, Ling Xiao directly added 500,000 yuan, bidding 1.5 million drops of saline, but Ling Xiao's eyes also became extremely cold.

Xiao Yun angered him completely!

"Ha ha ha... 1.5 million drops of saint actually bought an organ embryo? Master Zhao Ritian Zhao, you are really rich and wealthy, since this is your son, I will let you!"

Xiao Yun's extremely rampant laughter sounded, and he gave up the bid directly.

To be honest, Xiao Yun did not dare to bid again. 1.5 million drops of saline, if Ling Xiao chose to give up directly, it would be smashed into his own hands, when he cried there was no place to cry .

However, Xiao Yun's heart was also very happy to see Ling Xiao bleeding.

"The person who competed with Xiao Yun turned out to be Zhao Ritian, the new master of the nine-star alchemy?"

"No wonder Xiao Yun dare so openly disrupted, it turned out to be against Zhao Ritian!"

"Although Zhao Ritian's talent is extraordinary, it is a pity that he is only a second-and-a-half holy cultivation practice. In Taixuan City, it can be said that the dragon is a head snake without suppressing the ground. He can't help Xiaoyun!"

Everyone understood that the person who bid in the Lujia box was Zhao Ritian, who was famous in Taiyuan Xuancheng these few days.

In the end, because Xiao Yun gave up the bid, Ling Xiao put the mountains and rivers in his pocket at the sky-high price of 1.5 million drops of saint.

However, many people are taunting, this is the end of the offense of the Xiao family, the result was Xiao Yun pitted, and can only beat his teeth and swallow into the stomach.

After getting the mountain river seal, Ling Xiao's heart was also relieved.

Sacred liquid is nothing to him at all, but the 1.5 million drops of saint liquid can make King Thunder proselyte sanctified. This transaction is absolutely extremely cost-effective.

However, Xiao Yun got this one, Ling Xiao also remembered it.

Then dozens of various auction treasures appeared. Ling Xiao did not continue to bid. Everyone thought that Ling Xiao was afraid of Xiao Yun, and he shook his head and stopped paying attention to him.

"The next auction item is Xinghe Yuantie. As everyone knows, Xinghe Yuantie is a top-grade refining material. Not only can it cast the sacred treasure, but it can also absorb the power of the stars and has great potential! The starting price of Xinghe Yuantie, fifty thousand saints!"

The fairy's voice rang in the auction hall.

The next auction items are all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth, the treasures of the original holy medicine, the refining vessel and the charm, the original alchemist and the charmer who were doing nothing, all of them suddenly looked like chicken blood. Searing, rushing to fight, ready to participate in the competition.

"60,000 drops of saint!"

"70,000 drops of saint!"

"One hundred thousand drops of saint!"

Everyone's price increase sounds one after another in the auction hall, which is very lively.

"It turned out to be Xinghe Yuantie? Brother, this piece of Xinghe Yuantie has a fist size and excellent quality. If it is integrated into my sacred treasure, it will definitely make my strength soar!"

Xiao Yun was shocked when he saw the galaxy on the auction stand, and his eyes showed a very hot light.

The piece of Xinghe Yuan iron has the size of a fist, the whole body of silver is dazzling and dazzling, and there is a mysterious starlight on it, as if it is a star above the sky dome, and the entire auction hall that shines is lit up.

Everyone can feel the majestic power of the stars contained in the galaxy.

"Okay! You bid, no one dares to compete with you in the Galaxy Iron!"

Xiao Rui said indifferently.

In Taixuan City, the four big families are the Emperor of the Earth, even disciples of the immortal holy place, they will avoid conflict with the four big families, so Xiao Rui believes that as long as Xiao Yun bids, I am afraid that everyone will also push the boat and let it directly Xiao! "

Xiao Yun took a deep breath, and then said aloud: "You, under Xiao Yun, I am determined to gain the Xinghe Yuan Tie, I hope you will give me a face from the Xiao family! I will give 200,000 drops of saint!"

As soon as Xiao Yun's voice came out, everyone suddenly hesitated.

As soon as Xiao Yun opened his mouth, he added 100,000 drops of saint, which means that he was determined to gain Xinghe Yuantie, and the value of Xinghe Yuantie might be more than 200,000 drops of saint. If Xinghe Yuantie offended Xiao Yun, , I am afraid it is also not worth it.

"Everyone, Mr. Xiao Yun bid 200,000 drops of saint, do you still continue to bid? This is a top-notch treasure, which can make a supreme saint. If you miss it today, I am afraid it will be difficult to meet such good looks. Xinghe Yuan is iron!"

The tempting voice of the fairy girl sounded in the hall.

Between her eyes, her body exudes a powerful charm, as if it is tempting everyone to bid!

The demon is also somewhat dissatisfied with Xiao Yun. This is an auction. The Xiao family is here to make a fortune and blessing, and the price of 200,000 drops of saint from her heart is indeed a bit low.

The final result of the auction also involved the final commission of the fairy girl, and she was naturally dissatisfied with Xiao Yun.

However, even though the enchanted girl is innate, every smile makes you intoxicated, but everyone still feels more afraid of the power of the Xiao family and stopped bidding.

"Two hundred thousand drops of saline once!"

"Two hundred thousand drops of saint twice!"

"Two hundred thousand drops of saint..."

Although the demon was disappointed in her heart, she didn't show her face on the surface, she could only start to announce the final result.

However, before her words were finished, she was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"I gave out 300,000 drops of saint!"

The sound comes from the Lujia box.

Ling Xiao, bid!

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