Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1800: It's so bold!

Xiao Yun's complexion instantly became extremely green: "Zhao Ritian, you are looking for death!"

He didn't even think that Zhao Ritian would jump in the end and compete with him for the Xinghe Yuantie, but Xiao Yun also knew that Zhao Ritian was retaliating for what he had just done on the mountain river seal.

"Thirty-one thousand saints!"

Xiao Yun continued to increase the price of his teeth.

Everyone was stunned. I did not expect that Ling Xiao actually dared to bid with Xiao Yun. Although this Xinghe Yuantie is precious, but the value is not more than 300,000, Ling Xiao’s bid directly reached nearly Xinghe. The value of Yuantie itself is not worthwhile to add further.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand drops of saint!"

Ling Xiao still said lightly.

"Hahaha...Good job! Zhao Ritian, he was **** him! Xiao Yun, the bastard, finally met his opponent?"

Lu Qingluan said excitedly, as if finally having a bad breath.

"400,000 drops of saint liquid!"

Xiao Yun's heart was about to spit blood, but he was determined to gain Xinghe Yuan Tie. The Xiao family rarely found such a quality Xinghe Yuan iron for so many years. Once it is integrated into his sacred treasure, he will definitely be able to let him Greatly increased in strength.

However, Xiao Yun understood what Ling Xiao had just thought, and felt a little regret in his heart, but he was immediately covered by endless anger.

This Zhao Ritian, **** it!

"Forty-five thousand saints!"

Ling Xiao is still bidding in a hurry, as if the Holy Liquid is not valuable at all, and has been suppressing Xiao Yun in one breath!

In this way, Ling Xiao and Xiao Yun bid one after another, and soon the price of Xinghe Yuantie was 600,000 drops of saint, which made the demon smile with a peachy face and looked at the Lujia box full of joy. .

"Forget it, let you! You Xiao family is so overbearing, I dare not fight with you, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't get out of Taixuan City alive!"

When Xiao Yun bid for 800,000 drops of Holy Liquid, Ling Xiao said directly.


After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Xiao Yun couldn't help it anymore. He spurted blood out of his mouth. His eyes were full of resentment, and the whole person even had a tendency to get into trouble.

"Brother, calm down, don't be excited! Zhao Ritian is so deadly, I won't let him go!"

Xiao Rui quickly took out a healing pill for Xiao Yun to serve, and at the same time the majestic divine power poured into Xiao Yun's body, suppressing his demon as if he were going to run away.

Xiao Rui's eyes also became extremely cold, and there was a hint of murder.

But everyone is a little speechless. What is the overbearing Xiao family, you dare not compete with the Xiao family? Why did you go? Why did Xiao's family suffer a big loss and still sell well?

Shameless, it is simply too shameless!

But I like it!

Everyone's heart is secretly slandering, but they can see that the overbearing Xiao family has suffered a loss, and they also feel extremely happy in their hearts!

But this is just the beginning.

In the next auction, as long as the treasures that the Xiao family loves, Ling Xiao will surely come out to stir up, as if regardless of the value of the auction items, it is to fight with the Xiao family.

In the end, the Xiao family had to buy all kinds of treasures at a price much higher than the estimated price!

Of course, Xiao's family also ate a lot, but also pitted Ling Xiao a lot. Many auction items also fell into Ling Xiao's hands at a high price, but Ling Xiao didn't seem to care at all.

The Xiao family hated Ling Xiao to the extreme!

Everyone looked at the lively look, like watching a good show, every time as long as Ling Xiao and the Xiao family fought each other, they all gave up the bid.

But soon, everyone began to scold the mother.

Because Ling Xiao is not just fighting with the Xiao family, all the treasures he likes seem to be directly bidding regardless of the price, which causes many alchemists and charmers to have green faces.

"This Zhao Ritian is simply shameless, bastard, nasty!"

A white-haired alchemy master shouted, his beard trembling with anger.

"I don't know what to do! Does he want to be an enemy against everyone?"

"He still has a face to say that the Xiao family is overbearing? I think he is more overbearing than the Xiao family!"

The alchemy masters and fortune-tellers all scolded, glaring at Ling Xiao with a very ugly look.

Inside the box of the Five Elements Shengzong.

"Holy Son, this Zhao Ritian really doesn't know how to live or die, how dare he offend so many people? I think his reputation will soon stink!" The young man in black robe said to Huang Xuanzong with a look of incomparable pleasure.

"It's okay to offend the Xiao family, but he dares to offend the alchemist and the fortune-teller group, and it is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers! But I am more curious, where did this boy come from so much saint?"

There is a strange color in Huang Xuanzong's eyes.

After hearing the words of Huang Xuanzong, the two five-element saints couldn't help but feel They suddenly found that the treasures that Ling Xiao photographed in this period of time were almost worth ten million drops of saints. Liquid!

What is the concept of tens of millions of saints? I am afraid that many nine-turned half-saints do not have so many net worths, and many small families have hundreds of thousands of years, maybe they can accumulate so many resources!

"There is a secret in this kid!"

The young men and women of the Five Elements Shengzong glanced at each other, and their eyes were all hot and greedy.

Lujia box.

"Zhao Ritian, even if you offend Xiao Yun, anyway, that guy is not a good thing, but why do you want to be hostile to many alchemists and magicians? They are not so annoying!"

Lu Qingluan looked at Ling Xiao with a headache and said.

The eyes of those alchemists and charmers outside were cold, as if they were substance. If their eyes could kill someone, they might have dragged Ling Xiao out of the box and hacked to death.

"Enemies with them? I am not enemies with anyone, except Xiao Yun, of course! The auction was originally for the highest bidder. I met the treasures I liked and bid. Is there anything wrong? They blamed me for not paying the price Head up?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and did not take those alchemists and magicians into consideration.

In Ling Xiao's view, those guys are a group of small groups of interests. This time it is clear that they are coming from the group. As long as there are alchemists or magicians who meet the treasures they need and like, they will rarely bid. This is also the case. In order to prevent the price of treasures from becoming too high, it has become their unspoken rule.

However, Ling Xiao is not one of their small gangs, and he is too lazy to take care of what they think, but just do whatever he wants, and see what he likes to bid.

But invisible in this way, it destroys the unspoken rules of alchemists and charmers, and naturally causes their hatred and hostility!

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