Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2038: The top is Peng, and the bottom is Kun!


The children of darkness and Hua Ziyang glanced at each other, and they both felt the opportunity. The killing intentions filled the eyes of the two, and at the same time they slammed towards Kunpeng.

Under the influence of the golden wooden fish, Kunpeng's speed and power seemed to be affected, becoming a bit dull.

The son of darkness and Hua Ziyang were bathed in golden Buddha light, as if the young monk blessed the power of Dharma, and the attack became more horrible.


The black ancient sword turned into a gigantic Jiangang in the void, with fierce and fierce flames. The four heavenly vaults shattered one after another. It condensed a supreme killer and stabed Kunpeng's abdomen.

Kun Peng shook all over him, and a black engulfing vortex appeared, trying to resist the attack of the black ancient sword, but in the end he was still broken by the black ancient sword's edge, leaving a long blood mark on his abdomen, pale golden blood The light diffused.

Kun Peng roared with pain.


It had a terrible breath all over its body, opened its mouth, and once again released the power to devour the avenue, as if it wanted to swallow the child of darkness with the black ancient sword in his hand.

The Son of Darkness had long been guarded, and the streamer flashed under his feet, disappeared directly into the void, appeared hundreds of thousands of feet away, and then sacrificed the ancient sword in his hand, and once again stabbed at Kunpeng.

And Hua Ziyang is also holding a purple orb, her purple robe exudes a brilliant light, and the power of a law is intertwined, and the flames are burning, turning the void into a sea of ​​fire.

The sky-wide flames shrouded towards Kunpeng, trying to make Kunpeng alive.

The flame is a road fire, which contains all the power to burn it. Kunpeng's black divine light was ignited. He watched Kunpeng roll in the flames, and the roar shook the void.

Wisps of golden blood spilled from the void, containing the majestic vitality of life. Although most of them were intercepted by the son of darkness, Hua Ziyang and the young monk, some of them were obtained by everyone and after being integrated into the body In an instant, the whole body was full of energy, and the breath of life began to skyrocket.

"Kun Peng is all treasure!"

"Kill! Kill this Kunpeng, maybe you and I can go further!"

"This Kun Kunpeng may also have the whereabouts of the Black Emperor Palace, and he must not be allowed to run away!"

Everyone was excited, shouting one by one, and exerting powerful methods to kill Kunpeng.

Before, Kunpeng swallowed the sky, the power and horror made everyone tremble, and no one dared to shoot Kunpeng.

But seeing that the Son of Darkness, Hua Ziyang and the young monk had gained the upper hand, they suddenly started to move.

"Is this the power of heaven and earth?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and did not shoot with everyone, but thought secretly in his heart.

Kunpeng's strength is indeed terrifying. I am afraid that he has reached the realm of demon sacred, and because of Kunpeng's devouring avenue and extremely large body, its true power is far beyond ordinary saints.

But the Son of Darkness, Hua Ziyang, and the young monks are peerless arrogances in the three heavens. Their combat power is not weaker than that of the saints. Together with the supreme treasure in their hands, their strength is even more terrifying. With their cooperation, Kunpeng Some could not bear it, and began to fall into a disadvantage.

"Ling Xiao, Kunpeng's essence and blood are all good things, grab it!"

Bai Longma saw the sky full of blood rain, his eyes were red, and urged Ling Xiao excitedly.

Kunpeng is an ancient supreme beast. Its essence and blood contain incomparable essence of life, and it has a fatal attraction for demon races such as the White Dragon Horse.

"Go for yourself, be careful, I have to observe Kunpeng's power!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, his eyes still followed Kun Peng closely, without any slight relaxation.

With the observation of Kunpeng's attack and the use of the Devouring Avenue, Ling Xiao felt that his understanding of the sky-sweeping secrets also began to advance rapidly. Many problems that had fallen into the bottleneck before began to suddenly open up, vaguely oscillating in his body, Chaos ascends, there is a sign to open up the world of swallowing heaven.

Observing Kunpeng's shot is naturally an unimaginable opportunity for Ling Xiao, which is far more important than getting some Kunpeng's essence and blood.

"it is good!"

The White Dragon Horse is also very simple, suddenly turned into a white streamer, skimming towards the void.


The sky was trembling, and the four heavenly vaults all burst into extremely blazing light. The Son of Darkness, Hua Ziyang, and young monks besieged Kunpeng, constantly consuming Kunpeng's power.

The blood in Kunpeng's body floated as if it had turned into a blood rain, making everyone happy and going crazy. Having these Kunpeng's blood was enough to save them decades of hard work.


Kun Peng's mouth made a roar, the black light of his body rose, and he suddenly rose into the sky, and the figure split up in the void, forming two completely different figures.

A black as ink, the whole fish scale is shining bright, sharp and unmatched, looks like a huge strange fish, the endless water of the whole body is filled, like the sea rolls and surging, contains the power wave of terrifying terror.

A figure stretched across the sky for nine days, turning into a golden Dapeng bird, with a sharp eagle beak and cold eyes, and a pair of sharp claws that seemed to tear the sky.

The two figures seemed to form a mysterious connection with each other, and at the same time they were killed towards the son of darkness and Hua Ziyang.

After being divided into two avatars, a mysterious Tai Chi figure appeared in the void, just like the incarnation of the avenue, instantly blocking the wooden fish sound wave of the young The power of the two avatars seems to be It has skyrocketed several times, and the power and horror are trembling, which makes people tremble!

"Kun Peng's two incarnations? Peng on top, Kun on bottom..."

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in his eyes, thinking of Kunpeng's rumors in his heart, but also a little shocked.

According to legend, Kunpeng, who has two incarnations, was the most terrifying time. Obviously, Kunpeng was completely irritated, so he did not hesitate to break out the strongest form of battle, wanting to bring the son of darkness, Hua Ziyang and young The monks were all killed.

Zi Zi!

The golden Dapeng bird's claws suddenly torn apart, just like a golden lightning, which instantly broke through the void, directly grabbed a dozen or so strong dodgers, ripped into fragments in the void, and then opened its mouth Once swallowed, everything turned into its belly.

The golden claws were sharp and unmatched, and they slapped fiercely on the black ancient sword. The blazing divine light suddenly bloomed, and the son of darkness could not help changing his face, feeling his arms numb, black ancient The sword will almost fly away.

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