Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2039: The Great Decree!


Dapeng's bird's eyes were fierce, and his wings were as fierce and fierce as the sword's awn. He suddenly fell towards the son of darkness, and the speed was like golden lightning, and it was almost to the extreme.


The black light flickered in the void, and the son of darkness was split directly by the Dapeng bird!

But the eyes of Dapeng's bird flashed, and the golden energy of the whole body was filled, and a wing of wings flew out in an instant, just like a billion swords of light, and fell towards the void in the distance.

It turned out that the son of darkness hacked by the Dapeng bird was just a residual image.

The real child of darkness has cast a big dark escape to avoid this killing blow.

However, Dapeng Bird's insensitivity was so keen that, after realizing that it was only a remnant, he immediately broke out a powerful magical means and launched an attack towards the child of darkness.

On the other side, Kun Kun, who was covered with blazing water, also killed Hua Ziyang.

What Hua Ziyang is practicing is the Avenue of Flames, with flames all over his body. The purple flame is filled with Dao Yun, and the light of the Avenue flows, which is extremely mysterious.

But the water around Kun Kun is also the power of the innate water travel avenue, and it can be said that it is incompatible with fire and water. When it collides with each other, an endless storm of light flashes out instantly.

A stream of water was rippling, leaving the voids oscillating, and stars bursting apart.


The kun jumped across the sky, the huge fish tail swept away, the black divine light bloomed, and swept directly on the purple **** bead. The flame suddenly exploded, and the purple **** bead hummed, directly Flew out.

Kun Kun opened his mouth wide, a black divine light shot out, the void trembles, and shot toward Hua Ziyang's eyebrows.

"Go away!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were indifferent, he screamed in his mouth, and then punched out!


The black divine light was exploded by him with a punch, but it did not spread out around Hua Ziyang, but intertwined with each other, the runes rose brightly, and turned into a huge black vortex. Hua Ziyang completely devoured.

Hua Ziyang's face changed, and she felt as if she was stuck in the mud, and her speed became extremely slow. At this opportunity, Kun Kun jumped up, opened her blood basin and opened her mouth toward Hua Ziyang's head. Bite it.


At a critical moment, the young monk arrived, and he directly lifted the golden wooden fish in his hand, and slammed on Kun's head. He suddenly made Kun's eyes dark and felt his head dizzy, and was directly bombarded by the young monk. Flew out.

"Thank you, brother!"

Hua Ziyang took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

If the young monk had just arrived in time, although Hua Ziyang would not be in danger, he would become extremely embarrassed.

"You don't have to be polite! This Kun Kunpeng's strength is too strong, and now it is in its heyday, we want to capture it just because it is not so easy!"

The young monk said quickly, his eyes full of dignity.

"No matter what, this Kunpeng can't let it escape! It's related to the whereabouts of the Black Emperor Palace. As long as we catch it, we can find the real Black Emperor Palace! Neither of the two brothers, please keep your hands on the cards. Take it out!"

Hua Ziyang said slowly, his eyes were fierce, and he said incomparably.

"Okay! Let's go together and capture Kun Peng in one fell swoop!"

The Dark Son and the young monk glanced at each other, both nodded at the same time.

"I have a volume of the Emperor's Law Decree here, which contains the power to seal the earth and the earth. I will hope that the two Dao brothers will help me hold Kunpeng for a moment, and I will surrender it!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes showed a hint of flesh pain, but he said with a bite.

"Is the Great Decree? Good!"

Both the Son of Darkness and the young monk couldn't help but feel shocked. The Chinese people really have a solid foundation, and the Great Emperor's law was taken out.

But both of them also saw it. The reason why Hua Ziyang even took out the Great Emperor's Decree was not only necessary for the Black Emperor's Palace, but I was also afraid of this Kunpeng.


Hua Ziyang's whole body was dazzling with dazzling radiance, and the surrounding galaxies were trembling slightly, and an ancient, mysterious and majestic breath broke out on his body, as if it had come out of the ancient times. As the emperor, all the heavens and earth are shaking.

A volume of purple dharma is designed to slowly unfold above Hua Ziyang's head, and above the dharma is written a seal with dragons and phoenixes.


The vast and terrifying Jidao Diwei broke out. The breath was so powerful that everyone couldn't help but tremble, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The Great Decree of the Emperor, just a decree written by the Great Emperor, made them feel as if they were the resurrection of an ancient Great Emperor, with a small sense of ants looking up at the Dragon in their hearts.

Kunpeng seemed to feel the threat of the Great Emperor's Law, and suddenly the horror of his whole body rose, and the Dapeng bird and Kun in the void instantly merged together, and his wings spread like a cloud in the sky, as if he wanted to rise in the sky, Dodge the power of the Great Emperor’s Law.

"Give me down!"

The dark child's eyes were indifferent, and he screamed loudly in his mouth. The black light of the whole body surged in an instant. The whole person rose up in the sky, and an unmatched fist print slammed down toward Kunpeng.

That fist seal seems to contain the power of the dark source, covering up this sky dome and turning it into the purest black, as if urging a certain source of power in the body of the dark child, so that his eyes are all A flash of nine colors flashed.

"To live in a bad air, immortal!"

The young monk also folded his palms together, chanting a scripture in his mouth, and in the moment he was surrounded by the Buddha's light. It seemed that another relic in the body was shining, illuminating the world in all directions, and giving birth to supreme wisdom and supreme aura~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The mysterious Buddha light envelopes the sky and falls towards Kunpeng!

At this moment, darkness and light seemed to merge together, forming a very mysterious power. The lines flowed, looking ancient and mysterious, directly wrapped around Kunpeng's body.

Kunpeng, who was about to rise up in the sky, seemed to have fallen into the depths of the quagmire at this moment, and was set in the void, and his eyes showed an incredible look.


At this moment, Hua Ziyang took a scream, and the Great Emperor’s Law came to the sky in an instant, and the speed was reaching the extreme, turning into a seal rune, exuding a monstrous Ji Dao Emperor, directly printed on the Kun Peng's eyebrows.


The fiery divine light burst into bloom, and Kunpeng shivered violently throughout his body. That rune was like the incarnation of the avenue, containing extremely mysterious spirituality, and drilled into Kunpeng's eyebrows.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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