Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2048: Goodbye Xuewei!

After hearing the voice of Ling Xiao in the back of a white long dress, he was shocked and turned slowly.

It was a beautiful face, a white dress fluttering, a black hair hung down on the waist, fluttering with the wind, exuding a faint fragrance.

She looks extraordinary, her eyes are clear and pure, her face is full of excitement at the moment, her eyes light up instantly.

Not Xue Wei, or who?

Ling Xiao didn't even think that he would see Xue Wei in this reincarnation jade bi at this time.

The person in front of him and the figure in his memory slowly overlapped, and Ling Xiao's mouth hung a faint smile, as if he saw the little girl who had always been with him in a trance, silently supporting him and guarding him, He carried everything with his weak shoulders.

Xue Wei was the first person he saw after Ling Xiao’s rebirth, especially before he realized his memory recovery, he was also the real one. With a special emotion.

Like someone close to him, he couldn't help caring, missing, and caring.


The corners of Xue Wei's mouth trembled slightly, her long eyelashes flickered, her eyes reddened, and two lines of clear tears slowly slipped down her cheeks.

Xuewei's scented shoulders shuddered, like a swift butterfly plunging into Ling Xiao's arms.

How many days do you dream? Now the person I missed finally appeared in front of me!

Xue Wei hugged Ling Xiao tightly, her slender fingers were a bit white with force, she was shaking all over her body, as if she was afraid of letting go, Ling Xiao completely disappeared.

Ling Xiao could feel Xue Wei's excitement, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and patted Xue Wei's back gently: "Silly girl, what young master? I'm your Ling Xiao brother!"

At this moment Xue Wei embraced her, Ling Xiao felt the peace and tranquility in her heart, full of pity.

Ling Xiao has been in God Realm for more than ten years. Ling Xiao has not heard from Xue Wei for more than ten years. He never thought he would meet in this way.

Thinking that Xue Wei must have suffered a lot over the years, Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel pity.

This silly girl has always regarded Ling Xiao as the most important person in her heart, and even exceeded her own life, which made people very distressed.

Ling Xiao has decided to take Xue Wei with him this time, protect her, love her, and prevent her from being aggrieved.

"Just brother..."

The light in Xue Wei's eyes dimmed slightly, and she sighed softly in her heart, but then she was covered up by her, and then she was slightly out of the arms of Ling Xiao, and her pretty face was slightly red, showing her face against Ling Xiao. A smile said: "Brother Ling Xiao, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time since I disappeared. I didn't expect that Xuewei has grown into a big girl!"

Ling Xiao also said with a smile, somehow she felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

"This... what kind of routine is this? Boy, this little girl's skin is your old appearance? Hurry up and let her go. This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple. Everyone is a family!"

The little black fat man imprisoned in the void was stunned when he saw this scene in front of him. Then he reacted and quickly shouted with his throat.

"Shut up, you can die if you don't speak?"

The white dragon horse, who was watching with great interest, heard the little black fat man's words and couldn't help but get furious, and slapped a hoof on the little black fat man's head.

The **** with such a daunting scenery was not conscious at all, and even shouted at this time, it was simply unbearable.

"Miscellaneous horse, do you dare to play this seat? It's really against you!"

The little black fat man was also furious, staring at Bailongma and said.

"What's the matter with you? I think you're underplaying! What else are you saying about grabbing reincarnation jade bi? If we were to come back to save you, you would have to be cramped by those war spirits, so kindly say you can take samsara jade bi? "

The white dragon horse slapped a hoof on the little black fat man's head again. The little black fat man shot in front of him was black. His eyes were Venus and his eyes rolled straight.

"Misma, you... you bastard, I fight with you!"

The little black fat man was so angry that Qiqiao smoked, and said, gritting his teeth.

He was still a rare blush, and Bai Longma was indeed right. This time he vowed to take away the reincarnation of Yubi, but he turned over in the gutter and was captured by Xue Wei.

After the white dragon horse and the little black fat man's gag, Ling Xiao and Xue Wei's excited feelings also calmed down a lot.

"Xue Wei, how could you be in this reincarnation jade bi, and have captured Kunpeng? Your cultivation base...has already reached the realm of the nine-turn semi-holy?!"

Ling Xiao asked with some curiosity, but when he felt the breath of Xue Wei's body, he was even more shocked.

Xuewei's breath is extremely powerful, and the body seems to contain incomparably vast power. The cultivation base has reached the nine-turn half-sacred state, which is stronger than Ling Xiao, and the accumulation of incomparable strength, as if to take another half step, just Can immediately preach and sanctify.

Ling Xiao was very curious about where Xue Wei was in the past ten years. In just ten years, Xue Wei's cultivation practice reached such a level, and Ling Xiao was extremely shocked.

"The reason why I am in the samsara jade is also because I sensed the samsara in samsara, so I will practice here! This little fat man sneaked in before and wanted to take it away Reincarnation Yubi wants to take action against me, so I will punish it slightly!"

Xue Wei smiled slightly, without any concealment, telling her experience over the years.

It turned out that after entering God Realm, Xuewei's chance coincidence was discovered by the reincarnation master of the reincarnation temple, and she was taken as a personal disciple and brought into the reincarnation temple.

Xue Wei became the virgin of the Temple of Reincarnation, and the Son of the Temple of Reincarnation was tied as the two most dazzling arrogance of the Temple of Reincarnation.

This time, the vision in the cosmic Tianhe just happened to be seen after Xue Wei went out of the customs. Because she practiced the secret technique of reincarnation, she was attracted by the reincarnation jade bi, and then came to retreat in reincarnation jade bi.

The little black fat man wanted to take away the reincarnation of and wanted to attack Xuewei, but he didn't expect that stealing the chicken wouldn't kill the rice, instead, Xuewei was imprisoned.

"Misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding! Sister, you see that we are all a family. At first glance, you are a beautiful and kind sister, can you let me go first?"

The little black fat man's face turned red, and he said a little embarrassedly.

"it is good!"

Xue Wei nodded with a smile, and the mysterious rune flashed in her palm, as if a certain seal had been opened. The chain of order wrapped around the little black fat man instantly dispersed.

"Misma, I will kill you!"

The little black fat man just got out of his sleep, suddenly shouted, and then rushed towards the white dragon horse.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early. The long-awaited Xuewei appeared, and the flowers greeted him. As for the relationship between Xuewei, Jinse and Ling Xiao, Mu Yu will definitely give them a perfect ending. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message to me.

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