Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2049: Reincarnation!

The little black fat man's strength is very strong, plus the space in the reincarnation jade bi is not large, the speed of the white dragon horse can't be displayed at all, and soon he was caught by the little black fat man, and began to ravage hard. .

"Ah... Little Black Fatty, Lord fights with you!"

The white dragon horse is furious and wants to resist, but it is a pity that it is not the opponent of the little black fat man. After all, he has just broken through to the realm of the nine-turn half-sacred, and the little black fat man is already a strong man in the three realms, white dragon horse It was directly suppressed.

"Miscellaneous hairy bird, the heavenly source you drink is Lord's footwash, and dare to let it go with your grandfather? Ye must teach you a good meal today!"

After the little black fat man suppressed the white dragon horse, he beat the white dragon horse and yelled.

Neither Ling Xiao nor Jin Se ignored these two guys and allowed them to make troubles. They hadn't seen them in so many years, as if there were many words to talk about, and many to talk about in the past.

The chaos surrounded by mist, the dazzling light, the breath of steam, and it looked extremely peaceful.

Ling Xiao listened to Xue Wei quietly about what happened in these years, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

The location of the reincarnation shrine is very secret. Although it is located in the upper three heavens, it is isolated from other sect gate holy places, just like the sect gate of the hidden world.

After Xuewei was accepted by the reincarnation master as a disciple, most of the past ten years have been retreating and practicing. Xuewei has practiced the reincarnation of heavenly power, splitting millions of thoughts, and traveling through the heavens and the world, just like reincarnation. , Experienced different lives, and felt various joys and sorrows.

It must be said that the incomparable horror of the reincarnation of Tiangong and Xuewei’s reincarnation of the Sacred Body, although only after more than ten years, she seems to have obtained the memory of hundreds of centuries out of thin air. Reached the nine-turn half-sage.

If it were not for Xuewei's suppression of cultivation, it would not be impossible even to break through to the realm of the saint.

Of course, the most important thing is that the combination of samsara and samsara can only shine. If you change another person, if you want to practice samurai techniques such as samsara, it is impossible to cultivate without sainthood.

This time, also after Xue Wei's departure, the Lord of Reincarnation discovered the alienation of the universe's Tianhe, and told her the secret of Reincarnation Jade Bi in the land of bones, let her come to enlighten and confirm the secret technique of Reincarnation. See Ling Xiao here.

"Xue Wei, there is really complete samsara in samsara in this samsara? Isn't samsara in samsara the supreme power of samsara? How can it appear here?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Brother Ling Xiao, the origin of this reincarnation jade bi is incomparably old, but its origins are no longer available, but it does contain the complete mystery of reincarnation. The mystery of reincarnation in my reincarnation temple is said to have a great relationship with the reincarnation jade bi! But the reincarnation jade is the core of the place where the bones are buried. No one can move!"

Xue Wei smiled slightly and told Ling Xiao all the information she knew without reservation.

The reincarnation jade bi is extremely strong, hidden in the depths of the land where the bones are buried, and most people cannot find the land where the bones are buried, let alone the samsara jade.

This time the cosmic Tianhe changed, and the land of bones opened. Xuewei entered into the reincarnation jade bi only to discover that in the reincarnation jade bi enlightenment, she realized that the realm of the reincarnation was leaps and bounds, and her practice speed reached the previous speed. Dozens of times.

Kun Peng wanted to devour the reincarnation jade bi with the inner world. It was indeed somewhat whimsical. Even the super power of the Holy King Realm, there is no way to leave a trace on the reincarnation jade bi.

"Xue Wei, where is the reincarnation technique?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said slowly.

After hearing Ling Xiao’s words, Ling Xiao’s heart also dropped a lot. It seems that the reincarnation secret technique in the reincarnation jade bi is indeed complete, not the incomplete secret technique. Ling Xiao is afraid that it is like the secret technique of fate and cause and effect Like the secret technique, it seems that this time did not disappoint him.

"Brother Ling Xiao, this is the secret technique of reincarnation!"

Xue Wei smiled faintly, and his slim jade hand waved out an ancient syllable in his mouth. The bright light in the void suddenly bloomed, and there seemed to be a golden rune in the chaotic fog. A very mysterious verse.

The mystery of reincarnation is hidden deep in the jade of reincarnation. Even if it is in the jade of reincarnation, it is extremely difficult to realize the complete mystery of reincarnation.

Because Xue Wei had practiced samsara celestial power originally, she urged the power of samsara celestial power at the moment. Suddenly, the reincarnation jade bi responded, and all the verses of samsara in samsara appeared in the void.


Ling Xiao was shocked, and the light in her eyes was dazzling, and her eyes fell on the scriptures of the reincarnation technique, and she could no longer move away.


Ling Xiao radiated a dazzling light around him, and the wordless book in his sea of ​​understanding began to tremble violently, and flew directly out of his eyebrows in an instant.

The ancient wordless heavenly book floats above the sky dome, and the mysterious reincarnation technique suddenly becomes like a bright streamer, and instantly merges into the wordless heavenly book.

Ling Xiaopan sat in the void, the whole body was brilliantly radiant, the nine-color Shenxia lingered, and the wordless book floated on top of Ling Xiao's head.

In the underworld, Ling Xiao felt as if the Yuanshen had split hundreds of millions of Dao in an instant, passed through a mysterious void channel, and entered into the heavens and the world, like a reincarnation, experiencing a thousand lives , Endless sweet and bitter.

That kind of feeling is so wonderful that Ling Xiao's understanding of the world is getting deeper and deeper, and the secret technique of reincarnation is also quietly engraved in his Yuanshen.


Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen is crystal clear and is gorgeous, after integrating the reincarnation of reincarnation, he began to exude a smoky breath, as if to wash away all the common sense , Cut off all the causes and effects, and the whole person became aloof.

In the reincarnation of Jade Bi, a vast and mysterious force merged into Ling Xiao's body, so that his breath began to soar. With Ling Xiao's enlightenment to the reincarnation technique, his cultivation practice began to leap forward.

"Brother Ling Xiao, actually inspired the source of reincarnation in the reincarnation jade bi? The wordless book is indeed the treasure of chaos!"

Xue Wei whispered in surprise.

The reason why she came to practice in the reincarnation jade bib is because the reincarnation jade bib contains the source of reincarnation, which can make her understanding of the reincarnation of reincarnation rapidly advance.

Ling Xiao had just begun to enlighten the secret technique of reincarnation, which inspired the source of reincarnation, and even cultivation practice began to skyrocket.

Xue Wei can feel that Ling Xiao has exuded a breakthrough wave, and the eighth Nirvana is coming!

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