Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2058: Heavenly Blood Purple Sword!

Before the little black fat man turned into a humanoid, covering his breath, even Hua Ziyang did not find the body of the little black fat man, but at this moment, the little black fat man broke out Kun Kunpeng’s horror magical power, and immediately let Hua Ziyang recognize him Origin.

Hua Zi didn't expect that the horrible Kunpeng was actually with Ling Xiao, and also shot for Ling Xiao!


The violent shock of the void, so dozens of strong men were directly swallowed by Kunpeng, blood and rain were flying, and the air was violent, making people tremble.

The little black fat man shook his body, and immediately turned into Kunpeng's body. Although it was only thousands of feet long, the whole body was dark, just like a strange fish with wings and wings, and his breath was terrifying.

Everyone stared at Kunpeng, his eyes full of incredible looks.

"How can this be!"

Everyone's heart was trembling. That Kun Kunpeng, who could fight Hua Ziyang, the Son of Darkness, and the young monk, the three great peers, was actually with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's strength is already terrifying, and it is almost equivalent to Hua Ziyang. Even under the joint attack of everyone, it is not hurt.

Now I have added a Kunpeng, who is extremely powerful, how can I fight this battle?

Suddenly, many people felt retreat in their hearts. As for the temptation of all the treasures, they all left behind. At this moment, they just want to save their lives.

"A bunch of scum, bullying and fearing things, come and come, let your uncle Kunpeng teach you how to be a man!"

Kun Peng sneered, his eyes deep and incomparable, seemingly unruly and untamed, and his whole body was so angry.

He rose up into the sky in an instant, and the vast swallowing avenue around him exploded at a speed like lightning. It appeared directly behind dozens of half-holy strong men, and then swallowed them in one bite.

Kunpeng is not only an ancient overlord, his bloodline is terrifying, but his cultivation base has reached three heavens. For this group of strong human races with only half-sacred cultivation bases, there is no difficulty at all, it is almost like cutting melons and vegetables. Generally, dozens of powerful men were soon swallowed.

"Ah... don't eat me... don't eat me!"

"I was wrong... Uncle Kunpeng, I will never dare to be against you again!"

"Everyone is running away!"

In the void, suddenly became very chaotic.

Everyone's eyes were full of terrified looks, and they yelled one by one, and began to flee wildly towards the distance.

There was no more war in their hearts. At this moment, they just wanted to escape as far as possible. They were completely scared by Kun Peng.

"Long Aotian, you are dead!"

Hua Ziyang was furious, and his eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intent, and his hatred for Ling Xiao had reached the extreme.

He stared deadly at Ling Xiao, and stood up instantly, a violent divine light burst out all over his body, a purple air rose, the law of the road was filled, and finally turned into an extremely fierce battle sword, cutting across the sky towards Ling Xiao Come.

The blood of Hua Ziyang's body suddenly bloomed suddenly, the purple blood was diffused, and it looked extremely mysterious. It was swallowed by that knife like a whale and a sea siphon, and then it became more and more enchanted, and it suddenly turned towards Ling Xiao fell down.

"This is... Tiandao Zixuedao!"

Hua Tianqiang was shocked, and could not help but exclaimed.

Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife is a supreme supernatural power of the Chinese, but it is a forbidden trick. Using the blood in your body as a guide, the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife is summoned, and the blood will not be received without the sword until the root **** is completely destroyed. Will be sheathed.

At this moment, Hua Ziyang burned the general sperm blood in his body at all costs. He exhibited the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife, just to kill Ling Xiao.

"Tiandao Zixuedao is born, Ling Xiao will die!"

Yang Wenhan said, his eyes full of murderous intentions.

Like Hua Tianqiang, he is the person who most hopes that Ling Xiao will die, because Ling Xiao has become the demon of both of them. If Ling Xiao does not die, their cultivation will not be in any way ever since.

Tiandao Zixuedao is so powerful that both Huatianqiang and Yang Wen see hope.

"Heavenly cycle, reversing cause and effect!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are deep and mysterious, as if containing a mysterious rune, as bright as the stars above the nine sky stars.

He sipped lightly in his mouth, and his voice was so convoluted that it contained a power to speak out.

The mysterious technique of reincarnation and the mysterious technique of cause and effect, at this moment, seem to be integrated with Ling Xiao himself, and a mysterious wave emanates from Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao's hands were sealed, and it seemed to be a residual image. Facing the heavenly blood purple blood knife from the sky, it seemed that he didn't care at all, and his expression was extremely calm.

The speed of his hands is getting faster and faster. The reincarnation secret technique and the causal secret technique seem to appear in his two palms, and finally slowly merge together.

When Tiandao Zixue Dao was about to reach Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao suddenly pushed his palms out horizontally, and a rune came out from the palm of his hand, gently patting Tiandao Zixue Dao.


The emptiness trembles, the light of Tiandao Zixuedao is dazzling and dazzling, and a melodious and crisp sound wave is emitted, which disappears in front of Ling Xiao in an instant.


At the next moment, blood flashed in the void, and the Heavenly Dao Blood Sword appeared from Yang Wen and Hua Tianqiang's bodies, cutting them both in half.

Blood light bloomed in the void, illuminating all eyes, even Hua Ziyang's eyes were full of incredible looks, and the whole body could not help shaking.


Ling Xiao's eyes were very indifferent, his whole body was boiling with indignation, and he punched out. The golden fist slammed down on Huatianqiang and Yang directly blasted them both.

The peerless geniuses of the two holy children died in Ling Xiao's hands!

"Long Aotian, can actually transfer the causal power of the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife?"

Hua Ziyang's voice was shaking, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

The magical power of the Heavenly Dao Blood Sword is terrifying because it contains a trace of causal power, the hegemony is the cause, the killing is the fruit, and the blood is not received, so the Heavenly Dao Blood Sword must take away a life.

Originally, Hua Ziyang came towards Ling Xiao, but did not expect that Ling Xiao did not know what secret method was used, and directly transferred the causal force in the Tiandao Zi blood knife, and transferred the cause and effect to Hua Tian Qiong and Yang Wen. Body.

As a result, Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen were chopped by Tiandao Zixue Knife, and then killed by Ling Xiao with a fist. They completely disappeared in this world, and they didn’t even know how to die until they died. Very suffocated!

PS: The second session is over, everyone rests early.

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