Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2057: Swallow 0 army, invincible with me!


The void burst apart, like hundreds of millions of volcanoes exploded at the same time, the blazing divine light was thin, just like the boiling sea, and the big waves blew the sky and earth into a white piece.

Yan Diding exudes a blazing flame, as if he could burn the world, and an extremely terrifying Diwei spread out.

Yan Di Ding and Emperor Dharma aim at violent collision in the void, intertwined with lightning, violent collision of runes, and the outbreak of fluctuations, making everyone tremble and pale.

This is the collision between Ji Dao Di Wei and Ji Dao Di Wei, but the power of the Supreme Emperor, far beyond everyone's imagination.

Although Yan Di Ding is the supreme supernatural power that Ling Xiao evolved with the Battle of Heaven's Secret, but has the true meaning of Yan Di Ding, contains the power of the emperor, and the collision with the emperor's law will not fall at all.


In the end, Yan Emperor Ding and the Great Emperor's Law were broken at the same time, and at the same time they were annihilated.

Both Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang were in shock and flew!

"Damn it! This is the legendary fighting battle?"

Hua Ziyang's face was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

He had also heard that the Battle of Gods in the Temple of War is the first battle secret of the heavens, and it can evolve the heavens and the law of terror.

But he did not expect that Ling Xiao could actually evolve the fighting battle to the point where he could explode the strength of the Ji Dao imperial soldiers, and even broke his emperor's decree.

Ling Xiao's face was also slightly pale. Although he blocked the mortal blow of the Emperor's Dharma, but Yan Diding was broken, which means that his fighting tactics were also broken by the Emperor's Dharma.

But his eyes are extremely bright and shining, as if containing a vast starry sky, and it is like the condensing of hundreds of thousands of sword qi, unparalleled.

"Hua Ziyang, is your only strength?"

Ling Xiao said coldly that his eyes seemed to burst out of his eyes, and the vast fighting intentions of the whole body rose, punching him toward Hua Ziyang.

The chaotic atmosphere of the sky seemed to explode all at once, the sound of Long Yin shook the sky, Ling Xiao wrapped the world, and it seemed that there were hundreds of millions of thunders exploded around the body, and finally turned into an invincible fist. go with.

Ling Xiao's speed was so extreme that his fist prints were unparalleled. Once again, the fist of the Heavenly Emperor broke out, as if it could break the four heavenly vaults, causing Hua Ziyang to change color suddenly.

The power of Heavenly Emperor’s fist is too horrible. Rao Shihua Ziyang has broken through the three heavens, and at this moment, he feels a great threat.

In addition, Ling Xiao's physical body is powerful and unmatched. After chaotic refining, the blood in the body is thin, and it can almost tear the sky.

"Ling Xiao, don't be too arrogant!"

Hua Ziyang roared with a shout, as if a purple Shenyang flew out of his palm, exuding a tremendous divine light, rumbling toward Ling Xiao.

The faces around the people also showed a very fierce look. They all knew that Ling Xiao’s incomparable horror, and the strongest power erupted one by one, exhibiting powerful holy dharma and supreme holy treasure, one after another. Ling Xiao blasted.


In the void, a blazing ray of light sprayed thinly, like the boiling sea, overwhelmingly suppressed towards Ling Xiao.

The deeper the people's suspicion of Ling Xiao, the more fierce the murderous intention in their hearts is, and the eyes are indifferent one by one, and they hope to put Ling Xiao to death immediately.


The violent sound exploded in the void, the sky swayed, the turbulent chaotic air spread, and Ling Xiao's fist collided with Hua Ziyang, bursting out a fierce wave of divine light.

Hua Ziyang was blown out by Ling Xiao directly.

At this moment, everyone's horrific attack instantly enveloped Ling Xiao, as if he was going to blow him up.

Hundreds of powerful players shot at the same time, and the power was terrifying, but Ling Xiao seemed to have not dodged in the slightest, and he endured the sky and storm of the sky, and was directly submerged.

The endless divine light raged, the thunder exploded, and the void was broken, as if all vitality had been completely annihilated.

Such a horrible attack, even if it is a saint, will be hit hard if not dead!

"Long Aotian is this **** dead?"

Hua Tianqiang's face was pale, and his eyes were full of resentment.

"Should I die? Such a terrifying attack is not something a half-holy strong can afford!"

Yang Wen said somewhat uncertainly, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

In fact, Ling Xiao brought too much pressure to his heart, making him not sure whether Ling Xiao could survive such a terrible attack.

After all, Ling Xiao has created too many miracles.


Suddenly, in the sky-long storm of divine light, a terrifying vortex suddenly appeared, spraying the endless divine light, swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth, and the breath was vast and unmatched.

Everyone's attack, even the supreme saint that broke out from the crowd, was swallowed by that terrible vortex at the same time.


A fierce lightning rose, Ling Xiao jumped out of the void directly, the whole body's chaotic gas rose, and the fists hit in the air, the breath was sharp to the extreme.

He blasted tens of thousands of fist prints almost instantly, and each fist print was incomparably scary, and fell accurately on the hundreds of strong men.


It was like a blazing divine light spreading out, containing the power of ruining the world. Many powerful people around Lingxiao were shocked all over the body, and then flew out suddenly, coughing up blood in his mouth, and full of eyes. Very terrified look.

"Your despicable bastards, just bullying less, dare to sneak attack?"

A cold voice sounded, like a thunder blasting in the boom!

The little black fat man was furious, and his face was filled with incomparable coldness. He instantly rose up into the sky, opened the big mouth of the blood basin directly, and suddenly swallowed towards the hundreds of powerful men.

Both Bailongma and Xiaohei Fat were protecting Xuewei before, and they didn't shoot, and judging from Ling Xiao's extremely fierce shots, they might be able to solve these people without using them.

But just a few hundred people suddenly made a surprise attack, which made the little black fat man and the white dragon horse both startled and angry, and suddenly ran away.

The little black fat man's black divine light rose around his body, and when his mouth was opened, it seemed that a huge engulfing vortex appeared above the sky dome and came towards many powerful men.

Suddenly, that horrible devouring force exploded, and dozens of powerful men who were swept away by Ling Xiao were swallowed directly by the little black fat man.

"He is... he is... Kunpeng?!"

Hua Ziyang shuddered, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes, and he could not help but exclaim.

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