Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2056: The purpose of killing words!


Both Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen flew out horizontally, all covered with flesh and blood, and in Ling Xiao's hands, even without a single move, they were defeated directly.

Recall that three years ago, when Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen were in the Temple of War, although they were also defeated by Ling Xiao, they believed that they were only weaker than Ling Xiao. The more important thing was because of Ling Xiao’s hands. There are Fan Tianyin.

But in just three years, not only did Ling Xiao's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, but the fighting power was even more terrifying.

Both of them even had a strong sense of frustration and despair in their hearts.

"Long Aotian, you are dead!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were boiling with murderous intent, rushing towards Ling Xiao across the sky, and the blazing divine light in his palm rose as if it had become a world of flames, and he shrouded towards Ling Xiao.

He was shocked and angry in his heart. Thousands of strong men besieged Ling Xiao at the same time, but he didn't expect the result to be like this.

Ling Xiao rushed through the crowd, as if entering a land of no one. Everywhere he went, he turned his horse upside down and set off a storm of blood and blood. There were broken limbs and arms everywhere, and those people had already been slashed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao possesses the secret technique of removal. As his cultivation improves, his attainments on the secret technique of removal are becoming stronger and stronger. The figure is very strange, and the ghosts are out of the way, so that everyone can't concentrate on attacking him. Break.

Nowadays, even Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen are defeated by Ling Xiao. If Hua Ziyang never shoots again, maybe Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen will die in Ling Xiao's hands.


The flame world is vast and unmatched, as if it is the real world. Among them, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the sea is surging. The endless flames have formed the landscape of mountains, rivers, plants, trees, sun, moon, and stars. It contains the true meaning of the road, thick and ancient.

The world of flames is suppressed towards Lingxiao, like a mountain of hundreds of thousands of mountains, it is necessary to suppress everything into powder.


The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he kicked out of the sky, and the violent explosion of the void, he kicked on the world of flames, just like the ancient emperor who opened the earth, containing the supreme power.

The world of flame trembles violently, flames spread thinly, spread along Ling Xiao's feet, and suddenly covered him all over with a sudden.

"Make me!"

Hua Ziyang drank a cold voice, the endless flame erupted, enveloped Ling Xiao in the center, and even dragged directly into the flame world.

An ancient oven appeared faintly in the void. The purple flames were filled with the power of the law of the avenue. The chaos surrounding the mist surging, turned into a purple rune, sealing the surrounding voids.

Hua Ziyang turned out to be resolutely refining Ling Xiao!

His incomparable mystery of Ziyang's Dao fire is the source of the avenue, even if the sage can be directly refined, the holy treasure will instantly become molten iron, and hegemony is incomparable.


The flame rises, the sky violently oscillates, and I can only hear the endless sea of ​​fire, as if there is the sound of dragon chant, and it is getting louder, ancient and mysterious.


In an instant, among the endless flames, an extremely mysterious engulfing vortex appeared, and began to devour the surrounding Ziyang Dao fire insanely.

Faintly, I can see that there is a figure in the center, which is the center of the engulfing vortex. After the endless Ziyang Road Fire is swallowed, they are all integrated into that figure, making the figure's breath more and more scary.

"Long Aotian!!!"

Hua Ziyang was shocked, her eyes full of unbelievable look, some teeth gritted.

He didn't even think that his Ziyang Daohuo could even be refined by the saints. He did not cause any harm to Ling Xiao, but was swallowed directly by Ling Xiao into his abdomen, becoming part of his own nourishment.

"Ziyang Daohuo? Unfortunately, there are too few!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his voice very calm.

But hearing his voice in Hua Ziyang's ears made Hua Ziyang's face more and more ugly, and the killing intent of his eyes was like substance.

"Long Aotian, you forced me!"

As Hua Ziyang gritted his teeth, the holy prestige all over his body filled him, and suddenly a mighty rushed into the sky, condensing into a terrible storm behind him.


A black thunder flashed, and a golden scroll appeared in Hua Ziyang's palm, slowly spreading out, revealing one of the ancient and mysterious seal characters.


There is a word "kill" on the scroll. As soon as the scroll is opened, the wind and the clouds change color, the sun and the moon are dark, the chaotic fog is shaking violently, and a strong killing intention locks everyone up. Everyone was trembling, and the soul was dreading deeply.

"Emperor Dharma?! Not good!"

Xue Wei, Bai Longma and Little Black Fatty all changed their faces and could not help but exclaim.

They didn't even think that Hua Ziyang even had a second Emperor's Decree, and it seemed far more terrifying than the previous Sealing Decree, but it was a pure killing Decree, which contained the supreme murderous opportunity of the Emperor.

When Ling Xiao was locked by the word "kill" above the void, she immediately felt extremely palpitated, some scalp tingled, and a threat of death flooded her heart.

This is the ultimate killing intent of the ancient emperor. Who can stop it when he speaks the law?

The purpose of the ancient emperor's killing character is to seduce the soul and take the life rope. Even the saints have no way to contend, they can only kill by the neck.

At this moment, the Quartet's void was oscillating, a thick thunder intertwined in the void, the law of the avenue flashed, mysterious lines surging, all Ling Xiao's retreat was sealed off, as if Heaven and Earth Avenue were repelling Ling Xiao, let him immediately Fall into a disadvantaged position.


The word "kill" above the void was flying towards Ling Xiao, the emperor's decree seemed to cover the world and the world into an endless darkness, and the heavy murderous intention seemed to wipe out all vitality completely. Open for me! "

Ling Xiao was full of blood and blood, his eyes showed a very crazy look, and suddenly shouted.


Flames rose around him, mysterious runes intertwined, and a vast and ancient atmosphere exploded. An ancient three-legged and two-eared eardrum appeared in front of him, which looked crystal clear and spewed out endless hot flames.

Yan Di Ding!

Ling Xiao evolved the real meaning of Yan Di Ding with his fighting tactics, and instantly the mighty Ji Dao Di Wei spewed out from Yan Di Ding. Yan Di Ding swirled around and rose directly into the sky, exuding endless hot flames , As if it were the source of all fire, the sect burning the sky, the breath of terror is extremely extreme.


I saw a blazing divine light burst out, Yan Diding and Emperor Dage directly collided together!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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