Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: Red crown 1 is angry!


"I really don't know life and death, could he even think that he can't be defeated by one enemy?"

"Since he is looking for death, then complete him!"

Everyone scolded the road, the eyes were extremely cold, the light on everyone was boiling like a sea, and the vastness was spreading together, gathering into a vast momentum, suppressing towards Lingxiao.

Thousands of powerful figures, many of which are the strong men of the nine-turn half-holy peak, and even a Hua Ziyang comparable to the saint, so many strong men add up to even the holy saint!

For ordinary people, under such strong pressure, I am afraid they would have collapsed directly.


Ling Xiao did not speak, but responded with fists. His eyes were extremely cold. His whole body exuded a murderous intention, and he shot directly!

The golden blood around him was boiling, and the fighting spirit was high, as if there was a ray of thunder. With the sound of the ancient and vast dragon chanting, the golden fist marks were suppressed against the crowd.

"kill him!"

Hua Ziyang said indifferently that he was the first to kill Ling Xiao. The purple flames all over his body filled with the law of the avenue.

His shot was incredibly fierce, and the rune flashed in the palm of his hand, as if there was a purple fire unicorn leaping out in a flash, monstrous, ancient and mysterious.

This is the sacred law of Zihuo Qilin, but it is a supreme power that Hua Ziyang has mastered.

Immediately following Hua Ziyang, Hua Tianqiang, Yang Wen, and everyone were also slaying towards Ling Xiao at the same time, a divine light intertwined in the void, a divine treasure fell, and thousands of powerful men shot with terrifying momentum .


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold and indifferent, as if he did not care about the purple flames in the void, and ran into it. The golden fist seal contained the power of terror and exploded.

Zihuo Qilin and Ling Xiao's fist seal collided, and suddenly the sky oscillated, blasting away, inspiring the tremendous divine light fluctuations, and the breath of terror.


Hua Ziyang took a step forward, swiftly, as if an ancient roar sounded, Zihuo Qilin instantaneously differentiated thousands of Dao, while rushing towards Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao drank a cold voice, and the blood around his body became more and more majestic, as if there were billions of gods of light spraying out, a chaotic atmosphere intertwined, and the supreme fist of Yang Zhigang broke out, It seems that there are three thousand worlds lingering around him.

Fist of Heaven Emperor broke out!

Ling Xiao fought against the Nine Emperor's Virtual Shadow in Thunder Tribulation, condensed this powerful punch with supreme understanding and supreme fighting intention, and was born out of the fist of Heavenly Emperor, but it was slightly different and has been completely Turned into Ling Xiao's boxing intention, allowing him to freely burst into the power of terror.

However, the fist of Heavenly Emperor was too terrifying. With Ling Xiao’s current cultivation practice, there was no way to explode a few punches and became one of his most powerful cards.


The fist of Heavenly Emperor came across the sky, so Hua Ziyang couldn’t help but change his face, revealing a dignified color. Although he was already a strong man in the Three Realms, the fist of Heavenly Emperor Ling Xiao made him feel Great threat.

The fiery runes rose in his palm, and thousands of purple fire unicorns rushed towards Lingxiao at the same time.

At the same time, the Huatian Dome rose up in the sky, and the purple fire **** bead appeared in the palm of your hand, and the words of cloud and seal flashed, making the void violently shaken, and then suddenly printed towards Ling Xiao's body.


The fist of Heavenly Emperor is unparalleled, passing through endless time and space, capable of crushing everything and destroying everything. The purple fire unicorn in the void is directly broken by Ling Xiao's fist and blasted towards the purple fire **** beads.


Zihuo Shenzhu's incomparable miraculousness, although blocking Ling Xiao's punch, was still blown out by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao put out his palm like a sword, and instantly cut out tens of thousands of sword lights, intertwined into a giant net of sword lights, and all those cloud pattern seal words were exploded.


In Ling Xiao's eyes, the fine mans flashed, and suddenly a terrifying sound of Longyin broke out, shaking Jiu Xiao.

Behind him seemed to appear a huge golden dragon, the mighty dragon, looks like the resurrection of the ancient dragon emperor, sweeping across the sky, breaking the sky of divine light, a powerful holy treasure violently shaking, Then flew out.

"Get away from me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes boiled with murderous intent, took one step, appeared out of boundlessness, and immediately blasted hundreds of fists, each punch was like a blazing Shenyang rising, and it was extremely aggressive.

Hundreds of figures blocked in front of him were all violent shocks, and then flew out, blood spewing in his mouth.


Ling Xiao's palms pushed out horizontally, and the whole body exploded as if pushing the sun, moon and stars horizontally. The two palm knives were intertwined and cut out horizontally, turning into billions of knives.

Everyone was in a tremor, feeling their scalp numb, and quickly backed away, but there were still people who could not dodge and were cut off by the two swords and the blood rain swayed the sky.

Ling Xiao plowed out two passages among the crowd with two billions of knives.

"You all **** it!"

Ling Xiao's body was full of blood, his black hair was flying, his eyes were cold, and the vast dragon's power sprayed thinly, his breath was ancient and majestic, like a supreme dragon emperor.

He rushed through the crowds, striking through the crowd, killing everyone as a ghost crying and howling, almost no one was his united enemy.

In the end, his eyes fell on Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen. The killing intention was like substance. Both Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen couldn't help but tremble, and their eyes were filled with incomparable fear.

"He... how could he be so strong?"

Hua Tianqiang's face was extremely ugly, and his voice shivered.

"Damn! What the **** is this? He must die, he will die in his hands sooner or later!"

Yang Wen's eyes were full of resentment, and he roared in his heart.


A stream of light flashed at the foot of Ling directly performed the secret removal technique, and the void became a little blurred. The next moment he disappeared directly into the void, as if there was no breath.

Both Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen shuddered and felt a fatal threat. They immediately understood that Ling Xiao was coming at them.

They didn't even think about it, they directly displayed the most powerful force, the radiant body of the whole body rose, the Saint Gang intertwined, and the strongest defense broke out.


They had just been prepared, and suddenly the void behind them broke apart, Ling Xiao appeared behind them both out of thin air, like ghosts and ghosts, and then the two punches burst out into the air!

The defensive lights of Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wenzhou all exploded in a sudden, the void roared, and the invincible fist broke all the defenses, as if there was nothing, and they were directly and fiercely bombarded in Hua Tianqiang and Yang. On the back of the text.

puff! puff!

Both Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen were shocked, and the sound of a fracture sounded, and there was severe pain in their backs. Their faces became extremely pale, and their mouths were bloody!

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