Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: Flock of wolves!

The Tiandu Emperor's Finger is the great emperor of the Chinese ethnic group and contains incomparable terror. Hua Ziyang can display the Tiandu Emperor's Finger at a great cost.

That Heavenly Emperor's finger pierced Xuewei's body, and suddenly let Xuewei's body and blood lose half of his body, his face was extremely pale, and his vitality became weakened.

"Brother Ling Xiao, let's go! Leave me alone!"

Xue Wei's voice was extremely weak, and said anxiously to Ling Xiao.

"Silly girl, don't talk! Why are you so stupid? These despicable **** can't hurt me at all, why are you so painful?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were blood red, and he felt that there was blood dripping from his heart, and he shivered.

He hugged Xuewei tightly, and at the same time took out all the biological and biochemical pills on his body, and all were fed to Xuewei. At the same time, the vast divine power in the body spewed out and poured into Xuewei's body.

Heavenly Emperor refers to the emperor's prestige, if Xuewei has the samsara, the blood is strong, and Ling Xiao swallowed the wisp of Diwei in Xuewei's body in time with the mystery of swallowing the sky. Wei's flesh will be completely broken.

Rao is so, Xue Wei is still extremely weak.

"These shameless bastards, Ling Xiao, slaughtered them!"

Bai Longma saw that Xue Wei was hit hard and his eyes turned red, but he didn't shoot immediately, but took Ling Xiao and Xue Wei like a fierce lightning, and rushed out of the bone immediately.

At this time, the four great war spirits had already caught up. The eyes were full of cold killing intentions, reaching for Ling Xiao and Xue Wei.


The little black fat man's horrible divine light burst out, exuding a strong swallowing power, urging all the power in the body, blocking behind the white dragon horse, and struck hard against those four war spirits.

The horrible divine light was boiling, the void was shattering, the chaotic mists were flowing, and the little black fat man screamed and flew out directly. With the help of the terror of the four war spirits, he also flew out of the ground.

However, at this moment, the little black fat man looked extremely miserable, his chest collapsed, and there were several deep blood marks, which were left by the snake-shaped warrior and the eagle-shaped warrior.

"Little black fat man, are you okay?"

The miserable image of the little black fat man made the white dragon horse startled and said with great concern.

"I'm okay! These four **** living dead people, after Lao Tzu's great achievements, they must be killed!"

The little black fat man said with frustration, he breathed out the spirit of the world, and the chaotic gas surged, so that his injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kunpeng has thick skin and thick skin, extremely strong vitality, and naturally has strong recovery ability. Although it has been attacked by the four major war spirits, it is not fatal.

They finally escaped from the bones.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the people around them suddenly gathered around, and their eyes were full of greed.

"Everyone, he is Long Aotian. The treasures in this area must be taken away by him, otherwise the four war spirits will not chase them down!"

Hua Tianqiong sneered.

"Yes! You must not let them go. Everyone goes together and kills Long Aotian. That treasure is ours!"

Yang Wen also started to fan the flames and set fire.

The eyes of everyone were extremely hot, full of greed and murderous intentions, and locked the most central Ling Xiao four people.

"Long Aotian, hand over the treasures you get, otherwise no one can save you!"

"Yes! The treasures in this area belong to everyone. If you don't hand it over, you will die without burial!"

"Hey, Lord of the War Hall of the Temple of War? But that's all! Hand over Fan Tianyin!"

"And the whereabouts of Ji Feixuan!"


Everyone shouted at Ling Xiao, his eyes were indifferent, he was indifferent, and his intention to kill the whole body was pervasive, as if he had to shoot Ling Xiao at any time.

Although Ling Xiao is the master of the first temple of the Temple of War, and is in charge of Fantianyin, the legendary combat power is unmatched and not weaker than the ancient Tianjiao, but at this moment everyone is confused by the unprecedented treasure.

In the very center of the land where the bones are buried, the nine-color divine light emitted by the reincarnation jade bi is ancient and mysterious, and the breath is very magnificent, so that everyone outside the bones are shocked in the heart, and I believe that it must be a nothing The supreme treasure was born.

Therefore, the greedy heart at this moment even overwhelmed their fear of Ling Xiao.

"Long Aotian, if you catch your hand and give it away, all of us may still be able to save you!"

Hua Ziyang said indifferently, looking at Ling Xiao from a condescending position, and she had a kind of high attitude.

"Bah! You want us to catch our hands, you too?"

Bai Longma sneered.

"Hua Ziyang, if you catch your hand, you will catch it. When you sit here, you will be spared, otherwise you will die today!"

The little black fat man stared at Hua Ziyang fiercely, his eyes full of hatred.

This guy has a great revenge. Hua Ziyang and the son of darkness and the young monk have dealt with him before. He even sacrificed the emperor's law to surrender to him as a mount. The little black fat man has long remembered Hua Ziyang.

The little black fat man even thought that he had to seize Hua Ziyang as his mount before he was able to express this bad breath in his heart.

"I don't know if I'm dead or alive! Since you are looking for death, then it's no wonder we are!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes coldly said coldly.


There are thousands of strong people around Lingxiao, most of them are half-sacred realm. They are extremely powerful. At this moment, their looks are different, and the atmosphere of the whole body is surging.

Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen both sneered, and already regarded Ling Xiao as a dead man.

Even if Ling Xiao is stronger, how could it be the opponent of these thousands of strong men?

"Xuewei, are you afraid?"

Ling Xiao didn't even look at the people around him, as if there was only Xue Wei in his eyes. He ignored the killing intent and said softly.

"Brother Ling Xiao, I am not afraid of you with you!"

Xue Wei smiled her face was pale, but she had a thrilling beauty, which made the world move, and all flowers lost their colors.

"Xuewei, sit here obediently and wait for Brother Ling Xiao to avenge you!"

Ling Xiao put Xuewei on the back of the white dragon horse and touched Xuewei's little head.


A smile appeared on the corner of Xue Wei's mouth and said seriously.

"Dragon Horse, protect Xuewei!"

Ling Xiao said, then stood up slowly, his eyes fell on Hua Ziyang, Hua Tianqiang, Yang Wen and everyone.

" do you want to die?"

A thunder-like voice exploded in the void, with a chill of bone, as if coming from the Nine Nether Hell.

His boiling murderous intention broke out, the blood in his eyes was filled, the madness was extremely violent, and he completely ran away!

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