Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2053: Killing intent!


Ling Xiao and Xue Wei rode Kunpeng and Bailongma and fled towards the boneless ground. The four war spirits chased behind them.

Ling Xiao could even feel the horrible evil spirits of the four warring spirits, just like substance, which made his back cool.

However, whether it is Kunpeng or Bailongma, they have the speed and can travel through the void. Even if the strength of the four war spirits is terrifying, there is no way to catch up with them.

The four major wars were so loud that they were very anxious. After all, they could only move within the area of ​​the bone burial ground. If Ling Xiao and others escaped from the bone burial ground, they could only stare.

The void around him was distorted, and the mist of the chaos rose, as if all the scenes had become blurred, and only one black, one white, and two lightning bolts were shot out of the bone.

Thousands of figures have gathered at the moment outside the ground of bones, and each one has a very powerful breath, and the eyes are full of extremely hot looks.

These are the people who were attracted by the blazing divine light emitted from the bone burial ground, but no one dared to go one step deeper into the bone burial ground.

There are dozens of fresh corpses in the white-skinned area ahead, and there are even dried blood stains, exuding a rich **** gas.

The place where the bone is buried is like a forbidden place, stopping everyone who wants to enter the place where the bone is buried.

"Where is this strange area? Why are there so many bones?"

"Damn, how could there be so many horrible warriors here? Dozens of strong men, among them there are nine strong men who turned half-saint, and all died here without any accident!"

"There must have been something precious in the center of this area, but unfortunately we can't get in at all!"

Everyone was talking and talking, and their eyes were full of unwilling looks.

"Brother Ziyang, is there really no way to enter this area of ​​bones?"

Hua Tianqiong also regretted that they could feel the blazing divine light in the center, and there must be some treasure or the cave of the strong man born.

But there is a group of extremely terrifying war spirits blocking, so that they can only sigh.

"Even the nine-turned half-holy man died silently, and it cannot be ruled out that there are stronger warriors, we are probably not opponents at all!"

Yang Wen also said a little decadently.

Among the eyes of Hua Ziyang, the eyes were clear, staring at the buried land, revealing a deep light, and slowly said: "Wait, I have a hunch, maybe in this strange area, that treasure will It’s not necessary to run out by yourself!"

"Will you run out yourself? How is this possible?"

Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen are a little puzzled.

Their eyes turned to the place where the bones were buried, where the chaos was filled with fog, there was a mysterious and vast area vaguely between them, but what did Hua Ziyang say that the treasure ran out on its own?


Suddenly, the earth began to violently oscillate, the Quartet's void trembled, and the chaotic mist began to escape.

"What is coming out?"

Hua Tianqiong was shocked, a look of extreme surprise appeared in his eyes.

Did Mo Zihua's words really come true? The treasure in the land of bones ran out by itself?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ling Xiao and Xue Wei are extremely fast, and they are about to approach the edge of the ground where their bones are buried. Their eyes are all a little surprised.

"Hahaha...Four old miscellaneous hairs, drink your grandpa's footwash, grandpa will not play with you!"

Bai Longma laughed arrogantly, and turned to leave the ground.

"That's... Long Aotian?! It seems that war spirits are chasing them down!"

Yang Wen exclaimed, the runes filled his eyes, and it looked very mysterious.

"Stop him!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were cold, the murderous intention broke out, and the horror of his whole body was filled, and the sky was killed towards Ling Xiao!


In his palm, the purple divine sun rose, it was an extremely powerful holy treasure, and the flames filled it, as if it could burn everything up.

Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen glanced at each other, their eyes were extremely cold, and immediately after Hua Ziyang, the Xeon blow also broke out, pouring down towards Ling Xiao.

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

They did not expect that someone in the land of bones would escape from it. What was unexpected was that Hua Ziyang and others shot out.

"Too ruthless! This is an endless vendetta. Once those people are stopped, I am afraid that they will be torn apart by the war spirits in an instant!"

Someone exclaimed, and there was a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

They could see that the incomparable horror of the four great war spirits behind Ling Xiao, only with such a breath, made them tremble.

Once Ling Xiao and others were caught by the four great war spirits, I am afraid that the end will be extremely miserable.

Ling Xiao and Zi Wei watched as they reached the edge of the bone burial ground. When they were about to rush out of the bone burial ground, they suddenly felt a terrible murderous attack on him.

"Hua Ziyang? Are you looking for death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, revealing a monstrous murderous intention.

He recognized Hua Zi in an instant. He didn't expect Hua Ziyang to appear here, and he shot him directly.


Ling Xiao understood Hua Ziyang's sinister intentions, and did not want to directly sacrifice the Fan Tianyin, sweeping towards the front with mighty and overbearing power, as if it could make the world repeat.

Ling Xiao wanted to open a passage with Fan Tianyin and force out of the buried land.

"Long Aotian, you caused me to lose a Kunpeng mount that day. Take your life today to pay it back!"

Hua Ziyang's voice was very cold, as if coming from the Nine Nether Hell, and the purple Shenzhu instantly collided with Fan Tianyin.

And Hua Ziyang pointed out at the same time, the fingertips were shining brilliantly, and a drop of golden blood beads escaped. There was a vast and unparalleled power of Godlessness, as if it could penetrate everything, directly towards Ling Xiao's eyebrows. Stab.

Emperor Tiandu means!

Hua Ziyang's speed is so extreme that the killing intent of his eyes is like substance, and he must kill Ling Xiao and then quickly.

He seems to have counted everything in Ling This heavenly emperor's finger is unmatched, and instantly came to Ling Xiao's front, containing the threat of death.

"Brother Ling Xiao, be careful!"

Xue Wei shouted anxiously, and then his eyes showed a very resolute look. The vast reincarnation of the whole body rose in real intention, and a **** light escaped from her body, forming a huge **** rune, directly Blocked in front of Ling Xiao.


Heavenly Emperor pointed to incomparable horror, stabbed a moment above the Scarlet Rune, and finally burst the Scarlet Rune.

Xue Wei was trembling all over, and the Emperor's finger pierced her body, instantly making her tremble violently, and her face became extremely pale.

"Xue Wei!!!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao's eyes instantly became blood red!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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