Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2052: Reincarnation Blood Curse

"Brother Ling Xia, can you help me hold down the four breathing spirits for ten breaths? I have a way to temporarily trap them!"

Suddenly, Xue Wei's voice passed into Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

"Time for ten breaths? Good!"

Although Ling Xiao didn't know what Xue Wei could do, she believed Xue Wei in an instant.


The breath of his whole body was extremely violent, and in a flash of thin air, the invincible fist was pinched in his left hand, unparalleled in length and breadth, as if circling the three thousand worlds, holding the Fan Tianyin in his right, in charge of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and facing the four warring spirits. Suppress.

"Little loach, do you dare to beat your grandfather? I tell you, you are dead! No one in the sky can save you!"

The little black fat man also said viciously with red eyes.

He had just been pumped by the snake-shaped war spirits directly, and if it were not for Xiao Xiao's rescue, his head would be pecked away by the sculpted war spirits, making him extremely inflamed.

Who is he? Ancient monster monster overlord, supreme **** beast Kunpeng!

Although the snake-shaped warrior and the eagle-shaped warrior are extremely powerful, their bloodlines are naturally far inferior to Kunpeng.

The little black fat man's black divine light rose around his body, and black wings flew out of the air instantly, turning into hundreds of millions of black sword lights, falling towards the four war spirits at the same time.


The White Dragon Horse also exploded with a blazing lightning around him, a mysterious and ancient golden light radiated from his eyes, and a very ancient sound of dragon chant broke out in his mouth, which contained a powerful sonic power.

This is a talented supernatural power in the blood of the white dragon horse, but it is a fusion of the supernatural power of the dragon and the Tianma clan.

When Ling Xiao shot, the little black fat man and Bailongma immediately understood Ling Xiao's plan, and they chose to shoot at the same time.


White Dragon Horse's sonic supernatural powers broke out. Rao is the terrifying strength of the four warring spirits, but he was still violently shocked. He felt his head dizzy, as if he was stabbed by hundreds of millions of steel needles. It was extremely painful.

At the same time, the little black fat man's billions of sword lights fell like a sea of ​​fierce sword qi, and they were chopped on the body of the four major war spirits, and they were immediately obliterated.

In the end, Ling Xiao's Fist of Heavenly Emperor and Fan Tianyin were suppressed at the same time, and the terror fluctuated the chaos around him, making the void explode directly.

Under the terror attack of the three of them at the same time, even if a saint does not have a strong hole card, it may be instantly bombarded into scum.

However, the strength of the four war spirits is far beyond the imagination of Ling Xiao and others, and it is simply not comparable to ordinary saints.


The divine light exploded in the sky, and the violent shock of the void. Although the four war spirits were overcast by the sonic supernatural power of the white dragon horse, they reacted almost instantaneously, and at the same time cast a powerful supernatural power to resist.

What's more, the war spirits are inherently invisible and immaterial, but they are transformed by an obsession. The attacks attacked by Ling Xiao and Kun Peng did not cause much harm to them, but aroused the anger and killing of the four war spirits. meaning.

"You are looking for death!"

The four war spirits roared with a scream, and at the same time killed four people towards Ling Xiao.

"Samsara dies, it will never die..."

Suddenly, Xue Wei recited the scriptures gently in her mouth, and her voice was ethereal and ethereal, as if coming from nine days away.

A mysterious wave spread, Xue Wei stretched out her slender jade hand, and there was a mysterious black and white rune lingering in her palm, and then flew towards the four war spirits.

Those black and white runes are extremely mysterious, exuding strong fluctuations of the void, as if they are layered space worlds, forming an endless world of reincarnation.

The figures of the four warring spirits were all fixed in the void at the same time, their eyes became confused, and their expressions were a bit dull, as if sinking into a mysterious world.

"Brother Ling Xiao, let's go!"

Xue Wei's face suddenly became pale, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and she said quickly to Ling Xiao.

"Xuewei, are you okay?"

Ling Xiao felt a pain in his heart and hurried up to hold Xue Wei.

He could feel that Xue Wei's breath became a little weakened. Obviously, he was able to trap the four war spirits. Xue Wei also spent a great price.

Whoo! Whoo!

The little black fat man and the white dragon horse did not dare to neglect. Taking advantage of the trance of the four war spirits, they immediately took Ling Xiao and Xue Wei to shoot out of the bone.

The other war spirits were originally staring at Ling Xiao and other people outside the reincarnation of Yubi. At this moment, there are some temptations to move up and start, but there is no way to catch up with the speed of the little black fat man and the white dragon horse. Just stop.

"Cough... Brother Ling Xiao, I'm fine! I just built a reincarnation world with a reincarnation blood curse, temporarily trapping the four warriors, but the strength of the four warriors is terrifyingly terrifying. It won’t take them long! We must leave the place where the bones are buried as soon as possible!"

Xue Wei coughed up a **** mouth, and his breath became languishing. He lay softly in Ling Xiao's arms, his face overflowed with a blush, and the whole person exuded a thrilling beauty.

"Reincarnation blood curse? Silly girl, why are you this!"

Ling Xiao's face changed slightly, he practiced the reincarnation secret technique, knowing that the reincarnation blood curse is a forbidden trick in the reincarnation secret technique, and can form a mysterious reincarnation illusion, making people fall into it forever.

However, the reincarnation blood curse has extremely high requirements on the caster, and Xuewei must pay a great price for the reincarnation blood curse.

"Hurry up!"

Ling Xiao directly took out a biochemical biodan and fed it to Xuewei. The biochemical biodan contained the majestic essence of life. It had a magical effect on Dao injury. Xuewei was just spending too much blood and a biochemical biochemical. , Instantly let Xuewei's breath begin to The pure breath of life diffused, and her face became more ruddy.

Seeing that Xue Wei's expression had improved a lot, Ling Xiao's heart was lifted.

"Where to go?"

"Get me back!"

Two thunderous roars sounded, and behind the voices of Ling Xiao and others came the voices of the four great war spirits.

They should have broken the samsara blood curse and chased them up.

"It's so fast? It seems that the strength of these four war spirits has really reached the state of the Great Saint! We can't be their opponents, leave the place where the bones are buried!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his expression said solemnly.

"Relax! The strength of the four old mixed hairs is good, but if you want to catch up with this seat, let's talk about it in your next life!"

Bai Longma smiled proudly, and the speed was almost extreme, the surrounding scenes were all twisted up and turned into a white emptiness.

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