Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: 4 great war spirits!

The war spirits in the land of bones are very peculiar. Speaking of them, it is because the samsara jade formed the land of bones and many war spirits. Therefore, these war spirits are very sensitive to the mystery of reincarnation.

Even Ling Xiao's mystery of covering the sky is extremely mysterious and can cover all his breath, but because he practiced the reincarnation of reincarnation, he can be sensed by the war spirits outside the reincarnation of Jade Bi.

Before Xue Wei entered the reincarnation jade bi, she finally managed to kill a blood path, and unexpectedly entered the reincarnation jade bi.

Therefore, Ling Xiao is ready to kill the ground where the bones are buried, and the four war spirits are the biggest roadblocks.

"Let's kill!"

Ling Xiao's whole body of war rose, his eyes were fierce and unmatched, and his voice was clanging.

The narrow road meets the brave and wins. Since there is no way to avoid this battle, simply kill it.

"Okay! Only the four great war spirits, as long as they can break out of their encirclement, we can kill them!"

The little black fat man also smiled proudly, and got the secret of reincarnation in the reincarnation jade bi, the little black fat man's wish was fulfilled, and he would act without care.

Bailongma and Xuewei naturally had no opinions, and nodded in agreement.


Little black fat man flashed a black divine light all over his body, and instantly turned into a kunpeng with back wings. The chaos surrounding him was pervasive, the atmosphere was ancient and mysterious, as if he could break the sky.

Ling Xiao stepped onto Kunpeng's back, and Xuewei rode on the back of Bailong Horse. The two looked at each other with a smile, and rushed towards the reincarnation of Yubi.


The void oscillates, the chaotic mist rises, one black and one white lightning flashes out of the reincarnation jade bi instantaneously, and then shoots out of the ground where the bones are buried.


A thunder-like voice exploded in the void, and the four war spirits sitting around the reincarnation jade bi were all cold-eyed, and their terrifying grievances were filled, and they shot at the same time!


Four dazzling divine lights were shot simultaneously from the palms of the four great war spirits, traversing the void, interwoven into a blazing large net, and shrouded towards the head of Ling Xiao.

The holy prestige is pervasive, and the four sides of the world are trembling violently. In that vast net of divine light, the fierce vitality interweaves, as if to wipe out all living things.

"Give me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, stepped on Kunpeng, and punched directly, the golden fist print exploded in a mighty way, just like a round of hot big day, strong and unmatched.


In Xuewei's palm, an ancient sword appeared, and the sword light rose up, and a clear sound of swordsong sounded. In an instant, hundreds of millions of sword lights sprayed out, containing a kind of reincarnation of life and death. Really, head down towards those four war spirits.


The violent shock of the void, the light of the sky burst suddenly, like an endless wave of waves rising up, dyeing the world of the four sides into a day.

Ling Xiao's fist prints bloomed in the sky, and they intertwined with Xuewei's reincarnation of swords, tearing apart the net of divine light, and at the same time annihilated.

But their speed was also affected, and was stopped by the four warring spirits.

"Hand over samsara, otherwise die!"

Two humanoid warriors, one is an old man with white hair and one is a young man in Tsing Yi. At the moment, they are unabashedly glowing in the eyes, staring at Ling Xiao and Xue Wei.

"Alien, **** it!"

"Samsara is the treasure of the land of bones, hand it over to spare you not to die!"

The serpent-shaped warrior and the eagle-shaped warrior also said indifferently.

"If you want to reincarnate the secret technique, then go to enlighten yourself to rebirth the jade. If you don't have the ability to learn the secret technique of reincarnation from the rebirth jade, do you want to block the road and rob?

The little black fat man said disdainfully.

"Hey, little black fat man, you may not know, I think these four guys are so stupid, there is simply no way to enlighten them, even if we give them to them, they will not learn!"

Bailongma also laughed and sang a harmony with the little black fat man.

"Such a stupid thing still wants to reincarnate? Do you still die!"

The little black fat man sneered, and then the horror of his whole body boiled, suddenly opened his mouth suddenly, and the vast swallowing vortex burst out, wanting to directly swallow the four major war spirits into his belly.

Kunpeng's intimate world is terrifying, even if a saint is swallowed into it, he can be refined into a real life.

The little black fat man also had an unexpected idea and wanted to devour the four great war spirits.

But unfortunately, the little black fat man's wishful thinking was still wrong.

He underestimated the strength of these four war spirits.


I saw that the snake-shaped war spirit rose into the air in an instant, and the tail of the snake suddenly pulled towards the mouth of the little black fat man like a whip, as fast as lightning.

The expansive Shengwei burst out like a powerful snake-like holy treasure, and even flew the little black fat man directly.


The sculpted warrior came from the sky, and the sharp eagle beak pecked towards the head of the little black fat man.

"Go away!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and Fan Tianyin flew out of his palm. The black light was thin, like a black mountain. It seemed that even the heavens and the earth could break open and hit the eagle warrior directly.


The sculpted warrior seemed to feel the power of Fan Tianyin too. The sharp claws suddenly shot on the sky, and the violent shock of the void, the sculpted warrior stood up directly with the help of the anti-seismic force.

The serpent warrior and the eagle warrior glanced at each At the same time, the whole body was full of anger and came towards Lingxiao.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, the old man with white hair and the young man in Tsing Yi were all surrounded by Shengwei, who shot extremely violently, and at the same time they were slaying towards Xuewei.

The four war spirits can feel that the reincarnation secrets on Ling Xiao and Xue Wei are the purest, so they chose to shoot Ling Xiao and Xue Wei in unison, and wanted to capture their lives.

"The strength of these four war spirits has already exceeded the limit of the saint, comparable to the great saints?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he felt great pressure all over his body. Although there is the supreme treasure of Fan Tianyin, the combination of the serpent-shaped warrior and the eagle-shaped warrior is ingeniously ingenious, and the incomparable strength is terrifying. Ling Xiao is a little clumsy.

Xuewei's reincarnation sword is extremely powerful, and the sword's spirit rises up, and the vast and powerful tens of thousands of miles can almost break through this world.

But she was also suppressed by the white-haired old man and the Tsing Yi teenager, and she has fallen into a disadvantage, as if she may lose at any time.

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