Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Teach less!

Demon world.

There is a forbidden space in the Dark Demon Sect. The void oscillates. There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere. The blood rain is flying, and there is a thick **** air, as if it is like an asura hell.

"Submit, or die!"

The indifferent voice sounded, containing a monstrous grief and murderous opportunity.

A young man in black robe, black hair dancing wildly, as if he was soaked in blood, filled with monstrous grief, he stood between heaven and earth, full of terrifying power, like a supreme devil emperor, Take control of the Eight Wastelands and sweep across the sky.

He strangled a woman's throat with one hand and lifted it upright.

The woman was wearing a red dress, her face was beautiful, her whole body of white skin was exposed, she looked very attractive, and there were thousands of styles all over her body.

The woman in the red dress exudes a charm, which is a temperament that makes the man go crazy when he sees it. His face is red at the moment, and his eyes are full of weeping expressions, which makes me feel pitiful.

However, the face of the young man in black robe was extremely cold, as if not affected in any way.


The woman in the red dress can feel the indifference and killing intention in the eyes of the young black robe. There is no trace of mercy and pity at all. It seems that as long as she dares to say nothing, she will be torn apart.

The broken limb in the ground is the end she can foresee!

"Very good, you made a right choice!"

The black robe youth's eyes are still cold, and the vast body of the sea is slowly converging, and the red skirt girl is put down.

"Ling Xiao, I really don't know what kind of person you are? But the cultivation of the Eight Saints and Half Saints can sweep all the sons and daughters of my dark demon sect. Is the dark body really so terrible?"

The woman in the red dress looked at Ling Xiao with a sigh of relief, a look of awe and fear in her eyes.

The black robe youth is the dark Lingxiao, now the Dark Demon Sect Son!

Dark Lingxiao was accepted as a personal disciple by the Great Soul of Heaven, and in just ten years, he made a leaps and bounds in the Dark Demon Sect. After breaking through to the realm of the Eight Saints, he became the child of the Dark Demon Sect. .

This time, in order to select the young leader, the Dark Demon Sect put all the sons and daughters in this dark forbidden place to fight, just like raising a worm. Only the final winner is eligible to become the young leader. .

The woman in the red dress is Yumeng'er, the daughter of the dark demon religious master Yu Luosha. She is also an ambitious generation. As a master of the dark demon sect, Xiuwei has already reached the peak of the nine-turn half-sacred, even almost Breaking the first limit, breaking through the three realms, the strength is extremely powerful.

She naturally wants to be a young master!

But this time in the dark forbidden land, dozens of virgins and saints who had been cultivated for more than seven and a half years were all torn apart by Dark Lingxiao, and even she was defeated in the hands of Dark Lingxiao. It is frustration.

"Who am I? Of course I am a man! As far as I am, you want to try it?"

Ling Xiao stretched out two fingers, lifted Yumeng's chin, and smiled coldly.

"Ling Xiao, I am the leader's daughter, do you dare?"

Yu Meng'er's long eyelashes flickered, and among her large watery eyes, her charming eyes were silky, revealing thousands of styles, her chest was undulating, and she looked a little choppy. She looked very provocatively at Dark Lingxiao and said.

"I'm not afraid of anything? Even if the leader is in front of me, I dare to go! Yumeng, this is your own door, then don't blame me for being welcome!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, a black flame spread over her fingertips, and instantly circled Yumeng's body, burning all her clothes into ashes.

Yumeng's flawless body appeared in front of Ling Xiao, full of crazy temptation and charm.

"Ah... you are shameless!"

Yu Meng'er screamed, her face suddenly turned red, she quickly covered her body and stared at the dark Lingxiao very angrily. Although she showed a variety of styles and charms on weekdays, it was only her means. For the first time, showing his body in front of a man.

"Shameless is still below!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled coldly, and ripped open the clothes on his body, revealing a strong and muscular body, and the bronze body was full of explosive power.

He suddenly threw Yu Meng'er to the ground.

Soon, breathing and moaning interweave, in this **** gas-filled forbidden area, the two bodies are intertwined, filled with endless spring.

One day and one night, the dark Lingxiao stood upright, and let Yu Meng'er put on his clothes, tie his hair, and buckle his belt.

Yu Meng'er was flushed, her skin was rosy, and her eyes were full of satisfaction and shyness.

"Hahaha...Okay, very good! Good boy, I didn't expect you to be so simple and rude, I don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all! But I like it, you will be my young master of the Dark Demon Sect in the future!"

At this moment, a hearty and bold laughter came to mind in the void.


The void suddenly exploded, and two figures appeared above the void.

A burly man dressed in black armor and full of hair dancing wildly laughed, and his breath was terrifying, causing the Sifang Sky Vault to tremble violently and appear extremely wild.

Next to him, stood a mature woman in a long black dress, with a beautiful face, no flaws, a dignified and elegant temperament, but her body was very hot, showing a full style, making men If you look at it, you will be crazy.

The two temperaments are cleverly integrated into her body, making her seem more mysterious.

Her face looks somewhat similar to Yumeng'er.

"Old man, can you still make a face? The apprentice is doing business here, but you peeked aside?"

Dark forehead was suddenly full of black lines on his gave the burly man an uncomfortable glance.

The burly big man is naturally the master of Dark Lingxiao, the original soul heavenly saint, now the soul heavenly king!

As Soul Sky's cultivation practice broke through to the Holy King Realm, Ling Xiao's status in the Dark Demon Sect naturally increased.


After seeing the black skirt woman, Yumeng held Ling Xiao's arm and shouted very shyly.

The black skirt woman is the leader of the Dark Demon Sect, Yuluosha!

Yu Luosha stared at Dark Lingxiao, her expression was calm, as if people could not see her thoughts, but her eyes made Dark Lingxiao feel a little hairy.

"Teacher, I didn't force Meng'er, is she what she wants..."

Dark Lingxiao's face was nonsense, as if he hadn't done those things just now.

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