Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: The world shakes!

Dark Ling Xiao also felt a little guilty in his heart. He had just said that he dared to go to the leader, and I wondered if Yu Luosha heard it.

You know, Yuluosha is known as the beauty of the poisonous scorpion in the Devil Realm. Ling Xiao still felt a little guilty after giving her daughter.

"Ling Xiao, you have a dark sacred body, but it is the hope of my dark demon sect, but I still want to remind you that before the strength is not strong enough, don't say what should not be said, don't do what should not be done!"

Yuluosha said very calmly, the voice was soft and sweet, crisp and sweet.

Dark Lingxiao raised his eyebrows, he could hear that Yuluosha was hitting him, and the arrogance in his heart was instantly inspired. He stared at Yuluosha, and his eyes were fiercely said: "Thank you, Bishop Bishop , Ling Xiao, remember! But if my strength is strong enough, is it okay for me to teach the Lord to become my woman?"

Dark Lingxiao's words suddenly made Yumeng's and Soul Sky's faces change.

Yu Meng'er stared at Ling Xiao with a face full of resentment, secretly clenched her teeth, and stretched out **** to twist the flesh around Ling Xiao's waist, but found that Ling Xiao's flesh was as hard as iron, and her fingers hurt. It didn't turn.

The Soul Heavenly Saint King knows the nature of Yuluosha. People who dare to talk to Yuluosha in the past are all dead, and even the soul has been roasted by the fire of the Nine Nether for hundreds of millions of years.

He was afraid that Yu Luosha would be angry, so he shot his proud disciple to death.

"The leader, Ling Xiao was young and frivolous, he didn't choose words, he offended the leader, and asked the leader not to blame!"

Soul Heavenly Saint King smiled bitterly, and then gave Ling Xiao a fierce glance. This boy's courage was also so great that even Yuluosha dare to make fun of it.

Yuluosha was not angry, her eyes became deeper and expressionless, which made her unable to see what she was thinking.

She stared at the dark Lingxiao for a moment, and said lightly: "I am the devil in the world, as long as you are stronger than me, even if you make me your woman, what's the problem? If you can be the one who dominates the world The supreme emperor, the women from all over the world, are at your disposal!"

"I don't want a woman from all over the world, I just want the leader!"

Dark Ling Xiao smiled coldly, without concealing the fiery color in his eyes, the whole person seemed reckless and very arrogant.

"Then wait for you to preach the Holy King first!"

Yu Luosha gave Ling Xiao a faint glance, the whole body was shining brightly, and slowly disappeared into the void.

Seeing Yuluozha leaving, Soul Heavenly King could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and looked at Ling Xiaodao angrily: "You bastard, you know I'm causing trouble! Don't rely on you as the dark holiness, the leader I won’t help you, the leader is crazy, no one can stop it!”

"Hey, didn't the old man have you? You are brilliant, you have unparalleled fighting power, and I'm just relying on you!"

Dark Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"Go away! I tell you, don't think that you can become a young master and you will be able to settle down. There have been news, the passage of the ancient chaos has appeared, and all of my devil's hundreds of millions of arrogance are ready to go to the ancient chaos to participate in the heavens. Elections! In the Demon Realm, several great emperors are the leaders, assembled in Kongsang Mountain. You will lead my disciples of the Dark Demon Sect with me to Kongsang Mountain!"

Soul Sky Saint King said seriously.

"Ancient Chaos? A natural election conference?"

Dark Lingxiao couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Speaking of which, he and Ontology have not seen each other for more than ten years, but they can sense each other's situation. Now the cultivation of the Ontology is also a realm of eight-and-a-half sacred, and may be able to meet in the ancient chaos.

The chaotic ancient land is both a forged land and a Shura field. The hundreds of millions of days of arrogance must be extremely tragic. If you want to obtain great opportunities and great fortunes, or even become a child of heaven, you must experience endless suffering.

"Old man, why should I follow several emperors, under their restraint and command? If those emperors provoke me, can I cut them?"

Dark Ling Xiao sneered.

He is the most unbearable person. Among the Dark Demon Sect, even before this final trial, the Dark Demon Sect’s disciples did not know how many people acted in front of him and were repaired by him. Now let him Hearing the orders of several great emperors, he was naturally unhappy.

There are great emperors in the devil world. The identities of these emperors are extremely noble. They are extremely powerful, and they know that there is no magic art, and even there will be self-defense. It is far from what ordinary people can resist. Naturally, it is also extremely powerful.

"This is the order of the Devil Emperor, and our Dark Demon Sect has to obey! But if those emperors provoke you, despite this action, the Dark Demon Sect can still be able to carry it! If you meet the little Devil of the Bright Demon Sect Let’s kill it, it’s best to kill it!"

Soul Sky Saint King smiled coldly, with a fierce gleam in his eyes.

"Hey, rest assured! The revenge of the old man of the light demons, I still remember it! This time, first find the disciples of the light demons to charge interest!"

Dark Hill said coldly.

"Ling Xiao, you are amazing! This time I am going to participate in the natural elections, and you will have to protect the people!"

Yu Meng'er's face was full of admiration, and she kept rubbing Ling Xiao's shoulders on her mountain.

"Yumeng'er, don't blame here! You are my woman, and no one dares to move you!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled proudly, holding Yumeng Er in his arms.

And Yumeng seems to have been completely surrendered by Ling Xiao, with a look of happiness.

"Little bastard, don't be here, let me go, let's go!"

Soul Heavenly King shook his felt a headache and urged.

Soon, under the leadership of Soul Sky Saint King, Dark Lingxiao, Yu Meng'er, Zhu Ganglie, and several disciples of Dark Demon Sect flew towards Kongsang Mountain.

The appearance of the ancient chaos has made the whole demon world boiling!

In addition to the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm, the Witch Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Phantom Realm, and the Nether Realm... among the heavens and the worlds, the chaos of ancient worlds has appeared in the world, as if a vast heavenly prestige has come to let heaven The law became more and more confused.

The arrogant and powerful people of each side of the big world were born one after another, all of which were full of warfare, incomparable excitement and expectation, and entered the chaotic ancient land one after another, wanting to compete for the title of the supremely chosen son.

In the chaotic ancient land, only the strong men below the sage realm can enter it. There are even some old monsters. For the sake of the chaotic ancient land, they even cut their own swords and let Xiuwei fall below the sacred realm to enter. Into the ancient land of chaos.

The Heavenly Election Conference was opened, and a stormy atmosphere shrouded the heavens and the world.

The world shakes!

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