Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2072: Blood Devil Ancestor!


The Zijin War Gun came up in the sky, and the light was fierce. It was like a thunder column, and it suddenly hit the Stone City.

The enchantment in the Stone City trembles violently, and a rune explodes, just like being hit by a meteor, and a crack appears instantly, as if it can be broken at any time.


In Shi Qing's eyes, a fine flash of light flashed, and as soon as he raised his hand, the strong men of the Shiling tribe immediately above the Stone City all receded towards the back quickly.

"Want to escape? Where can you escape? Break me!"

The young man in purple python roared with a sneer, his eyes blazing fiercely, the purple war gun in his hand stabbed in the air again, and the enchantment on the stone city suddenly burst open.

With the young man in the purple python robe headed, all the people suddenly entered the stone city, and a **** slaughter was about to begin!


At this moment, the violent shock of the void, the endless blood was instantly filled around the stone city, and the vast swing was like a sea of ​​blood, covering the young men in purple python robes.


In the Stone City, the blood was permeated, full of evil and bloodthirsty fluctuations, and in an instant a very terrifying figure emerged from the sea of ​​blood.

"Ancestor, there is another wave of sacrifice!"

Shi Qing respectfully paid a courteous gesture towards that **** figure.

"Ji Jie... Shi Qing, you are very good! These sacrifices are powerful and bloody, and their roots are extraordinary. I am very satisfied with the ancestor, ha ha ha..."

The **** figure gave out an old and cruel laughter, and the terrifying sound wave trembled the four voids.

The face of the young man wearing a purple python robe instantly changed.

"Are you... the blood demon ancestor?! Damn, why are you in this stone spirit tribe?"

The young man in the Python robe changed his face, his eyes were filled with shock and anger, and a rune appeared in his palm instantly, and then he was crushed directly.

"No need to bother! In the infinite blood of my ancestors, not only can you not escape, you can't even pass on the news, or you can be the blood of my ancestors! Hahaha..."

The **** figure laughed aloud, and suddenly the surroundings were vacant, and a **** magical figure emerged from the sea of ​​blood, and then rushed to the young man in the robe.


Just like the **** lightning, the void is filled with **** ghosts in an instant, which is extremely fast and full of strange and evil powers.

Several scarlet shadows rushed to a seven-turned half-saint young man. The youth showed fear, although he shot madly, but the attack did not hit the scarlet shadow at all.

Moreover, the holy Dao Zhengang around him couldn't stop the Scarlet Shadow at all, and was instantly thrown on his body. The breath of life was weakened at a rate visible to the naked eye, and his whole blood was directly swallowed up by the Scarlet Shadow.

A strong man with a seven-turn half-sacred body, died instantly!


"Get away from me! Brother, help me..."

In the void, there were sounds of screams one after another. In addition to the young robe of the python, the other talented and powerful people had no way to resist the **** demon shadows, and soon they were all swallowed and completely transformed. For the nourishment of the blood sea.

"Blood Devil Ancestor, you **** it! My son will not let you go!"

The eyes of the young man in the Python robe are all breathing fire, but he has no time to care for him at the moment. Hundreds of blood demon shadows are rushing towards him. Although he struggles to contend, the whole body is thundering, but he quickly falls into the wind.

"Are you saying Feng Qingyang? When my ancestor resumes his cultivation, the first one will kill him!"

There was a hint of resentment in the eyes of the **** figure, and the whole body was so angry that he suddenly rushed towards the young man in the robe.


The blood was dazzling and dazzling the four heavens, and the **** figure was as tall as a blood demon lord. Although the young man in the robe was a cultivation practice of the nine-turned half sage, he was not an opponent of the **** figure at all. It was shattered.

A ray of blood formed a fierce sabre, sharp and unmatched, and fell towards the young man in the python robe!


Every knife and knife was terrifyingly horrified, and was chopped on the young man in python robe, and immediately swallowed the blood of his body a bit, but the young man in python robe had no way to stop it.

Soon, his entire body of blood was devoured, and his eyes showed an extremely hopeless look.

"Blood Devil Ancestor, my son will avenge me...ah..."

The young man in Python robe yelled, but the voice came to an abrupt halt. The whole person was devoured by the **** figure, leaving only a bone to fall in the blood sea, and disappeared instantly.

In a blink of an eye, a dozen powerful half-saints were swallowed up by the sea of ​​blood!


The blood was diffused, and the powerful vitality was thinned out. The **** figure began to solidify, the breath rose, and his face gradually became clear. Eventually, he became a young man wearing a blood robe, with a thin figure and an incomparable face. His eyes were full of cruel and cunning light.

"Congratulations to the ancestor for recovering from his injury and repairing for the advancement!"

People from Shi Qing and other Shiling tribes knelt in reverence in front of the blood demon ancestor, their eyes full of awe.

"You guys, very nice!"

There was a trace of satisfaction in the eyes of the blood demon ancestor. In a flash, hundreds of blood radiated from his body, which was very accurately integrated into the body of Shi Qing and others.


Suddenly, Shi Qing and others were all bloody, and their eyes were all stained with blood, and the breath began to rise The expression of incomparable enjoyment in his eyes, even Some people groaned comfortably, and cultivation began to climb, filled with **** divine light.

"Blood Devil Patriarch? A strong man who walked through the sky and the three realms? Somehow he was hit hard and hid in this little stone spirit tribe, turning all the people of the stone spirit tribe into his descendants, It seems that this blood demon ancestor's status among the blood clan is not low!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, thinking secretly.

One of the worlds is the blood realm. The blood clan is the master of the blood realm. It is extremely powerful. Before countless epochs, it once entered the **** realm and became the lord of the epoch, with a profound and profound heritage.

Ling Xiao guessed that this blood demon ancestor was a powerful blood race!

"This friend in the sky, you should have seen enough good shows for so long? Would you like to chat with this group as follows, how?"

At this moment, the eyes of the blood demon ancestor flashed, staring at the position of Ling Xiao in the void and said slowly.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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