Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: Ancestor of Blood Demon!


A glimmer of light flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, he could be sure that the blood demon ancestor found him, but he used the sky-covering secret technique to hide himself in the void, but he did not expect the blood demon ancestor I was able to see through the occult technique.

"I'm not cheating you, since you don't want to come out, then I can only ask you to come out!"

There was a touch of blood in the eyes of the blood demon ancestor. In a flash of blood in the palm of the hand, the thunder was blazing, and it turned into a blood thunder directly, and shot towards Lingxiao.


The **** thunder light exploded in the void, and the ripples immediately appeared, and Ling Xiao's figure manifested itself. It was like a golden lightning in an instant, evading the attack of the **** thunder light, just like a shooting star, from the sky dome Up and down.

"How did you find me?"

Ling Xiao's expression was calm, and he looked at the Blood Devil Patriarch and asked.

"Huh, you only have the cultivation practice of the Eighth and a Half Saint, and you're still seriously injured? This is the mysterious method of convergence. This is the first time I saw the ancestor! Boy, who are you?"

Blood Devil Patriarch gave Ling Xiao a surprised look.

The reason why the blood demon ancestor felt the trace of Ling Xiao is because the blood demon ancestor cultivated the blood channel, and he was extremely sensitive to the power of blood and the breath of life. He was aware of the majestic life breath above the void.

Although Ling Xiao performed the cover-up technique, he was seriously injured at the moment, so there were some flaws.

The blood demon ancestor originally thought that the person hiding in the dark was with the young man in the robe, and at least he should be a strong man in the three worlds, otherwise he could not make him feel such a rich breath of life, but he did not expect Ling Xiao has only eight half-turns, and he is seriously injured.

"I'm just a passing person! Your business has nothing to do with me. I just want to ask what is here? Do you have a map of ancient chaotic places?"

Ling Xiao's expression is still very calm, said slowly.


The expression of Shi Qing and others changed, and the look in Ling Xiao instantly showed deep hostility.

"This is the Shiling tribe on Shiling Island, boy, are you afraid of being a human race tester from God Realm? You are indeed not with them. Although I have a map of ancient chaos, why should I Here for you? And you broke the good thing of my ancestor, what should you do?"

There was a hint of teasing in the eyes of the Blood Devil Patriarch.

"Then what do you say?"

Ling Xiao asked faintly.

"Inferior, you become my blood ancestor of the ancestor, and the ancestor let your soul reincarnate, how?"

The blood demon ancestor licked his tongue, and the whole person's breath seemed very evil, and his eyes were full of scarlet color.

His pervasive killing intentions have determined that he will be beheaded by Ling Xiao. Most people in this area are the arrogant and powerful people of the human race. He inadvertently sneaked in here. If he was leaked by Ling Xiao, he would be in big trouble.

So when he saw Ling Xiao, he decided to talk about Ling Xiao's thorough killing.

"I think I have a second way!"

Ling Xiao said quietly.

"What way?"

The blood demon ancestor asked with some curiosity, the **** light of his whole body was rising, the blood sea was surging, containing the power fluctuations that swallowed everything, and completely covered Ling Xiao in it.

In his view, Ling Xiao is already a turtle in the urn and can be crushed to death.

Moreover, the blood demon ancestor can feel that Ling Xiao's flesh is extremely powerful, containing the power of majestic flesh and blood, and the breath of life is extremely pure, which has an immense appeal to him.

As if he swallowed Ling Xiao, his injury would be completely healed.

"Slaughter you, grab the map of the ancient chaos on you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, there was a sharp edge in his eyes.


Almost as soon as the words fell, he shot towards the blood demon ancestor.

Ling Xiao was surrounded by golden Shenxia, ​​and the light was fierce and unmatched. A series of thunders intertwined, containing the power fluctuations of Zhiyang to Gang. He punched out, and the fist marks were unparalleled, containing the waves and speed of destruction. It's almost extreme.

Even the blood demon ancestor did not expect that Ling Xiao shot so decisively!

"you wanna die!"

There was a murderous flash in the eyes of the blood demon ancestor, he did not expect Ling Xiao to be able to take the initiative to attack him, and suddenly made him feel as if he was greatly provoked and directly angry. Got up.


His blood was boiling and surging around him, and a **** lightning flashed up and down, densely packed, forming a **** thunder net, and he came towards Lingxiao.

At the same time, there seemed to be a **** flame burning in the sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant, as if everything in heaven and earth would be turned into ashes.

Ling Xiao punched like a dragon, bursting out the strongest power of the flesh, chaotic fist marks came in and out, and exploded in an endless sea of ​​blood in an instant.

The **** lightning intertwined from all around shattered and shattered, and the **** flames enveloped Ling Xiao, but did not cause any slight damage to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was bathed in blood-colored flames, his body was blazing, his black hair was flying, and he punched the blood demon ancestor!


The blood ancestor of the blood demon ancestry was blazing, and a rune filled it. Each blood light contained the power fluctuations that engulfed everything, just like a **** python, winding towards Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao's chaotic fist prints were terrifying, and instantly exploded the blood of the sky, and then collided fiercely with the blood demon ancestor, and directly flew out the blood demon ancestor~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And the **** pythons are intertwined, opening the big mouth of the blood basin as if to talk about Ling Xiao's complete engulfment, but Ling Xiao's eyes are fiery, the golden light of the whole body condenses, and it turns into a huge golden vortex. It broke out.


Ling Xiao took a whisper in his mouth, and suddenly a terrifying engulfing force radiated from his body, and behind him swallowed the gods and the sea emerged, and the vast blood poured into his body.

For those who are afraid of the blood, the energy of the blood sea seems to have become Ling Xiao's nourishment, and they have been completely swallowed by Ling Xiao's swallowing the mystery of the sky.

Ling Xiao's body was dazzling, his life was extremely rich, and his momentum began to skyrocket.

Those blood seas are both a powerful attack method of blood demon ancestors and a source of power for blood demon ancestors. Blood demon ancestors do not know how many powerful creatures they have devoured, turning their essence of flesh and blood into a part of themselves.

At this moment, blood sea's powerful attack means could not help Ling Xiao, but was swallowed by Ling Xiao, and suddenly made Blood Devil Ancestor startled and angry.

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