Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: Sacred city of human races!

"Mr. Qingyang, you... how can you surrender to him? He is nothing but the cultivation of the Eight Saints, which is detrimental to your wisdom!"

Those young geniuses were a little difficult to accept. Some looked at Ling Xiao in awe, then whispered to Feng Qingyang.

"Do you know who he is?"

Feng Qingyang said to several young geniuses that these people were not disciples of Taishang Palace, but people who followed Feng Qingyang in the chaotic ancient land.

"Who is he? Is it impossible or is it ancient pride?"

A young man in black robe said dissatisfied.

"He is not the ancient Tianjiao, but he has killed the ancient Tianjiao!"

Feng Qingyang said seriously, a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

"What?! Killed the Pride of the Ancients?"

Everyone was shocked, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

Who is Gu Tiantianjiao? That was the strongest man of the ancient times, and even swept through an era. The reason why he sealed himself to this day is for the purpose of the natural elections.

Those ancient arrogances broke the limit at least once, and the power was terrifying. Feng Qingyang even said that Ling Xiao had killed the ancient arrogances, making it difficult for everyone to accept.

"Have you heard of Hua Ziyang? That's the Tianjiao of the Chinese, together with Huatianqiang and Heavenly Mantra Sect son Yang Wen, all died in his hands! Although he is an eighth and a half holy, he has the power to kill the holy. !"

Feng Qingyang sighed softly, and could not help glancing at Ling Xiao, and found that Ling Xiao's expression was very calm, as if there was no expression.

He was also speculating in his mind that Ling Xiao seemed to have only eight-turned half-sacred cultivation practice, and was seriously injured. I am afraid that it was the means of the two great saints, the Chinese and the Tianzongzong, who could escape from the hands of the two great saints. , Let Feng Qingyang feel more and more shocked.

In the **** realm, many people think that Ling Xiao died in the hands of the Chinese and Tianzong Sect, but he did not expect that he not only did not die, but also entered the ancient chaotic land.

"He is... Long Aotian?!"

Everyone was shocked, and a name appeared in his heart, and his face was shocked.

They have also heard of the name Long Aotian. In God Realm, Long Aotian can be said to be like Lei Guan'er, who once fought against the elder Huang Jitai of the nineth emperor Que, forcing the Chinese and the sages of the Tiansong Sect to bow their heads and beheaded Hua Ziyang, Hua Tianqiang and Yang Wen, each record is enough to shock the entire God Realm.

After the Chinese and Tianzongzong announced that Long Aotian had been killed, they also thought that Long Aotian was really dead, but they did not expect to see Long Aotian in the ancient chaos.

After knowing Ling Xiao's true identity, the conflict in their hearts was much smaller.

This is a peerless powerhouse comparable to the ancient arrogance of the ancients. The 8-turn half-sacred can kill the powerhouses of the three heavens. Once the limit is broken, what kind of horror would it be to reach the three heavens?

I am afraid that even then, even in the face of the legendary emperor, you can fight!

Feng Qingyang was shocked when she saw the shocked expression of everyone. It seemed that Long Aotian's name scared them completely.

"Feng Qingyang, tell me first about the situation of this ancient chaotic place!"

Ling Xiao looked at Feng Qingyang and said lightly.

He first came to the ancient chaotic land, but in this endless chaotic sea, the situation of the ancient chaotic land is not clear, and he desperately wants to know the situation of the ancient chaotic land and the situation of the general election conference.

"Dragon Hall Master, it has been three years since the Chaos Ancient Land opened. Over the past three years, countless arrogants of the heavens and the world have entered the Chaos Ancient Land, and they have been practicing with the help of the extremely pure source of power in the Chaos Ancient Land. , Cultivation is by leaps and bounds, most of them have achieved high-level half-sacred, and their strength is extremely powerful! Among the ancient chaos, there are a total of 108 holy cities, and the sea area where we are located is the human race. In the city area..."

Feng Qingyang nodded and began to introduce Ling Xiao to the situation in the ancient chaotic land.

"You don't need to call me Dragon Lord in the future, call me Lingxiao!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a strange edge in his eyes.

The name Ling Xiao should be back!

Ling Xiao had a hunch that he could not hide his identity for a long time, and he was also confident that after the election conference, he was able to prove his sanctification and possess sufficient self-protection power without having to hide his identity.

Feng Qingyang didn't know Ling Xiao's thoughts, and felt a little sullen in his heart, thinking that Ling Xiao must be a guilty conscience, afraid that the Chinese and Tian Zhouzong would ask him to settle accounts, so he used the pseudonym Ling Xiao.

But he didn't think much, he nodded and continued.

The ancient chaotic place is a mysterious existence. No one knows where the ancient chaotic place is. Only when there is a general election meeting once in an era, the ancient chaotic place will appear, and the natural election meeting will be opened in it.

The chaotic ancient land is incomparably vast, and no one knows how big the ancient chaotic land is. It contains countless treasures of heaven and earth, countless mysterious treasures, and even cave houses of saints and even the emperor.

There are 108 holy cities among them, which were left by the powerful in the ancient times. It is rumored to be the strongest 1808 races in the heavens and the world. The specific origins are no longer available.

These 108 holy cities are used by many geniuses to trade treasures, rest and talk about Taoism. Among them are law enforcers. The holy city prohibits fighting and violators will be killed by law enforcement.

The ancient chaotic land has been opened for three years. Although all the heavens and earth have access to the ancient chaotic land, they are randomly transmitted. Everyone is in a different region, and some people will even be transported to the holy city of demons. , In that way, naturally, there will be more and more evil.

In the past three years, many powerful arrogants have gained a lot of abilities and opportunities in the ancient chaotic land. One by one, they have made rapid advances and started to explore this mysterious Who is it? Do you know how to become a child of heaven? "

Ling Xiao looked at Feng Qingyang and asked.

"I'm afraid no one knows this!"

Feng Qingyang smiled bitterly: "Entering the ancient chaotic land, even if the natural election conference is already open, as for how to become a child of the natural election, no one knows! But everyone is working hard to cultivate, powerful Myself, and then explore the secrets of the ancient chaotic land, and want to find a way to become the son of heaven!"

Ling Xiao nodded, it seems that this day's election conference is not quite the same as he imagined, and each time the election conference is too far apart, the era of catastrophe buried everything, it has been impossible to refer to in the past, only to rely on Yourself.

However, Ling Xiao did not expect that he had been in a coma for three years, or that he had fallen into a state of suspended animation. Unless he had realized the secrets of chaos, destiny, cause and effect, and reincarnation, he was afraid that he would not be so easy to wake up.

Hua Xiaoxiong and Chen Kun's account, Ling Xiao is all recorded in the head of the Chinese and Tianzongzong!

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