Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2080: Tongtian Island!

"Do you know where Fairy Jinse Fairy Taejo is?"

Ling Xiao looked at Feng Qingyang and asked, a trace of anticipation appeared in his heart.

Jinse should have come to the ancient chaotic land!

Feng Qingyang gave Ling Xiao a strange look. I didn’t know why Ling Xiao suddenly asked Jin Se, but he still replied: "Sister Jin Se did enter the ancient chaotic land, but I don't know where she is now, Maybe it's in the holy city of human races, or maybe in other holy cities!"

"It turns out so! Have you seen these three people?"

Ling Xiao was a little disappointed. It seems that Jin Se did not send it together with Qing Qing Yang, but as long as Jin Se was in the chaotic ancient land, he could always find Jin Se.

The light flashed in the palm of Ling Xiao, and the appearance of Xue Wei, White Dragon Horse and Little Black Fat Man appeared in the void, but Ling Xiao did not have much hope.

"Not seen!"

Feng Qingyang shook his head.

But a follower of Feng Qingyang suddenly said, "Master Ling Xiao, I seem to have seen this dragon horse!"

"where is it?"

Ling Xiao's eyes lighted up, looking at the young man in black robe and asked.

"In the holy city of the demon race! I have seen this dragon horse in the holy city of the demon race, but it was very vulgar. At that time, I stole a primal sacred medicine from the young master demon, and then was hunted down by the young master demon. !"

The young man in black robe thought for a while.

"Demon Clan? I know, thank you!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

After he was ready to recover from the injury, he went to the holy city of demon clan to find the whereabouts of the three people of Xuewei. He was not too worried about their safety and danger. After all, the body of the little black fat man was Kunpeng. The environment is super strong, and the white dragon horse has a speed, it should be able to protect Xuewei's safety.

Moreover, in the chaotic ancient land, each holy city is separated by hundreds of millions of miles. It is not so easy to cross a holy city.

"Master Lingxiao is welcome!"

The black robe youth was somewhat flattered.

"Ling Xiao, don't you want to go to the holy city of demon races now? The dear arrogance of demon races is not easy to provoke. Some strong demon races are very hostile to the human race. Among our holy city of human races, there are many strong demon races. Human races often clash! However, those demon races have strong luck, they can find all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, and occupy a lot of caves!"

Feng Qingyang said uncomfortably, it seems that there should be some grudges between the demon clan strongman.

"Feng Qingyang, do you know where there are heavenly and earthly treasures with magnificent life energy? I need to come to the alchemy to heal!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"A celestial treasure containing life energy? Of course there is! Hey, I know there is a demon in the hands of Tianjiao, there are many such babies, but the guy is very strong, I can't beat him, do you dare to go? "

Feng Qingyang's eyes turned, and he smiled with a bad intention.

"Yaozu Tianjiao? What is his cultivation base?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"The respect has been condensed! The fellow is very cruel, and he has a good relationship with a son of Tianzongzong. He has killed many strong people of our human race. He has longevity grass in his hands!"

Feng Qingyang said slowly.

"Make a good relationship with the Son of Heaven Mantra? Then he is unlucky, take me to go, the treasure such as longevity grass can not be missed! If your words are true, wait for me to refine the Holy Pill, I can give you one , Help you gather respect!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

Before being besieged by Huaxiong and Chen Kun, Ling Xiao had vowed to overthrow the Chinese and Tianzongzong. At this moment, I heard that the demon clan Tianjiao and the son of Tianzongzong had a good relationship. Its surgery.

"Condensate people? Rest assured! That guy claims to be a celestial demon sage, as if he has a talent for treasure hunting, not only has longevity grass in his hand, but also a variety of original sacred medicine, which will certainly not let you down!"

Feng Qingyang's eyes lit up immediately.

He had worked hard to break the first limit, but the accumulation was insufficient, and he wanted to condense his respect. He didn't know when it would be. At this moment, Ling Xiao's words suddenly made him feel hot and began to take it seriously.


Ling Xiao said lightly.

Feng Qingyang immediately rose into the sky and took Ling Xiao and others to the distance.

And everyone was shocked in their hearts. They had all heard of the brutality of Tongtian Yaosheng, and their hands were contaminated with the blood of many talented and powerful men. Now Ling Xiao even took him to surgery, making them shocked and excited.

To be able to witness a peerless arrogance, their hearts are also full of expectations.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Feng Qingyang, with Ling Xiao and others, flew towards Shiling Island. The vast chaotic sea is extremely vast, and there is a huge continent at the center, which is the holy city of human races.

And Feng Qingyang is going to take Ling Xiao to go, it is a huge island Tongtian Island, the name is changed by Tongtian Yaosheng.

In the chaotic waters, there are many crises.

Not only will there be powerful monsters in the sky, even the extremely fierce sea beasts in the sea, those are ancient fierce beasts, I don’t know how many years of cultivation, and some are even stronger than the saints, and their power is terrifying.

In addition, in the chaotic sea, chaotic storms will appear from time to time. Chaos storms can break all laws and energies, and decompose all creatures into chaotic particles. The horror is terrible, even the saints dare not face chaotic storms , Can only avoid its edge.

Therefore, unless it is to find the treasures of heaven and earth, ordinary people rarely come to the chaotic sea.

Feng Qingyang and Ling Xiao and others are extremely fast, and the chaotic sea area is very calm along the way. Neither powerful beasts nor chaotic storms have been encountered. .

The vastness of Tongtian Island is as large as a hundred times the size of Shiling Island. The mountains on the island are ups and downs, the ancient trees are towering, filled with chaotic mists, and contain the immense energy essence. It is a blessed ~ Ling Xiao can feel that there are many strong people's breath on Tongtian Island.

"This is the Tongtian Island. The Tongtian Yaosheng established the Tongtian Palace in the most central mountain range, gathered a lot of demon clan strongmen, and even enslaved many primitive humans to serve him. This guy is extremely fierce and cruel and cunning, It's a big tumor!"

Mention Fengtianyangsheng, Feng Qingyang's eyes are full of disgust.

"Hurry up! It is your character to build the Tongtian Palace for Lord Demon Saint. If you dare to slow down, you will all be thrown into the Shenlong Cave!"

Suddenly, there was a cold scream from below.

Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang saw that in a mountain range below, many ragged human races were sealed and repaired, and they were working hard to crush the rocks and mine the stone.

There are many ruthless black robe people around him, and the whole body is full of demon spirits. At first glance, it is the demon clan strongman, one eye is blood red, full of bloodthirsty killing intent, and the steel whip like a viper in his hand is constantly pumping in. On those strong human races!

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