Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2082: Save the human race!

"Is the arrogance of my human race to save us?"

"Hahaha... There are eyes in the sky, and finally someone came to save us!"

"Thank you for your help, great grace, great unforgettable life!"

Everyone awakened from the shock, and they all showed a look of extreme ecstasy, and looked at Ling Xiao and other people's eyes full of deep gratitude.

Especially Ling Xiao, almost regarded by them as a savior.

"Big Brother, how wonderful you are! Thank you for saving me, and when I grow up, I will be like you, slashing the demon and removing the demon, and walking for the sky!"

Xiao Rui was embraced by Ling Xiao, staring at the clear eyes, and said very seriously.

"You are very good, and you are very sturdy! Practice well, and you will definitely be able to kill the demon in the future!"

Ling Xiao smiled and touched Xiao Rui's small head. He also looked at Xiao Rui's behavior, and he liked the stubborn teenager very much.

Ling Xiao handed Xiao Rui to his grandfather, and the old man even thanked him again, his voice sobbing.

If it wasn't for Xiao Xiao's shot, I was afraid that Xiao Rui would really be eaten by the black wolf spirit!

Several people from Fengqingyang came up to lift the seals of many human race strongmen, and suddenly a strong breath rose to the sky, so that the void was trembling slightly, and everyone showed the joy of the rest of the life. .

However, their cultivation practices are not strong, most of them are spiritual cultivation, only Xiao Rui's grandfather Xiao Shanxiu is the highest, and has reached the nine-turn semi-holy state!

"Thank you Eun Gong for your help! But Eun Gong killed so many demon black robe people and destroyed the mine of Tongtian Yaosheng. I am afraid that Tongtian Yaosheng already knows the situation here! Please also leave Gong Gong quickly and leave here, If you're late, I'm just afraid that there will be life worries!"

Xiao Shan's face was full of gratitude, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

The Heavenly Demon Saint's prestige is very famous. These aboriginal peoples in the chaotic ancient land are extremely afraid. Even the human arrogance of the human race has been defeated by the Heavenly Demon Saint.

"Yeah, Eun Gong quickly leave Tongtian Island, Tongtian Yaosheng will surely anger you!"

"Tongtian Yaosheng's strength is terrifying and cruel, Eun Gong quickly!"

Everyone also persuaded.

After hearing the name of Tongtian Yaosheng, their faces unconsciously showed a trace of fear. Obviously, the fear that Tongtian Yaosheng brought to them was deeply ingrained.

"I came this time to kill Tongtian Yaosheng! Does Zhang Zhang know that Tongtian Yaosheng is not in the cave?"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his expression was very calm.

He was originally planning to **** the treasure of Tongtian Yaosheng, and may be able to keep him alive, but after seeing what Tongtian Yaosheng did, Ling Xiao was completely out of anger.

"What?! Kill the Sky Demon Saint?"

After hearing Ling Xiao's words, everyone was stunned.

"Engong, your strength is very strong! But Tongtian Yaosheng has broken the limit once and reached the three heavens of Tongtian. The strength is extremely terrifying! I am afraid..."

Xiao Shan said with great anxiety. Although the words were not finished, the meaning in the words was self-evident. He didn't think Ling Xiao would be the opponent of Tongtian Yaosheng.

"You just need to tell me the whereabouts of Tongtian Yaosheng, and I will arrange the rest!"

Ling Xiao said quietly.

"Eun Gong, Tongtian Yaosheng is on the highest mountain of Tongtian Island. The Tongtian Palace there is where he closed, but Eun Gong killed so many men, even if Eun Gong did not go to him, only I'm afraid he will find it soon!"

Xiao Shan smiled bitterly when he saw Ling Xiao being so stubborn, but said seriously.

"Tongtian Palace? Okay! Thank you. Let's leave Tongtian Island quickly. I'm afraid I will soon become a land of right and wrong!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and then he suddenly rose up into the sky and flew towards the depths of Tongtian Island with Feng Qingyang and others.

"Eun Gong is really going to kill Tongtian Yaosheng?"

"But it seems that Eun Gong only has the eighth and a half of Saint Sheng's cultivation right, how could he be the opponent of Tongtian Yaosheng?"

"Then what shall we do? If the Heavenly Demon Saint killed Engong, I am afraid that he would not let us go!"

After Ling Xiao left, many of the strong human races said with some consternation.

"Perhaps, Eun Gong could really kill Tongtian Yaosheng!"

Xiao Shan said suddenly, there was a trace of fineness in his eyes.

"What does Old Xiao mean?"

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked and quickly asked, Xiao Shan's prestige among the people was very high. Although his words made everyone very puzzled, they still believed it unconsciously.

"Eun Gong is indeed the cultivation practice of the Eighth Half-turned Saint, but have you seen the silver armored boy behind Eun Gong? If I am not wrong, that silver armored boy is a superpower in the world!"

Xiao Shan said solemnly.


Everyone could not help but exclaimed.

The super powerhouses in the three realms of heaven, all of which are characters of the level of arrogance, can dominate one side in the ancient chaos, and like the heavenly demon sage, master countless opportunities.

Xiao Shan said that the silver armored boy is a super powerhouse in the three realms, and he also followed Ling Xiao, giving them an unreal feeling in their hearts.

"Being able to let a heavenly arrogant who follows the sky and the three realms to follow, Eun Gong is not as simple as what we saw on the surface! I am going to take a look at Tongtian Palace. If Eun Gong can kill the Tongtian Demon Saint, it will be me Fortunate for the human race!"

Xiao Shan said seriously.

"What if there is no way to kill the Heavenly Demon Saint?" someone asked.

"In that case, it's nothing more than a death! If Tongtian Yaosheng didn't die, even if we fled, we can't escape his hunt. In this way, it's better to believe in Eun Gong once!"

Xiao Shan said seriously.

"Okay! I'll check it out too!"

"And I!"

"Human dead birds are facing the sky, mother, I also believe in Eun Gong!"

Everyone was a little excited.

Xiao Shan is If Ling Xiao killed Tongtian Yaosheng, it would be a great luck for all of them. .

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under the leadership of Xiao Shan, everyone also flew towards the depths of Tongtian Island, wanting to witness a peerless battle in person!

In the center of Tongtian Island, there is a huge mountain with a height of more than 100,000, which rises into the mist of chaos.

This mountain is covered by countless towering ancient trees, and contains extremely pure energy fluctuations. It seems to be full of exotic flowers and plants, waterfalls and springs, like a heaven and earth.

Above the mountains, there is a magnificent palace, which looks like a heavenly palace. A huge flag is inserted next to it. There are four big characters flying dragon and phoenix dancing between the world.

Heavenly Demon Saint!

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