Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2083: Run away without a fight!

"Qingyang, you go to the battlefield!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, staring at Tongtian Palace slowly.

He can feel that there are many powerful breaths in the Tongtian Palace, and the demon qi is soaring to the sky. Even outside the Tongtian Palace, there are many strong guardians of the demon clan, and the eyes are cold and sullen.

Ling Xiao and others did not conceal their breath, so they appeared in a magnificent manner above Tongtian Palace!

"Who dares to break into Tongtian Palace?"

An icy voice sounded, and the void oscillated in an instant. There were four powerful breaths in the Tongtian Palace, wrapped in monstrous demon qi, and blocked in front of Ling Xiao and others.

They were four burly big men, dressed in black armor, holding different swords, and each one was cold and indifferent. They seemed to be powerful men who came out of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

And their cultivation practices are all the pinnacles of the nine-turn half-sacred!

Feng Qingyang smiled coldly: "Let Tongtian Yaosheng get out! Dare to stop me with your four wastes alone?"

Feng Qingyang's silver armor exudes a dazzling light. His hair is thick and shiny, and his eyes are blazing like electricity. He holds a silver spear, and the terrifying breath spreads out, so that the four big men in front of him can't help but look change.

"Are you... Feng Qingyang?!"

The four great men were the four generals under the celestial demon throne, and at this moment they also recognized the origin of Feng Qingyang.

"Feng Qingyang, you are just a defeated man of my family. At first, my family spared you and will not die. Today, you dare to come to the door to provoke provocation, is it to find death?"

A big Han with a tiger pattern on his forehead said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Less nonsense! Today I am here to destroy your Tongtian Palace! If you four know you, please kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise you will be scattered!"

Feng Qingyang sneered and sneered. The spear pointed at the four generals, and a powerful breath broke out.

Although he is not Ling Xiao's opponent, but the ultimate strong man in the three realms, facing the four big nines and half-turned saints, has no fear at all.

"Destroy my Tongtian Palace? You're such a big breath! Since you don't know life and death, then don't blame us! Brothers, capture this kid, take the skin and strip the muscles, throw down the Shenlong Cave!"

There was a trace of grief in the eyes of the big man with tiger stripes on his forehead.


Behind him, a black giant tiger emerged, shrouded in a blazing divine light, filled with anger, leaving the void violently oscillating.

The other three great men also roared and shook their voices, and behind them came the phantoms of black panthers, black jackals and black giant wolves. The sound of roar diffused and the world shook.

The four generals are rushing towards Qingyang at the same time!

They know that Feng Qingyang is powerful, so one shot is the strongest strength, and between them, the tiger, leopard and jackal have a very mysterious connection, and a rune is intertwined, so that their power is superimposed on each other and the power is doubled.

"The strength of the battle front? Even if there is a battle front, you still have to die!"

The wind and the sun are as bright as electricity, and the silver spear in his hand is shot out of the air instantly, and the mighty Shengwei burst out, forming tens of thousands of spear shadows in the void, each blow has the power to penetrate the void .


The sky of the sky exploded, and the demon's spirit was vertical, and there was a fierce battle between the four generals and Feng Qingyang!

Ling Xiao didn't pay attention to the four generals. Although these four were strong, they hadn't been put in his eyes. Ling Xiao's eyes had always been on the Tongtian Palace.

He can feel that there is a demon in the Tongtian Palace, which is far more powerful than the four generals. It is like a round of hot sun, blooming with majestic pressure.

That should be the heavenly demon saint!

Just somehow, Tongtian Yaosheng did not come out of Tongtian Palace, and his breath was not as strong as Ling Xiao imagined, but he was stronger than Feng Qingyang and even worse than Hua Ziyang.

"Since you don't come out, then I invite you out!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his body and blood condensed in an instant, the runes filled in his palm, Fan Tianyin left and right in the void, like an ancient god, exuding a monstrous momentum, suppressing towards Tongtian Palace.


"Dare to disrespect Tongtian Palace, kill without amnesty!"

Those powerful demon clan eyes are as bright as electricity, seeing Ling Xiao even dare to attack Tongtian Palace directly, all of a sudden is furious, the whole body's breath rises, and they are all killed towards Fantianyin.


Ling Xiao's mouth spit a word lightly, and the breath of the heavens became extremely terrifying in an instant, and the vast and mighty like the hundreds of millions of stars smashed down, and the demon clan strongmen who stood in front of them all blasted into a blood. Fog, as if nobody could stop Fan Tianyin at all.

In the end, Fan Tianyin fell directly on the Tongtian Palace!


The violent tremor of the void, the endless divine light burst out, let the four sky domes shake, the endless bright light erupted in Tongtian Palace, all the runes lit up, intertwined into a vast array of enchantment, in Suddenly blocked the fall of Fan Tianyin.

However, the power of Fan Tianyin was too horrible. In the end, the formation was still unable to withstand the bombardment of Fan Tianyin. The runes exploded and the large formation broke open. The entire Tongtian Palace was broken into half.

Ling Xiao saw the scene in Tongtian Palace.

A young man in a black robe with a sharp-eyed monkey cheek and a thief's eye, and a cruel and bloodthirsty look in his eyes, but his face was covered with frost and killing intent at the moment, and his anger seemed to be destroyed.

His whole body exudes fiery blood and turns into an interwoven avenue flame. There is an ancient alchemy furnace in front of him, and countless mysterious scenes emerge from it, and there are traces of medicinal fragrance overflowing from it, accompanied by the mysterious avenue singing , As if there would be a colossal elixir out of it.

Ling Xiao was sure at a glance that the young man in black robe is the heavenly demon Saint!

But what he didn’t expect was that Yaosheng was hiding in the Tongtian Palace to make alchemy, and saw a mysterious piercing pattern appearing in the red furnace, which turned into seven mysterious lights, Ling Xiao I instantly understood that Tongtian Yaosheng was refining Qipin Shengdan!

"Disturb this Holy Alchemy, you... **** it!"

The eyes of Tongtian Yaosheng were full of monstrous murderous intentions. He gave Ling Xiao a glare, and then his whole body was blazing with fiery energy, and the demon gas rose, and a wave of extremely terrifying breath broke out.

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed a strong fighting intention. He also wanted to understand how strong the ultimate strong among the demon races are!


Tongtian Yaosheng instantly collected the Dan furnace in front of him, and then gave Ling Xiao a glance, as if to remember him in his heart, and then turned and fled towards the distance!

He fled without a fight!

Ling Xiao couldn't help but stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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