Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2084: The fragments of the jade dish!

Ling Xiao didn't even think that this fiercely famous Tongtian Yaosheng was so counseling. After putting a ruthless word, he turned directly and ran away.

"Where to go?"

Ling Xiao's eyes are like electricity, the blazing divine light around him, performing the shifting secret technique, the streamer flashes under his feet, instantly appears beyond the limit, blocked in front of Tongtian Yaosheng, and then punched out!


The blood is monstrous, the thunder is fiery and rising, and Ling Xiao's punch is fierce and unmatched, just like the supreme star above nine days, containing the unparalleled divine power.

"Asshole, you are dead!"

The celestial demon Saint was furious, and the green bean-like eyes shot a cruel and bloodthirsty light. His fingers were like fierce eagle claws, containing all the power to penetrate through, and he pulled directly towards Ling Xiao's chest.


The violent tremor of the void, Ling Xiao's fist print fell on the claws of Tongtian Demon Saint, the sky dome suddenly shook, the earth shook, the horrible sound waves spread out, and Tongtian Demon Saint was directly blown out by Ling Xiao.


There was an unbelievable look in Tongtian Yaosheng's eyes, and he only felt the force of a row of mountains coming down, which made him feel an irresistible feeling.


After Ling Xiao blasted the Tongtian Demon Saint with a punch, the blazing energy around the body rose like lightning, and a series of punches fell towards the Tongtian Demon Saint, and the sky was full of afterimages, as if they were to be blown into powder.

"Damn, do you really think you are horrified?"

The eyes of the Heavenly Demon Saint are extremely cold, and the body of the whole body rises in spirit, and the vast Holy Power of his body is filled, and a fierce and monstrous breath awakened from his body.


He rises in the sky, his claws are fierce, and his golden light shines, his breath soars, and Ling Kong grabs towards Ling Xiao.

There was a banging noise in the void, and a series of fist seals blasted apart, the heavenly demon was horrible, and his shot was extremely fierce, and the move was directed at Ling Xiao's vital point.


Suddenly, in the divine light of the sky, a blazing ray of light shot towards Ling Xiao, and the speed was so fast that it was like a sword, as if it could penetrate everything.

Those golden mansions are like some kind of hair, and they are like golden needles, which makes Ling Xiao difficult to dodge for a while, and was shot on the body instantly.

puff! puff! puff!

Ling Xiao's body protection Sheng Gang was directly pierced, and then shot him like a hedgehog.

"go to hell!"

The killing intent of the Heavenly Demon Saint Eyes is like substance. A sharp machete appeared in his hand and fell towards Ling Xiao's head.


But at the moment when Tongtian Yaosheng approached Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly showed a trace of sarcasm. His fiery light burst out around him, and the golden glow that shot on Ling Xiao shook violently, and then Suddenly, he shot backwards at once, and shot towards the Celestial Demon Saint at a faster speed.

Ling Xiao was holding Fan Tianyin, crashing down on the head of Tongtian Yaosheng!

It turned out that the Heavenly Demon Saint suddenly had trouble. Although Jinmang shot into Lingxiao's body, Lingxiao's flesh was extremely powerful, and he clamped those Jinmang with his muscles. At the same time, he counted it and reflected it back.

This blow was beyond the expectation of Tongtian Yaosheng, especially the scary edge of Fan Tianyin, which made him feel his scalp numb.


The celestial body of the Tongtian demon glowed with fiery light, and the runes rose, blocking all the golden awns, and then the golden trembling slightly, instantly integrated into the body of the celestial demon.

The machete in the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng is obviously also a treasure, and it suddenly collided with Fan Tianyin, making the sky violently shocked, and the divine light was thin.

Tongtian Yaosheng flew out directly, trembling violently, and his eyes were full of shock.

"This is... the best holy treasure?!"

Tongtian Yaosheng's voice was a little trembling, showing a very greedy look.

The power of the Need for Holy Treasure is extremely horrible. If the Half Holy can exert the power of the Need for Holy Treasure, it can even kill the saint.

If Fan Tianyin falls into the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng, he will definitely be able to greatly increase his strength!

"Dying to death, dare to covet my treasure? I really don't know what to do!"

Ling Xiao sneered, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.


His arms were pushed out horizontally, the blazing flames rose, the law of the avenue came down, like a chain of order gods, and suddenly the heavenly demon sage was bound up, and a flame-scorching flame Emperor Ding appeared in the void. The demon saint is placed in it to begin refining.


The expansive sound of the dragon yin erupted, containing extremely powerful sonic powers, and instantly stunned the Tongtian demon Sheng among the Emperor Yan Ding, and his body was trembling.

Those avenue fires twisted him up, as if to burn him to ashes completely.

"Give me!"

Tongtian Yaosheng shouted a loud voice in the mouth, and suddenly the Quartet emptied violently, and a milky white jade appeared in his hand, which looked crystal clear, as if it contained the mysteries of the heavens.


The jade piece flew out, containing all the power fluctuations that broke up. Yan Xiaoding, who evolved with the fighting battle of Tiangong Ling Ling, suddenly burst into pieces after touching that jade piece.

Just like being cut directly by some kind of sharp blade, the rift was very smooth and smooth, and then the rune rose, turning into a bright light.

When Ling Xiao saw the jade piece, she couldn't help shaking.

"This is... a fragment of a jade dish made of chemicals?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes instantly became very sharp.

He didn't even think that he would even see the fragments of the Jade-made Jade Disc in the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng, and Ling Xiao's hands had the torn Jade-made Jade Disc. Although his current cultivation practice could not urge the Jade-made Jade Disc, Zaoyu Yudie saved his life at the critical moment.

Ling Xiao is well aware of the power and horror of the chemical jade So I have been collecting fragments of the chemical jade dish over the years, but there has been no whereabouts.

Now, seeing the fragments of the forged jade dish in the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng, Ling Xiao's heart was shocked and excited.

This piece of synthetic jade dish must be snatched away anyway!

Ling Xiao decided instantly.


Fan Tianyin burst into a blazing blaze of light, slammed down towards the Heavenly Demon Saint, Ling Xiao's chaos rose around his body, and the vast boxing power burst out again. He burst out with a punch, as if to open up a three thousand world , Dominating the stars, has an invincible momentum!

"Get away from me!"

The roar of the Heavenly Demon Saint roared, and the fragments of the chemical jade plate and the Fan Tianyin collided, and the light of the **** was fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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