Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2092: Tianjiao showdown!

The Yellow Crane Daoist is also not optimistic about Qingyang, so he chose to speak at this time and wanted to sell the Tongtian can, even if he offended the Tongtian demon Saint and Muyuan Yuanzi, he thought it was worth it.

What's more, even if Fengtianyang was sold to Fengqingyang, if Fengqingyang was eventually killed by Tongtian Yaosheng, Tongtiancan would still fall into the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng.

Feng Qingyang glanced at the Yellow Crane Daoist lightly, his eyes sharp and unmatched. He naturally understood what the Yellow Crane Daoist thought, but there was still a flash of light in his palm, and an ancient jade bottle appeared and was thrown to The Yellow Crane Daoist.

"Tai Shang Jin Dan is here, I want the Tongtian Can!"

The light sprayed in Feng Qingyang's palm, and suddenly a magical rainbow came out of the sky, rolled up the Tongtian tank, and received it in the bag. Then Feng Qingyang didn't even look at the Yellow Crane Daoist, Tongtian Demon Saint and Muyuan Saint Zi et al. glanced around and swept away from the holy city of human races!

The Yellow Crane Daoist naturally did not stop him. He believed that Feng Qingyang could not lie to him. After receiving the Jade Bottle from the Treasure of Treasure, he opened and smelled the medicinal fragrance, and his face suddenly showed a very excited look.

It is indeed Jindan too!

The Yellow Crane Daoist looked at the Quartet alertly, even the stalls were no longer needed, and went directly to the depths of the holy city of human races.

"Humph! Let's go! Today Qingyang will die!"

Tongtian Yaosheng snorted coldly, glanced at the back of the Yellow Crane Daoist, and then rushed away from the holy city of the human race.

Although Tongtian Yaosheng thought that Tongtian jar was in Feng Qingyang's hand, it was already in his pocket, but the Yellow Crane Daoist fell on his face and still made him uncomfortable, but the battle with Feng Qingyang was imminent, He just remembered it in his heart, and later he asked Huang He Taoist to settle the account.

Surrounded by a group of genius strongmen, Tongtian Yaosheng and Shengyuan Muzi left the holy city of the human race together, chasing toward the wind and Qingyang.

The holy city of human races is boiling, and many strong men have rushed out of the city.

In the past few years since the election of the natural elections, although chaos has continued in the chaotic ancient land, many powerful people have fallen, but there are not many battles between the arrogant and powerful people in the three worlds, especially such a life-and-death showdown. It is extremely difficult to see.

Fengqingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng are both well-known in the holy city of the human race. This time, they are going to start a life and death battle outside the holy city of the human race. Naturally, many people are extremely shocked and expect.

The big showdown between Tianjiao may allow them to see the way to break the limit, so as to reach the top, accumulate strength, and compete for the ultimate chance and character!

"Qingyang should have been condensed with respect, and there should be no problem with the battle of Tongtian Yaosheng! But that Muyuan, with its strong strength, makes people see no depth!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, thinking secretly.

Ling Xiao was also full of murderous intent on Tongtian Yaosheng. He cut the avatar of Tongtian Yaosheng. He did not expect that Tongtian Yaosheng was so cruel. Even the followers of Qingyang and the disciples of Taishang Dao Palace did not let go. .

However, he did not immediately appear to look for Feng Qingyang, but rushed away from the holy city of human race, want to see the outcome of this battle and make a decision.

Even if he presses in secret, he can also ensure the safety of Feng Qingyang.

Outside the holy city of human races.

A rolling mountain, ancient and majestic, is like a sword straight into the sky, hidden in the chaotic clouds and exudes a majestic wildness.

Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng Lingkong face each other, their eyes are extremely cold, with murderous intentions, intertwined with each other, condensed into a substance, and even made a sound of clanking sounds, just like the sword is empty, Ling Li No match.

"Feng Qingyang, I really don't know where you come from. You dare to fight against this holy saint? But no matter what kind of hole cards you have, you will definitely die today!"

Tongtian Yaosheng sneered, his eyes cruel.

"Let's talk nonsense! Tongtian Yaosheng, you are doing a lot of evil, take your head today and pay tribute to my disciples in the Taoist palace!"

The wind and Qingyang's eyes were filled with coldness.


His breath was violent and blazing, and flames rose around him, as if forming a vast sea of ​​flames, so that the wind and Qingyang's momentum rose to the extreme, and the pressure swept the Quartet.

He is saving money, the more he hates the Tongtian Demon Saint, the calmer he will be.

"It's childish! Feng Qingyang, do you really think you are qualified to fight against this holy saint? I heard that you too have a talented female disciple named Jinse, who has a holy sacred body and waits for slaughter. After you, Ben Sheng went to capture the Jinse as the wife! Hahaha..."

The heavenly demon saint laughed incomparably.

His nature is cruel and cunning. The reason why he talks so much is not to do useless work, but to provoke Feng Qingyang and find the flaws in Feng Qingyang.

"Insult Jinshi Sister, you are looking for death!"

The murderous moment flashed in Feng Qingyang's eyes, and his terrifying momentum exploded in an instant!


Ling Xiao, who was watching the battle below, was also cold-eyed. He didn't expect that Tongtian Yaosheng was actually staring at Jinse, and it made him kill in his heart. He almost couldn't help but shoot Tongtian Yaosheng.

However, Feng Qingyang is faster.


In the void, the sea of ​​fire rises, and behind the wind and Qingyang there seems to be a hot sun rising, and then burst suddenly, the endless flame attached to the silver war gun in his hand, and suddenly the sky was facing towards the sky. Tong Tian Yao Sheng's eyebrows shot.

The flames of war speared away, and the silver war armor on Feng Qingyang's body was dazzling. His anger and murderous intention boiled in his eyes, and he shot a full shot!


The violent shock of the void, the spears bloomed, like lightning, and the eyebrows of the heavenly demon Saint will be penetrated almost instantly.

"Come well!"

Tongtian Yaosheng sneered~ stood up in an instant, the speed was so extreme that it turned into thousands of afterimages in the void.

Feng Qingyang's guns penetrated through the afterimages, but it seemed to have lost the breath of the heavenly demon saint.

A black blood light bloomed in the void, like heaven and earth were divided into two halves. , Directly towards Feng Qingyang's head.


The wind and the Qingyang eyes flashed, and the silver war gun in the hand came up against the sky, and suddenly collided with the ghost head knife, and it burst into an extremely blazing light, so that the surrounding earth was shaking violently! ..

"Huh? Did you condense your respect?"

There was a slightly surprised voice from Tongtian Yaosheng, and his figure flew out of the sky!

In this encounter, he immediately discovered the changes in Feng Qingyang's body. Feng Qingyang's strength increased greatly, and the sky's guns were sharp and unmatched, as if he could penetrate everything, so that Tongtian Yaosheng instantly discovered Feng Qingyang's repair. For has broken through!

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