Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2093: Holy Art!


The wind and the Qingyang eyes were cold, the blazing flames rose around him, and nine bright suns appeared behind him.

Feng Qingyang directly exhibited the solar power, surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, as if this void was covered by a fiery flame, and all vitality should be turned into powder.


There was a dignified color in Tongtian Yaosheng's eyes. He could feel that after Qing Qingyang condensed the venerable master, his strength greatly increased. At this moment, he exerted Sun Tiangong, which made him feel a great threat.

He was holding a ghost-headed knife, and the whole person spun up like a gyro. The blades were fierce and unmatched, and the wind was angry, like a ghost crying and howling, exuding a cold wind that was extremely cold.

Just like the collision of Zhiyang and Zhiyin, Fengqingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng's fierce battle in the void is like two bright divine storms. Each collision makes the world and earth shake, and the void roars.

The wild mountains below tremble, as if they can't stand the battle between Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng.


A black blade of light cut across the sky, Feng Qingyang moved to dodge, the blade of light fell, and directly cut off a huge mountain. The terrifying sword turned the towering ancient trees above the mountain into powder. Like a terrible storm.


Feng Qingyang’s silver war pierced the heart of Tongtian Yaosheng like a silver lightning bolt. Tongtian Yaosheng resisted with a ghost head knife, and a burst of gold and iron clashes erupted. The earth trembles and cracks like a spider web.

The speed of Fengqingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng are extremely fast, just like the spirit ape is flying in the sky, and it is like a tiger and leopard fighting. Every blow is terrifying.

Both of them are the strongest in the world, and the power of the law of the Dao is between their shots, and the destructive power can be imagined.

The people around were staring at the battle between Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng, and their eyes were full of amazing expressions.

"Is this the Tianjiao big showdown? The momentum is terrifying!"

Someone said pale, although it was far away, but the momentum still scared him a little.

"Unexpectedly, Feng Qingyang could have reached such a level with the Tongtian Demon Jihad! Was he really breaking through?"

"It's very possible! I heard that Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng had fought before, but the result was defeat. Now it seems that he is likely to be ashamed! Maybe Tongtian Yaosheng will be defeated!"

"Defeat the Tongtian Demon Saint? How can it be so easy! Do you think Shengmu Yuanyuan really looks at the lively failure? Because of his relationship with the Tongtian Demon Saint, if the Tongtian Demon Saint is invincible, he will definitely shoot!"

"Feng Qingyang, no matter how strong he is, cannot be the opponent of the two great arrogances! It seems that he is destined to be defeated, what a pity..."

Everyone's looks were different, and they were speculating on the outcome of this battle, but when they saw the indifferent look of Shengyuan Muyuan, they were all slightly trembling in their hearts, and began to feel some sympathy.

"This celestial demon Saint is indeed very strong! Feng Qingyang wants to defeat him, I am afraid it is not so easy!"

Ling Xiao stood on top of a mountain, staring at the war between Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Yaosheng and thinking.

He can feel that the strength of Tongtian Yaosheng is extremely strong, and Feng Qingyang has just condensed the respect, and Shan Xiuwei may be weaker than Tongtian Yaosheng.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can always feel that Tongtian Yaosheng seems to have hidden strength, and there is a kind of palpitation power in his body.


The breath of Feng Qingyang's whole body has risen to the extreme, his murderous intention boiling in his eyes, just like the substance, he suddenly screamed.


The blazing flames all around him burst into flames and turned into a fierce rune in the void, intertwined with each other, as if a million soldiers were formed in an instant. Suppressed towards the Heavenly Demon Saint.

The wind and the Qingyang seemed to be the center of the storm. The hundreds of millions of magical soldiers were all transformed by the law of the avenue. The surrounding mountains were suddenly blown into powder. The most fundamental force.

This is the forbidden magical holy method of Taishang Dao Palace. Feng Qingyang can feel the power of Tongtian Yaosheng, so he cast this forbidden technique without hesitation!

The Tongtian Demon Saint is located in the center of the hundreds of millions of soldiers, and was completely submerged almost instantly!

The wind and the sun are cold and cold, as if I don’t want to give the Tongtian Yaosheng a chance to survive. After burying the Tongtian Yaosheng with the Divine Soldier Holy Law, the silver spear in my hand penetrates the void and turns into a million invaders in the void Shadow, shot at the location of Tongtian Yaosheng!


A huge mountain exploded, the rocks flew across the sky, the divine light was thin, only to see the blood flash in the void, the heavenly demon saint seemed to be directly torn into the powder by the magical holy method and the silver spear of Qingqingyang.

"What a horrible holy law!"

Someone exclaimed, and could not help but take a breath of breath. The hundreds of millions of magical soldiers have the supreme power in almost every blow. The horrible fluctuation of the magical holy law makes everyone watching around feel Heart palpitations.

"Could it be that the Tongtian Yaosheng was killed by Feng Qingyang?"

Some people were shocked in their hearts, but they didn't expect to win or lose so quickly.

"No! That's not the Heavenly Demon Saint, the Heavenly Demon Saint... there!"

Suddenly, some people's eyes flashed, and suddenly looked behind Feng Qingyang.


The blazing divine light four sides of the world were shaking, in the endless chaotic fog, the body and blood of the heavenly demon Holy Week were blurred, but the eyes were full of monstrous murderous intentions, a chain of **** order gods Shooting from the sky in his body, he instantly wrapped around Feng Qingyang's limbs and neck.

The Tongtian demon saint is extremely bright and bloody, holding a huge ghost head knife, exuding a roaring wind, and slashing down toward the wind and Qingyang.

"Feng Qingyang, I didn't expect you to have become a holy dharma?! But today you still have to die!"

The voice of Tongtian Yaosheng was icy, and he shouted angrily.

He didn't even think that Feng Qingyang had forced him to such a point. The Divine Soldiers were all practiced by Feng Qingyang. If he didn't hide fast, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

His speed reached the extreme, falling from above nine days, the black demon light rising around him, the ghost head knife exuded a disturbing sound of ghost crying wolf howling.

From above the ghost head knife, there was even a huge skull directly filled with ghost spirit, opened his mouth and swallowed toward the wind Qingyang.

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