Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: The true body of Heavenly Demon Saint!


Feng Qingyang's complexion changed slightly, he could feel that the chain of order gods wrapped around his limbs was extremely strong. It was not that he could break it in a while, and the speed of the Heavenly Demon Saint was too fast, he could only harden The power to bear this blow.

"The sun is open to the sky, the overcast is destroyed..."

Feng Qingyang shouted a loud voice, and the blazing light of his whole body sprayed out, forming a black and white color. Taking him as the core, a mysterious shadow of the Tai Chi figure appeared, rotating around him.


Feng Qingyang's breath soared, and the chain of order wrapped around him was instantly crushed by the shadow of the Tai Chi figure. Feng Qingyang's arms were pushed out horizontally, and the shadow of the Tai Chi figure rose up suddenly. Collided with a huge skull.

The sky's divine light erupted, like a volcanic eruption, a huge crack appeared in the huge skull, and finally it burst into a blast, and the ghost knife trembles violently, as if it is going to be from the sky Flying away from the hand.


The Tai Chi figure blasted on the body of Tongtian Yaosheng, even letting the enchantment of his whole body spray thinly, the whole person staggered, his face became extremely pale, and a mouthful of blood was suddenly spurted from his mouth.

Tongtian Yaosheng was injured for the first time!

The phantom shadow of the Tai Chi figure, filled with mysterious runes, intertwined with the light of the law, is like the incarnation of the Avenue, as if it has great lethality to the Heavenly Demon Saint, making his injury somewhat irreversible.

The celestial demon Saint was covered in flesh and blood, as if he was being delayed, it looked extremely miserable!

"Feng Qingyang, you **** it!"

The roar of the heavenly demon saint roared, the black light around the body sprayed out, the fierce breath broke out, and the eyes were full of **** murderous intentions.


In the dark mist of the sky, the breath of the heavenly demon swelled instantly, and it became a giant monster, ancient and fierce, as if it were an ancient evil beast awakening!

"Tongtian Yaosheng was forced to such a point by Feng Qingyang, and the body appeared directly?"

Everyone could not help but exclaimed, and there was a shocked look in their eyes.

I saw that in the void, the giant monster was shrouded in chaos, the whole body was as dark as ink, the coat was shiny and shiny, and the hair was as sharp as a steel needle. It had an extremely ugly face, a pair of The eyes are full of bloodthirsty and crazy killing opportunities.

This monster looks like a huge mouse!

"This is... the ancient wilderness, the xenophobia!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he said to himself with some surprise, he directly recognized the origin of the heavenly demon body.

Tongtian rats are ancient alien species, claiming to be able to pass through the world, with superb powers, not only possessing speed, can travel through the void, but also can swallow gold and jade to melt all things.

No wonder that Tongtian Yaosheng has such a name, the original body is the Tongtian mouse.


In the void, the omnipotent tall rat is hidden in the chaotic mist. A pair of eyes is like a blood moon, full of cold killing intent, and an extremely sharp sound wave erupts out of the mouth, coming straight into the wind and the Qingyang.

At the same time, its sharp claws shot horizontally, like a huge mountain.

After transcending the ontology, the breath of Tongtian Yaosheng has multiplied several times, making everyone around him feel shocked and pale.

Feng Qingyang's face also changed, holding a silver spear and rushing to the sky, trying to block the huge claws of the Heavenly Demon Saint, but that horrible sound wave was invisible and intangible, but it contained a very powerful lethal force, let him I couldn't help but stumble, the speed became much slower.


Feng Qingyang even took a spear and was directly shot down by the Tongtian mouse from the void, and shot a mountain below into powder.

boom! boom! boom!

Tongtian mouse did not give Feng Qingyang any chance to respond. His shot was like lightning, and the speed was almost extreme. The sharp claws kept falling, causing Feng Qingyang to tremble all over, and he coughed up blood in his mouth. He also suffered a lot of injuries. .

"You die for me!"

Tongtian mouse directly grabbed Feng Qingyang, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and exposed the white and sharp teeth, it was necessary to completely kill Feng Qingyang.

"Tai Chi is true to me, it's the same as ever, open it to me!"

Feng Qingyang's face was extremely pale, but his eyes were extremely fierce. He screamed in his mouth, his mysterious breath rose, and the black and white Taiji figure appeared again, wrapping him up.

This is the atheistic technique in the Taishang Taoist palace. Although Feng Qingyang only realized a little fur, it was extremely powerful at the moment.

The sharp teeth of the Tongtian Mouse can no longer fall, and the black and white Taiji figure slowly rotates, only to see a flicker of blood, and the teeth of the Tongtian Mouse have all been broken.


Although Feng Qingyang's face was pale, his eyes were extremely bright, the Tai Chi figure was shining brightly, and there was a lot of light, a rune was filled, and the laws of the road were blooming, making the Tai Chi figure like a bright sun. Suppressed towards Tongtianshu.

Feng Qingyang urged atheism, and the mysterious Tai Chi figure seemed to be able to melt everything, causing the Tongtian mouse to tremble violently, as if facing the Huanghuang Tianwei, the surrounding space was blocked and could not escape at all.

Roar! Roar!

The celestial rat roared a few times, the breath of horror spread out thinly, the blazing divine light bloomed, and it exerted various powerful methods, but there was no way to break the Taiji figure, only to watch the Taiji figure toward it. He suppressed it!

"Tongtian Yaosheng is about to be suppressed by Feng Qingyang!"

Someone exclaimed, and a look of great shock appeared in his eyes.

The fierce majesty, the inexorable heavenly demon sage, should be suppressed by Feng Qingyang in this way?


Suddenly, there is a mysterious rune blooming in the vast and ancient law of the avenue comes down, containing all the volatile waves of annihilation, and finally interwoven into a mysterious symbol, it seems to be hidden in In the void, invisible and immaterial, it turned into a very mysterious cursing force, and flew towards the wind and Qingyang instantly.

The cursing force entered Feng Qingyang's body almost instantly.

Feng Qingyang is urging Tai Chi at all times. He wanted to suppress Feng Qing. He didn't expect that someone would attack him behind him, and he could not help but tremble with a sudden spit of blood!

The Tai Chi picture he controlled suddenly shivered violently, as if to break apart at any time!


Feng Qingyang's eyes are full of anger and killing intentions, staring at the far away Shengyuan Muzi said.

The power of this curse comes from Shengyuan Muyuan, which caused Feng Qingyang to be hit hard at a critical moment! ..

PS: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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