Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: 1 defeat the demon Saint!

"Are you... Ling Xiao?"

Tongtian Yaosheng was shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed a monstrous anger and killing intention.

After Ling Xiao no longer hides his breath, he instantly recognized it. The peerless young man in front of him was the one who cut him off and robbed him of Jin Dan, the longevity of Jin Dan!

"Ling Xiao, you... you broke through?"

After Feng Qingyang saw Ling Xiao, his eyes were full of surprises.

He could see that Ling Xiao's injury was not only completely healed, but also broke through to the nine-turn half-sacred state. Ling Xiao, who was seriously injured, was able to defeat him, and beheaded the Tongtian Demon Saint's avatar, now Ling Xiao How powerful is the society?

Feng Qingyang's heart is full of confidence.

"It's a lucky break! You are too irritable, and someone besieges you, why do you have to die with them? As long as you save your life, you will be able to take revenge sooner or later!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his expression was very calm.

"It's they who deceive people too much! Ling Xiao, Tong Tian Yao Sheng this evil animal is not a worry, but Muyuan's double pupil supernatural power is claimed to have the power to open the sky, you need to be careful!"

Feng Qingyang said with a solemn expression.

"Relax, they can't go away today!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, his expression was extremely calm, and there seemed to be a fiery sharp flash in his eyes.

"Ling Xiao, you cut me off and seized my longevity Jin Dan, today you will take your life to pay it back!"

Tongtian Yaosheng shouted, his eyes full of fierce killing intent, and he couldn't help but instantly flew towards Ling Xiao.

As the so-called enemies met, they were extremely jealous. The most hated thing in the heavenly demon saint's heart was Ling Xiao. His avatar and the longevity Jin Dan, which was finally refined, were all destroyed in Ling Xiao's hands, making people hate. Crazy, I can't break Ling Xiao's body into pieces.


He was surrounded by enchanting light, and the ghost-headed knife in his hand erupted into a blazing glow, like the wind and the wind, the ghost crying and howling, and suddenly fell towards Lingxiao.

"court death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, the whole body was bloody, and the chaotic gas diffused out, so that his momentum became extremely terrifying, and a fist seal fell across the sky towards the Heavenly Demon Saint!


The void suddenly broke open, and Ling Xiao's fist broke out with the ultimate power, as if to open the world again, and put everything in chaos, containing an immortal and eternal power.

This breakthrough was not only a breakthrough for Ling Xiao's cultivation, but more importantly, his physical body was tempered by chaos and reached a state of great success.

Chaos is so great that Ling Xiao has a kind of unpredictable divinity between his hands and feet.

Although the light of the ghost head knife was fierce, but in front of Ling Xiao's fist, they were annihilated, and finally the fist print directly blasted on the ghost head knife, so that the ghost head knife bloomed brightly. The light began to tremble violently.


Tongtian Yaosheng's face changed greatly, only to feel an unstoppable force struck him, causing his arms to tremble violently, even the ghost head knife could not hold it, and flew out directly.

"How can you...?"

The eyes of Tongtian Yaosheng are full of unbelievable expressions. Ling Xiao has only nine-turned half-sacred cultivation, but the power of the flesh makes him feel the whole body tremble, as if it were a supreme holy beast in ancient times. The power of heaven and earth.

But the person in front of him is obviously just a human race, how can the body be so strong?


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, his fists were like dragons, and after the collapse of the ghost-headed sword, the vast chaotic fist was suppressed relentlessly, as if wrapped in the power of three thousand worlds, he could suppress everything.

Tongtian Yaosheng couldn't dodge, his face was extremely ugly, he could only stretch his arms strenuously, and a terrifying demon light broke out to block Ling Xiao's punch.


I only heard a clear voice ringing, the arms of Tongtian Yaosheng were suddenly broken, the flesh and blood were filled, and the white bones were exposed, which looked very miserable.

Tongtian Yaosheng screamed and flew out directly, hitting a mountain in the distance and smashing that mountain!

Everyone was shocked and completely shocked.

The unstoppable celestial demon saint was defeated by Ling Xiao in one move.

Ling Xiao just took a punch, unstoppable, possessing the invincible power to suppress the peerless, and turned the arms of the Heavenly Demon Saint into the powder!

The body of Tongtian Yaosheng is Tongtian mouse, but it is an ancient alien, which was originally very powerful, but now it is defeated by a human race with the power of the flesh, making everyone feel like they are in a dream.

"Why is this Lingxiao so strong?"

"He only has the cultivation practice of the nine-turn half-sage, and he is able to retrograde and defeat the Tongtian demon sage. This talent is too terrifying!"

"Yes! If he was promoted to the three heavens, wouldn't he be able to sweep across many Tianjiao, compared with Master Tianzi?"

"It's terrifying! It's unbelievable that the human race has such a natural pride! I don't know who he really is, is it also the ancient pride?"

Everyone was talking about it, guessing Ling Xiao's identity, and was shocked by the outcome of this battle.

"Unbearable! Shengzi Muyuan, don't you plan to avenge him?"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, no matter whether Tongtian Yaosheng was dead or alive, he didn't look at it again, his eyes fell on the body of Shengyuan Muyuan, and said with a smile.

The fist of Heavenly Emperor just now seemed to be an understatement, but it was Ling Xiao who condensed his strength around him, but it was a shocking blow from the incomparable and powerful momentum he accumulated. It is impossible to lose so miserable.

However, the result of the Fist of Heavenly Emperor is also shocking enough ~ ~ At least everyone has been frightened, even the eyes of Shengmu Muyuan are dignified.

"Ling Xiao? The name is very strange. Although I don't know who you are, are you sure you want to shoot for Feng Qingyang? Your physical body is really strong, but you don't understand what is the real power!"

Shengyuan Muyuan looked directly at Ling Xiao and said that his eyes were deep and profound.

"Oh? Then do you know what is the real power? I really want to see, how strong is the Tianzizong's Shengyuan Muzi!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

For hypocrites like Muyuan, he always had no good feelings. He just published what Muyuan did, and Qing Qingyang almost died in Muyuan's hands.

"Are you sure you want to offend my Heavenly Mantra? Believe me, the result is not what you can bear! Ling Xiao, I think you have good strength, why do you have to mix with wastes like Feng Qingyang? Why don't you trust me, I pass you No magic, how?

Shengyuan Muyuan smiled indifferently. (https://)

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