Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2097: Battle of Mumu!

"No magic art?"

Someone exclaimed, suddenly showing a very hot look in his eyes.

I didn’t think that in order to attract Ling Xiao, Shengmu Muyuan even gave up even the atheistic technique, knowing that the apocalyptic technique contains extreme dignity, possesses the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, and can be retrogradely slaughtered, so that the fighting force is violent. increase.

The strength of Feng Qingyang and Tongtian Demon Saint is like a difference, but because Feng Qingyang has a non-God technique, it almost kills the Tongtian Demon Saint Town. The power of no **** technique can be imagined!

"Godlessness? Muyuan, why don't you trust me and be my servant, I will tell you that there is no God's Sutra?"

Ling Xiao raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

Atheism is only a supernatural power, but the atheism contains the ultimate power of the great emperor, which contains many powerful imperial techniques, the value of which is even more inestimable.

"No God Sutra? You are really not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!"

Shengyuan Muyuan's face sank and sneered.

He naturally didn’t think that Ling Xiao would have a Godless scripture. After all, the inheritance of the Supreme Emperor was extremely precious. Even if he didn’t get the Godless scripture, in the holy city of the entire human race, if there are people without God’s scripture, I am afraid there will be only Lord Tianzi.

He thought Ling Xiao was taking him away, and he felt angry in his heart.


Shengzi Muyuan's whole body was full of light and mysterious symbols flashed, making his whole person's breath even more misty, as if it was hidden in the heavens and earth, and blended with the Avenue.

Although knowing that Ling Xiao's physical body is very strong, Shengyuan Muyuan still has enough confidence to defeat Ling Xiao. After all, the power of the curse he cultivates is intangible and intangible, and he can destroy everything from the inside and annihilate everything.

"Less nonsense! If you want to fight, fight now. Today, Tianzong Zong starts from you, and be destroyed!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and his eyes were fierce.

The golden energy of his whole body rises like a dazzling divine glow. It contains vast and terrifying power fluctuations. The chaotic atmosphere is filled, making him look like a peerless and invincible young heavenly emperor, able to suppress everything.


Ling Xiao stepped on the void, the earth violently thundered, and the sky of the sky suddenly exploded. He was like a dazzling meteor, and he shot towards the Muyuanyuan son.

A golden fist print is vast and mighty, traversing hundreds of millions of voids, and has the power to destroy everything!

Ling Xiao took the lead! ..

"Ten Thousand Swords!"

His eyes were dazzling and dazzling, as if there was a trace of chaos in his eyes. His expression was indifferent and he sighed softly in his mouth.

In the flash of the sky, sword qi intertwined, and hundreds of thousands of collisions turned into thousands of unmatched sword qi, slashing towards Ling Xiao.

The sword qi is invisible and immaterial, but it is transformed by the power of pure law, and it contains the power to penetrate everything.

"Trick and worm!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, there was no sign of dodge at all, the blazing divine light around him, the Jinxia seemed to turn into a golden vortex.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Those sword qi stings on Ling Xiao's body, and even made the sound of gold and iron fighting, as if it was blocked by an invisible enchantment, there is no way to break Ling Xiao's defense.


His whole body was as **** as the sea, surging and surging, making Ling Xiao's momentum more frightening, and the golden fist print reached the front of Muyuan Shengzi almost instantly.

"Yu Tian Man!"

Shengyuan Muyuan's expression was still indifferent. He took a whisper in his mouth, and a rune rose around him, condensing into a mysterious starry sky in front of him, as if he could cover everything.

Ling Xiao's fist print exploded in that starry sky, shaking the Sifang sky dome, the stars in the sky seemed to fall down, but it seemed that he had pulled away hundreds of millions of miles from Shengyuan Muyuan and was cut off by time and space.


The light flashed in the palm of Shengmu Shengzi, and a gleaming scepter appeared, which looked like a glazed crystal, intertwined with mysterious runes of law, and contained a vast power of curse.

"Forbidden Mantra!"

The eyes of Shengyuan Muzi became deeper and deeper, and the scepter in his palm was a little toward Lingxiao, and suddenly a rune rose in the emptiness of the Quartet, as if turning into a mysterious world in the void, Ling Ling was imprisoned. among them.

There is only eternal darkness and death, without any light and color, and there is no way to feel the passage of time and space, as if even oneself will be forgotten.

"Give me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, and suddenly his body and blood boiled like a flame, and the strength of the whole body gathered on the fist and suddenly burst into the endless void!


Chaos filled the air, the vast chaotic fist has the earth-sharpening power, and suddenly broke the dark world of the sky, and the blazing light reappeared in Ling Xiao's eyes.

Ling Xiao's breath rose around the body, stepping on the move of the secret technique, and instantly moved hundreds of millions of voids, and killed towards the Muziyuan Son standing there!


Ling Xiao punched like a dragon, and the vast boxing intention could destroy everything, and instantly came to the front of Muyuan Shengzi, and then bombarded him, making him a fan!

"Huh? Afterimage?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and found that this was not the real body of Shengyuan Muzi, not even the avatar, but only a residual image of a condensed magic spell.


After this remnant was smashed by Ling Xiao, the blazing divine light rose suddenly, and a mysterious symbol quietly drilled into Ling Xiao's body, containing all the power fluctuations that broke.

That is the power of the curse, but the law of the avenue is coming, silently, and there is no way to dodge, and even can only watch it invade into its own body Big Breaking Curse! "

The figure of Shengyuan Muzi appeared in the distance in the distance, Sheng Xue in white, holding a scepter, the rune in the eyebrows was dazzling, and it looked like a supreme saint from the ancient times.

With a soft drink in his mouth, the rune that broke into Ling Xiao's body instantly shattered, and the vast law of the road was shattered, just like a broken storm was set to bring all vitality to a complete. Annihilation.

Although Ling Xiao's flesh is extremely powerful, the power of this curse is destroyed from the inside out, making Ling Xiao almost unbearable. The whole body tremored violently, even a crack appeared like a flesh. Break apart at any time.

"What?! Is Ling Xiao defeated?"

Everyone was shocked, and there was a shocked look in their eyes.

The power of the curse of the Heavenly Mantra is too horrible, hidden in the invisible, very strange, and unpredictable. Even Ling Xiao’s powerful body cannot bear it, as if it will collapse at any time!

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