Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Leave and track!

"Feng Qingyang, I am going to the demon holy city to find some old people. Do you know the location of the demon holy city?"

   Ling Xiao looked at Feng Qingyang and asked.

"Is it a holy city of demon races? It is not too far from the holy city of human races, but it belongs to a different space and needs to travel through the void. There are many dangerous places on the way. There is nothing wrong with me. I will take you to the holy city. City!"

   Feng Qingyang thought about it.

   The ancient chaotic land is a very vast land, but 108 holy cities do not belong to the same space. If there is no definite coordinates or someone leads the way, it is easy to get lost in chaos and find no direction.

   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang left the holy city of the human race together, preparing to go to the holy city of the demon race.

   Just when Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang just left the holy city of the human race, in a hidden mountain villa.

   "The two elders of Qi Jun, Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang have left the Qingyang Pavilion and left the city!"

  A woman who looks very ordinary, knelt respectfully and knelt in front of two white-haired old men.

  The two old men with white hair, one in white robes and one in black robes, had a strong and unmatched breath, and the whole body was filled with a faint divine power, and the eyes were full of coldness and murder.

   "Did you leave the holy city of the human race so quickly? How can it be so easy to escape? They must pay their lives for Makbara!"

   said the old man in white robe coldly.

   "Fortunately, we have already prepared, knowing that these two people dare not stay in the holy city of human race for a long time! They dare to leave the holy city of human race, it is convenient for us to act!"

   said the old man in black robe sneered.

   "I will inform the Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng, let them intercept Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang, and this time let them die without burial!"

  Said the old man in white robe murderously.

He and the old man in the black robe are both saints of the Heavenly Mantra, and they have since retreated into the chaotic ancient land. At this moment, they have returned to the realm of the saints. The son of Muyuan was killed, making them both indignant and angry at Ling Xiao. I hate it to the extreme, I can't wait to break Ling Xiao's body into pieces.

   But it was not easy to work in the holy city of the human race, so they secretly hired dragon and tiger double holy, preparing to intercept Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang.

   "The two elders, Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang, are extremely powerful. I am afraid that they are not weaker than ordinary saints. The Dragon and Tiger Double Saints want to kill them. I am afraid it is not so easy?"

   The ordinary-looking woman said with some hesitation that she was a true disciple of Tian Zhouzong, good at concealing breath and whereabouts, and was sent to monitor Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang's every move.

"Relax! Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng are good at the combination of Dragon and Tiger. The two are united enough to sweep the Saints of the same rank, and they are extremely strong! Not to mention that they still have the cards that are enough for Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang to never turn over. Coupled with the decree of an emperor from the Heavenly Mantra, these two will die!"

   Old man in black robe sneered.

   "Emperor's Decree? When the Emperor Daowei comes out, Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang will indeed die!"

   The ordinary-looking woman sighed and nodded.

  This precious treasure of the Great Emperor’s Decree is a great killer, even enough to kill the saint, so it seems that I am afraid that Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang are really dying.

  The two great arrogances among the human races fell. I am afraid that the holy city of human races will set off a major earthquake again.


   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang did not know that the conspiracy against them had already begun.

  Even if he knew, Ling Xiao didn't care. Among the holy city of the entire human race, the only thing that could make him care was only Tianzi. Tianzong Zong was no longer within his consideration.

   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang left the holy city of human races and moved away in the direction of the holy city of demon races.

   Swoosh! Whoosh!

   Lingxiao and Fengqingyang are extremely fast. They have reached the state they are now in, and they can already perform the technique of large-scale movement of the void, travel through the void, tens of thousands of miles away, and see space as nothing.

   They left the vast and magnificent holy city of the human race, the surrounding chaos was filled with fog, the mountains below stretched, the rivers and rivers rushed, everything exudes an ancient and wild atmosphere.

   At the beginning, there was a faint light flashing around. After Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang didn't know how many miles they flew, a very dark area appeared in front of them.

There are mysterious mountains floating in chaos, huge stars desolate, without any breath of life, and even towering ancient trees rooted in the void, mysterious rivers floating in darkness, everything looks incomparable mysterious.

  I don't know why, Ling Xiao can feel the incomparable danger in this area, the terrible silence!

"Ling Xiao, this domain name is a land of nothingness. Everything you see in front of you may be real, or it may be a projection of hundreds of millions of miles. This place is full of danger and ignorance! But through the nothingness Earth, we can reach the holy city of demon races!"

   Feng Qingyang said slowly, his expression was a little solemn.

   "Void land? What's inside?"

   asked Ling Xiao's eyes.

"I am not very clear! Because I have tried in the ancient chaotic land in recent years, but I have not been to the holy city of demon races! It is said that the land of emptiness is a forbidden place, containing a very strange curse, if it is If you get a curse, you will become part of the land of nothingness, and there is no way to leave the land of nothingness!"

   Feng Qingyang shook his head and said.

   "Then let's see What is in this nihilistic land! Hmm? It seems that someone is following us?"

   Ling Xiao looked at the dark area in front of her and said, but suddenly the light flashed in his eyes, revealing a sharp edge.

   entered the ancient chaotic land, Ling Xiao's sense of consciousness became more and more acute, as if it was the function of fate secret and causal secret, so that he could see the dangers in the world.

   Ling Xiao felt vaguely that behind him and Qingqing Yang, it seemed that there were two extremely powerful breaths that were quietly chasing.

   "I don't feel any breath! But if someone is following us, I'm afraid it's the Tianzongzong people! Only they hate us, maybe the old things of the Tianzuzongzhao came in person!"

   Feng Qingyang said with some doubts.

   "It shouldn't be wrong, let's advance to the void! Let them be a surprise!"

   Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and immediately performed the sky-covering mystery technique. The whole person seemed to merge with the darkness around him, and instantly shot towards the void.

  Feng Qingyang also followed closely.

   After a moment, the place where Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang were originally flashed, and two figures appeared in an instant.

They were two young men with ruthless faces, strong and magnificent postures. They looked somewhat similar, like a pair of brothers, but the two people had very different breaths. One person looked very feminine and the other person had a very breath. 'S rage!

   (End of this chapter)

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